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"Zola, put on your shoes please" Derek said as he entered the kitchen of the dream house.

"But daddy, I don't wanna go to school" Zola whimpered

"Come on my brave girl, we need to go" Meredith said, fixing Zola's braids as she passed by

"Mama!" Bailey yelled as he ran towards Meredith

"Hey, big guy. You ready?" Meredith asked as she placed Bailey on her hip

"Let me take him" Derek said

"Stay with mommy" Bailey said as he clutched his tiny arms around Meredith's neck.

"Sorry, Derek" Meredith said with a sad expression before taking Bailey's jacket and shoes before putting them on

"Mommy? Can we have a tea party tonight?" Zola asked

"I think daddy wants to do that with you!"

"Daddy, you staying?" Zola asked unsure of the answer

"Yes, Zola and Bailey. I won't leave anymore" He said as he kissed Zola's forehead before handing her her tiny pink jacket

"Let's buckle them up so we can finally leave" Meredith sighed

"Where's Amy?" Derek asked

"She had a late shift" Meredith replied

"How did you handle all of this while I was in DC?" Derek asked

"I don't know either" She sighed and quickly put the kids in the car


"Can you pick up the kids tonight? I have a surgery planned with Callie and I won't finish before 5" Meredith asked Derek

"Yeah I can ask Amy to pick over my last surgery and I'll make the kids dinner."

"Thanks, Der" Meredith said as she kissed his lips "I really did miss you"

Meredith's pager went off and she quickly made her way to the ER

"Grey, can you take the patient in bed 3? Woman is complaining about stomach pain" Owen yelled

Meredith nodded and started working until she started to become very nauseous and turned away from her patient before throwing up in a trash can

"Grey, are you okay?" Jackson asked as he hurried over to her side

"Page Bailey to take over, will you?" Meredith said before throwing up even more when Alex passed them "Mer?"

"Just.. stomach bug" Meredith replied

"I'll take her to an on call room" Alex said before helping her up and supporting her weight in their way to an on call room

"Alex.. page Derek" Meredith said

"Mer, what's wrong?" Alex quickly asked her

"I'm late.. Derek and I are trying for another baby.. the vomiting, my period that isn't coming, my breasts feel sore.. I think I'm pregnant so I need my husband to find out with me because I'm terrified" Meredith rambled

"I'll page him" Alex said

After a couple of minutes, Derek ran into the on call room as he saw Meredith laying on her side on a bed with a bucket next to her.

"Hey, you okay? Are you sick? Can I do someth-"

"Derek, I think I'm pregnant so someone get me a stick to pee on or do some blood work but do something" She said already annoyed of Derek's hoovering

"You? Really?" Derek gasped before kissing her forehead

"Smart to pick my forehead instead of my mouth.. I need a toothbrush and a shower once my blood is to the lab" Meredith said while rolling her eyes

Meanwhile, Alex was already taking some blood samples of Meredith and brought them to the lab himself and gave them priority. Derek and Meredith would wait together. They cancelled their surgeries and let other doctors take over as they took the rest of the day off. They went to Derek's office and decided to take a shower together.

Meredith felt gross after all the vomiting and Derek wanted to join her under the warm water, declaring his love for her and sharing the hope they had that Meredith was indeed pregnant. He lowered his head and placed it on Meredith's flat stomach before whispering a few words.

"Derek, let's wait till we're sure" Meredith whispered, terrified of miscarrying. Bailey was their miracle baby, would it really be this easy to get another baby after years of trying to adopt and fertility drugs.

"Well, I can do some things to try to let you relax if you want?" Derek winked as his hands hugged Meredith's ass before rubbing her back all the way up to her neck.

"Hmm, I missed you and our showers so much" Meredith said as her left hand went through his wet hair before pulling a bit at it.


Derek and Meredith sat on the couch in Derek's office. Her head was in his lap and they were waiting for the results of the blood tests until Alex paged them. They quickly made their way to the PEDS floor and met Alex who led them into an examination room

"Congrats, guys. Meredith's you're pregnant" Alex smiled before pulling the two of them in a hug. "Want me to do your first ultrasound to see how far you are?" Alex asked

Meredith and Derek both nodded so she undressed her lower body and laid down on the table for the exam when Alex prepared everything

"So, Mer.. I think you're 8 weeks pregnant" Alex said as he carefully inspected everything

"8 weeks" Derek echoed

"Is everything okay? I know I'm high risk but I wanna make sure-" Meredith started but Alex interrupted "Mer, everything looks perfectly fine. I promise!"

"Let's hear the heartbeat!" Alex said after a couple of minutes.

While they heard the sound of their baby's heartbeat the two of them started tearing up.

Meredith smiled and Dereks lips met hers

"We're having another baby" Derek smiled

"We are having another baby" She giggled

"Okay, I'm gonna take a few prints for you. I'm done here, I'll see you in a couple of minutes." Alex said before leaving the room

"Hey, baby" Derek whispered as he laid his head on Meredith's stomach "We already love you so so much"

Meredith grabbed Derek's hand that was resting on her stomach and squeezed it.

"I love you and our family, so so much" Derek said and he kissed her stomach before moving to her lips and gently helping her up again. 

"Let's go home and spend the day together" Meredith suggested

"Great plan" Derek said

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