Chapter 18 - Sirius

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For the last hour or so, Sirius had been trying to start his letter to Juniper without achieving much

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For the last hour or so, Sirius had been trying to start his letter to Juniper without achieving much. Rolls and scraps of drafts were scattered through the wooden desk he had in his room, all with failed greeting attempts. He wanted it to be somewhat perfect, even if its content wouldn't be as pleasing as his trained cursive handwriting.

Dear Juniper,

No. Too simple.

Dear Miss Callister,

Excessively formal. Who was he writing to? The Minister of Magic herself?

My Dearest Juniper,

For Godric's sake, he'd been spending too much time with James. No. Just no.

Dear June,

Sirius sighed at the words on the parchment. They seemed fitting. Wishing he had something better to say, he began to write.

Dear June,

I expect this letter finds you well, and that your summer isn't as hideous as mine.

I will be concise, thus, I shall apologize first. I have been prohibited from setting a foot out of this house. In a way that is not in my knowledge, my loving mother found out about what happened with Snivellus last June, and has been severely affected by how I've mistreated a member of the Slytherin house, or as I might have forgotten (according to her), our family house. Therefore, I will not be able to meet you as we had arranged.

Captivity has been the chosen punishment for me this time. It, of course, includes lessons about how to unfriend blood traitor friends, Dark Magic brainwashing, and learn how to be a better son, or as my father says, 'being more like Regulus.'

I hope you can accept my apologies, and, on the other hand, accept weekly letters from me. I mentioned that I was going to be concise, but I can't help but bring up the fact that I was really looking forward to seeing you.

"Master Sirius," Kreacher's gnarly voice interrupted from the door. Sirius dropped the quill, ink splashing over his words.

"I was inspired," he grunted before turning to the elf. "What do you want?"

"Your presence is required downstairs," he informed. "Dinner is ready."

Sirius nodded, but did not move. Kreacher remained in the room, fixing his big eyes on him, waiting for his obedience. Sirius threw his head back dramatically. "Come on, get out!"

The elf dragged his feet out of the room with annoyance, grumbling under his breath. Sirius rushed a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. There was one thing that he dreaded more than being incapable of leaving the house, and that was mealtimes with his family.

Sirius stomped down the stairs and headed to the dining room, where a long, wooden table was set. At one end, his father was sitting with his eyes buried in a copy of the Daily Prophet. On the other side was his mother, already eating. Sirius slumped in his usual seat, in the middle of the left side, with Regulus right in front of him.

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