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Addison hooked up Meredith to the IV "You should be done in a few hours" She smiled

Meredith gave Addison a smile back and thanked her

"Mommy! Look!" Zola showed her drawing to Meredith

"It's beautiful, Zo" Meredith yawned

"Rest, Mer. I'll stay with the kids" Alex said "Shep, go get yourself some coffee, you look terrible" Alex said

"Thanks Karev" Derek rolled his eyes "Do you want me to stay here? I can if you want" Derek asked Meredith

"Go" She smiled "I'm not going anywhere

Derek left the room and Meredith soon fell asleep

The kids were playing a board game with Alex

"Bailey, no!" Zola yelled which caused Meredith to wake up

"What?" She quickly sat up

"Sorry, mommy" Zola looked innocent at Meredith

"It's okay, Zozo" Meredith said and turned on her side, trying to find a comfortable position in the uncomfortable bed

Minutes went by and Meredith couldn't fall asleep. She was exhausted. Derek walked in and noticed her stirring form.

"Hey, shouldn't you rest?" He asked

"I hate these beds" Meredith whined

"I know" Derek said and climbed in next to her, allowing her to use him as her pillow, soon enough she was sound asleep

"Daddy?" Bailey climbed up the chair next to the bed

"What's up little man?" Derek asked as he turned his head to look at his son

"I got 'at for mommy" He said and handed Derek a card

"Mommy will love it!" Derek said

Bailey laughed and climbed down again, making his way back to Alex and Zola. Derek gently climbed out of the bed and started playing with the kids.

"I'll quickly go grab us some coffee" Alex said

Derek nodded as Alex left the room. Addison walked in and noticed the IV was done. She undid Meredith from the Iron IV and placed fluids instead to keep Meredith hydrated when she noticed how Zola was checking everything she did

"Hey, that's cool, isn't it?" Addison said against Zola

Zola nodded and carefully made her way over to the bed, gently climbing on it and checking everything Addison does.

Addison was explaining how the machine on Meredith's stomach worked "And here you can see your baby sister" She showed Zola "This is her finger, look she's pointing at something"

Derek was smiling. He was grateful to have Addison on Meredith's case and it was nice to see that all of them had their own lives and shared no hate.

"I wanna be a doctor too!" Zola smiled

"I not" Bailey said "Race cars" He smiled

"Oh, you wanna race like in Cars?" Addison asked


"My son Henry likes Cars too" Addison told Bailey

"I don't! I like Moana" Zola said

"We can watch a movie tonight with mommy. Maybe Brave? That's mommy's favourite" Derek suggested

"Yes!" Both kids yelled and Meredith stirred again but regaining sleep immediately

"Damn, she's a good sleeper" Addison laughed

"She was but it all changed when we got the kids. Seems like she's really exhausted" Derek said, his sad eyes looking at his wife

"Hopefully she'll feel better soon after this IV. Otherwise we'll do another round tomorrow" Addison said and walked out of the room, smiling a final time at the kids

"Daddy? Can you read us a story?" Zola asked

"You up for it, bud?" Derek asked Bailey

"Yas!" Bailey laughed

Derek got up to grab one of their books when Alex returned with coffee

"Here, Shep" Alex offered Derek the cup of coffee.

Derek sat down, sipping his coffee. The kids curled up against him while they read the story.


The kids were curled up in Derek's lap, still reading the book all together and Alex had left the room for a while

Meredith started stirring

"I think mommy is waking up!" Derek said

"Mommy!" The kids said and san towards the bed and tried to make their way up the bed

"Hmm.." Meredith groaned before she clutched her stomach. The monitors started beeping and soon enough, Addison ran in "What's happening?" She asked

Derek quickly grabbed the kids and got out of the way from nurses running in

"Mama!" Zola yelled

"Shh" Derek said and felt frozen

"Braxton hicks" Addison yelled

"It's way too early" Derek gasped

Alex ran in "Shep give me the kids. I'll take them to the cafeteria. You'll be here for Mer" Alex said, Derek nodded.

Addison and the nurses did everything to stop them and wanted to avoid Meredith going into preterm labour.

Derek walked over to Meredith and caresses her hair out of her face "You and our baby will be fine" He whispered in her ear

Meredith stayed pretty calm, probably because she felt dizzy from the treatment earlier today

"Okay, we got it under control. We're gonna keep monitoring you but for now she'll stay inside a bit longer" Addison assured them

"Thanks" Meredith whispered

"You sure the baby's fine?" Derek asked

"Derek, I promise. Both Meredith and the baby are fine. These were just braxton hicks, nothing to worry about for now" Addison said and gave them a small smile "I'll be back in half an hour. I'll keep an eye on you myself"

Meredith smiled back

"You gotta stop giving us a hard time" Derek laughed as he talked against Meredith's stomach, a few tears escaping his eyes

"Lay with us" Meredith said

Derek climbed in the bed

"I hope I didn't scare the kids" Meredith whispered

"We'll talk to them. Sleep a bit more" Derek said and kissed her lips

"I love you" Meredith said

"I love you too" 

AN // Okay both my stories have been updated today, hope you liked it! But I could really use some ideas for this story. I think I won't make this too long but depends on how much inspiration I'll get hahaha! Have a nice day

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