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Meredith and Derek made their way back to the hospital. Addison called them and asked them to come in. Meredith called Alex and asked him to watch the kids.

The two of them were very anxious and made their way to the hospital in silence. No words were exchanged. Derek held Meredith's hand and didn't want to let go. When Derek parked the car the two of them shared a terrified expression, scared of what news they would receive, scared for their little girl.

Meredith's hand was resting protectively on her belly and they made their way inside the hospital. Both their heads slightly turned down to the ground, trying to avoid any small talks. When they finally entered the elevator, they were relieved no one else was inside

"Derek.." Meredith's voice was cracking

"Don't panic yet. Maybe it's not that important" Derek stepped closer to Meredith and placed his hands on her waist. She rested her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, trying to keep calm and avoid a mental breakdown.

When they arrived on the OB floor they immediately saw Addison waiting for them. Their hands clutched in each other while they stepped closer and closer to Addison.

"Meredith, Derek. Thanks for coming so soon. Let's go to my office" Addison suggested

Meredith didn't move as if she was totally zoned out

"Meredith, it's no bad news. You just have to come and we'll talk about it but I promise you, your little girl will be fine"

By hearing these words Meredith finally started thinking straight again.

They entered Addison's office and sat down on the chairs. Addison immediately started talking "Meredith, the blood work showed that you're having anaemia. As you know that's not life threatening but we need to keep an eye on it.

"But I'm already on an iron-rich diet?"

"Yes, but for now I'm gonna give you iron tablets. If it doesn't give the effect we want, then I'll give you an Iron IV but because you're only 24 weeks I see no problems yet. She's small, that's probably because of the anaemia."

"Isn't premature delivery a common problem with anaemia?" Meredith asked

"Yes, but that's usually if we discover it later in the pregnancy. Don't worry, Meredith. We caught this right on time"

"Are you sure?" Meredith asked

"I'm sure. Do you want me to perform a new ultrasound? Would that give you a safer feeling?" Addison asked and both Meredith and Derek nodded.

The three walked to an examination room and Meredith started to undress with a little help from Derek as her belly was annoying her.

"Okay, here she is" Additson turned the ultrasound machine towards them and Meredith and Derek both were smiling while watching.


"Mer, go sit down I'll start making dinner" Derek said as they entered the house

"Hey, guys. The kids are playing in Zola's room. Want me to go get them?"

"No it's fine" Meredith said as she sat down on the couch with a bit help of Alex to place some pillows behind her back

"How has it been?" Alex asked

"Anaemia" Meredith sighed

"So an iron-rich diet?" Alex asked

"I was already on an iron-rich diet so Addison suggested to take iron tablets for now and hope it will work otherwise an iron IV and I really want to avoid that"

"Alex, you staying for dinner?" Derek asked

"Can Jo come too? She's off in 30 minutes"

"Of course" Derek said and returned back to the kitchen

"Thanks for watching the kids" Meredith said

"No problem, Mer. Take a nap while I call Jo and check on Shep and the kids" Alex said as he noticed Meredith's eyes started drooping

Meredith nodded and laid down a bit more before starting to snore.


"Thanks for dinner!" Jo said as she and Alex walked out of the house

"Thanks again for watching the kids" Derek said

"Take care of Mer and call us if we can help" Alex said before they left

"I will!" Derek said and closed the door

Meredith was asleep on the couch so Derek decided to ask the kids if they wanted to join them to watch a movie. The kids said yes and snuggled between Meredith and Derek. unconsciously, Meredith moved her arms around her kids who were resting against her.

Halfway through the movie, Meredith woke up again and Derek noticed it immediately

"Hey, sleepy head" Derek kissed her forehead as she woke up

"Hmm.. What time is it?" Meredith asked

"Almost 8" Derek said

"I slept that long?" Meredith asked, shocked

"Don't worry about it, seems like you needed it"

"I hate this" Meredith sighed

Derek moved Meredith a bit close to him as they continued watching the movie.


"Let's go to bed" Derek said

"Derek, you never go to bed that early" Meredith sighed

"I wanna be close to you and our baby so I'm coming with you to the bedroom and while you rest I'm gonna have a conversation with our daughter and warn her for boys" Derek laughed

"The good thing is that she calms down when she hears your voice so she'll stop kicking for a while"

"Let's go upstairs" Derek said and helped Meredith up. His hand was resting protectively on her back as they made their way to the bedroom. Checking one last time in Zola and Bailey their bedrooms

"I'm exhausted" Meredith said as she collapsed in the bed

After a couple of minutes, Meredith's snores filled the room

"Hey, baby. Are you being good for mommy? We can't wait to finally see you in a couple of months" Derek whispered while his head was resting on Meredith's stomach.

"Bailey and Zola can't wait to meet you. To be honest, I never thought we would have been able to get another child. I promise we'll do everything for you and your siblings" Derek said while his hand was now resting where the baby was softly kicking

"Don't give mommy a hard time, will ya? We love you" Derek said before laying down on his pillow, his hand still resting on Meredith's belly

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