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"Zozo, Bails, mom and I have something to tell you" Derek said as they all set down on the couch

"Mommy has a baby in her belly, that means you'll get another sibling" Meredith told them and while her and Derek's hands were resting on her slightly swollen stomach.

"Baby bwother?" Bailey asked

"No, bud. Seems like the girls are winning. You guys will get a baby sister" Derek told them with a big smile on his face

"Yes! A baby sister!" Zola yelled and hung her arms around Meredith's neck "Can we see her?"

"Well, we have a picture of her in my belly" Meredith said as she took out the print of the ultrasound and started explaining

"She's still very small and has to stay inside my belly for another 5 months" Meredith said

"Can we feel the baby?" Zola asked

"I do but it will be a bit before you can feel her kicking. She needs to grow a bit more but you can hold your hand against my belly" Meredith smiled

"Kicking?" Bailey with a feared expression

"Hey, bud. Babies in mommy's belly will kick but that's a good thing, it doesn't hurt. You did it too when you were in mommy's belly"

"It doesn't hurt? Don't say that in 4 to 5 months" Meredith laughed

"Meredith leaned back on the couch and the kids showed their interest in Meredith's belly so she lifted up her shirt. Zola was the first one to start touching it and Bailey followed by running his small finger on her skin

"So here's the baby?" Zola asked again

"Yes, there's your baby sister" Derek smiled

"Me big bwother?" Bailey asked

"Yes, Bails. Zola's your big sister and you'll be the big brother of this little baby. But we'll have to be a bit gentle with mommy the upcoming months" Derek explained

"Mommy, I wanna pway with the baby" Bailey said

"Well for now you can talk to the baby if you want" Meredith said as her fingers went trough Bailey's blonde hair

"Hi, I really wanna pway with you and Zozo" Bailey said as he laid his head down on her small bump, followed by Zola's hand "We can do tea parties! Daddy can we?"

"Of course we can! What do you think about a tea party this afternoon?" Derek suggested

"Yes!" Zola yelled

"They're adorable" Meredith smiled and Derek kissed her lips

"Tea party now!" Zola yelled and got up to prepare everything

"What do you think, Bails. Shall we join sissy and daddy?" Meredith asked

"Yes!" Bailey said and got up himself

Derek standing up too followed by Meredith "Mer, sit down. We'll get everything ready but enjoy sitting down for a while" Derek said with a wink

Usually Meredith would fight back and insist that she's fine to get up but she was tired. Her body, taking care of two human beings, was tired and she would accept this offer.


"Derek, I need bigger scrubs" Meredith complained

"Here" Derek said and handed her a bigger size. Her belly was pushing against the fabric and she wasn't comfortable so she took the ones Derek gave her and changed quickly.

"Okay so just go in and tell everyone?" Meredith asked.

Today they would tell their friends. It has been a week since they told the kids and they kept rubbing her stomach and Zola wanted to tell the baby a story before she went to bed.

"We'll page them to the conference room and tell them" Derek smiled and put his hand around her waist and pulled her in for a deep and passionate kiss "I love you and our baby"

"We love you too" Meredith said and kissed him again before making their way to the conference room.

"Hey, what's up?" Callie said as she entered the conference room followed by the others

"Who's dying?" Jackson asked

Meredith and Derek laughed a bit and waited till everyone had entered the room before they would reveal the news. Alex was the only one who knew about this and they called Cristina yesterday to tell her.

"We're expanding" Meredith said

"Grey, talk in full sentences" Bailey said

"Mer and I are expecting another baby" Derek said and the others started clapping and talking before everyone gave them a hug and congratulated them.


Meredith got paged 911 and was on her way running towards the ER. She was exhausted and she was supposed to be off in half an hour but this seemed to be a long day.

"Mer? You got paged too?" Alex asked as Meredith reached the ambulance bay, her hand resting on her now 18 weeks pregnant belly.

"Yeah" She sighed as she tried to catch her breath.

"Tired?" Alex asked

Meredith nodded "I'm so tired" She sighed again closing her eyes for a few seconds

"Someone page Bailey" Alex yelled

"What?" Meredith asked

"Mer, go home! Be with your family and give yourself some rest. Addison said you had to slow down" Alex said and held his hand on her shoulder

"Thanks, Alex!" Meredith said and smiled warmly at him before she turned around, putting off her gloves and walking toward the resident lounge to change clothes.

With much effort she changed clothes and went to daycare to pick up Zola and Bailey before they drove home.

Derek wouldn't be home in the next 2 hours as it was still afternoon so she installed herself and the kids on the couch with some snacks while watching a movie. She felt some small kicks and she smiled when she realised her baby's kicks were getting stronger.

It didn't take long before Meredith and Bailey started to doze off while Zola happily enjoyed the movie.

AN // Sorry it took 6 days to update I was very busy but here you go!

Also what an amazing news about the future of Grey's! I'm so exited and hey, Krista! If you're reading this please hire me! I need the money and I have amazing ideas hahaha ;-)

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