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"Derek, please, I don't wanna do this" Meredith sighed

"Mer, come on. You're 28 weeks now, we can't bring you our or girl in danger"

"Derek, we're gonna be fine" Meredith sighed

"Mer, just a few days under observation. You'll get the iron IV and in two days you can return home"

"I don't wanna stay in the hospital" Meredith started crying

"Oh, Mer" Derek whispered and walked over to her and held her close

"I hate these pregnancy hormones and I hate my body. Why can't I have a normal pregnancy?!" She started yelling and her fists hit Derek's chest

"Shh, Mer. I don't have to work the upcoming two days, me and the kids can stay with you during the day. We can play games or watch tv.." Derek told her and kept rubbing her back while her belly was poking his own stomach

"I.. I don't.. wanna be.. alone.. I.. I'm so.. scared" She kept sobbing

"Mer, you won't be alone. Alex already promised me he would stay with you during the first night and I'll stay the second, okay?"

Meredith nodded and Derek helped her back to the couch. She laid down and closed her eyes. Derek kissed her forehead and decided to walk towards their bedroom to start packing.

"Daddy!!" Zola yelled as she entered her parent's bedroom

"Hi, Zo! What's up?" Derek asked as Bailey ran in too


"Hey, little man"

"Daddy, can we stay with mommy in the hosbibal?" Zola asked

"In the hospital? Of course, Zo. Go pack a bag with some toys"

"I want my pink pajamas!" Zola yelled

"Zola, we're gonna sleep here, in our own bed while mommy stays in the hospital"

"Nooo!" Bailey started crying

"Hey, it's just like when mommy has a night shift" Derek explained

"No! I wanna stay with mommy" Zola started pouting too

"Hey, mommy and the baby need some rest for now. The doctors are gonna keep an eye on both of them" Derek kept explaining

"Why can't we stay?" Zola asked

"Because the doctors need to do their jobs"

"Kay" Zola and Bailey said and with a sad expression on their face they left the room

Derek kept packing Meredith's bag until he was sure he had everything she needed and returned downstairs where he saw Zola and Bailey cuddled around the sleepy form of Meredith.

Derek made sandwiches for all of them and placed them on the table in front of the couch before he woke them up

"Sandwich!" Bailey yelled, immediately waking up Zola and Meredith

"Hmm.." Meredith groaned

"Let's eat before we leave" Derek said and helped Meredith up who was struggling with her belly while surrounded by the kids.


'Take me home" Meredith groaned as Derek parked the car in the parking lot

"Mer, I'm sorry" Derek sighed

"At least let me walk" Meredith begged

Derek was considering this and decided to go along with Meredith.

Derek got out and started to unbuckle Bailey while Meredith started to help Zola out

"Mer, I'll do it" Derek offered

"Dere, stop! I'm not disabled!" Meredith snapped "Oh god, I'm sorry" Meredith now started crying "Stupid hormones" She muttered

"Mommy?" Zola asked as she started to hug her mother's legs

"I'm sorry, I.. I didn't wanna snap at daddy" Meredith said looking at the two kids

"Mer" Derek sighed and held his wife close

"I feel so worthless" She whispered as her head was resting in the crook of Derek's neck, her belly a bit in the way, making this hug a bit awkward

"Hey, you're almost there. We just want to protect you and the baby"

"I know" Meredith sighed

"Let's go inside" Derek said and put his arm around her waist. Bailey in his other arm while Zola held Meredith's hand.

The family made their way to the OB floor and found Addison

"Hi, guys!" She smiled

"Mommy needs to stay in the hosbibal, are you the doctor?" Bailey asked her

"Yes, I'm gonna take care of your mommy and your baby sister" Addison smiled

"Is sissy coming today?" Zola asked

"No, sweetie. It will be a bit before she'll come. Why don't you help me settle in your mommy so she can rest?" Addison offered

"Yes!" Both kids yelled

"Okay, room 1223 will be your momma's room. Can you bring her there? Then I'll be there as soon as possible"

"Come, mommy!" Zola and Bailey ran off trying to find the room with a bit help of Derek and Meredith

"Seems like they're enjoying running around in the hospital" Derek smiled

"Yeah.." Meredith sighed, distracted and craving to be back at work again

"Mommy!! This the room?" Zola asked

"Yes, sweetie! Both of you did great" Meredith laughed

"Cmon, mommy!" Bailey grabbed her hand and led her inside

"I don't need a hospital gown, right?" Meredith asked

"I'm sorry but for now, yes. At least until we're done with tests" Addison said as she walked into the room with a hospital gown and some other supplies

"Great" She rolled her eyes


"My turn!" Zola yelled

The family was playing a boardgame and although Meredith fell asleep halfway, the kids and Derek still had fun.

"Hey" Alex said as he entered the room

"Shh! Mommy's sleeping!" Bailey pointed at Meredith

Alex laughed a bit and sat down on one of the other chairs

"I won!" Bailey yelled, accidentally waking up Meredith

"Hmm.. I guess Bails won" She moaned as she sat up

"Hey" Alex said as he took a seat on the foot end of her bed

"Hi, how's everything going here?"

"We started a new project, similar to the one we did when you adopted Zola" Alex told her

"Amazing" Meredith smiled

"How's the baby?" Alex asked

"Kicking and making me so tired" Meredith smiled

"I think Addison will give you the Iron IV in a bit. You'll feel better tomorrow"

"I hope so" Meredith sighed

After a bit, Addison came in with the supplies to start the IV on Meredith

"Are you ready?" Addison asked as she prepped everything

"I guess so" Meredith sighed

AN // I expected to update sooner but exams and personal life are slowly killing me, sorry!  If anyone has any suggestions for the story, please let me know!

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