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"I'm off at lunch so I'll pick up the kids" Meredith said as she handed a bowl of cereal to Zola and Bailey

"Don't you want some alone time? I can pick up the kids at 4 so you'll have the afternoon for yourself" Derek offered

"Derek, Addison said less hours of work, I can still take care of my kids" Meredith said, slight offended

"I know, Mer. But she also said no lifting and both Zola and Bailey need to be helped into the car"

"Derek, she said no heavy lifting" Meredith sighed and teared up

"Sorry, Mer" Derek walked over to Meredith and pressed a kiss on her lips before rubbing her belly "Sorry for making mommy upset" Derek whispered.

"It's just my hormones" Meredith said and pulled Derek into a hug


"Hey, ready to leave?" Derek asked Meredith when he ran into her way in his street clothes

"Derek? What's going on?" Meredith asked

"I took the rest of the day of-" Derek started

"Derek!" Meredith sighed

"No, Mer. I wanted to spend time with my whole family" Derek insisted and kissed her forehead. She sighed and they went into the elevator

"Your daughter doesn't stop from kicking me" Meredith pushed Derek a little

"Now she's mine?"

"When she behaves bad she's all yours" Meredith laughed

"Well she's gonna have your sassiness" Derek joked

Meredith rolled her eyes as they reached their floor and walked towards daycare. The kids ran to their parents the second they saw them. Meredith lifted Bailey but winced and placed Bailey down again

"Mer?" Derek's voice full of fear, immediately moving to Meredith "What's wrong?"

"She just kicked me when I lifted Bailey, nothing bad" Meredith insisted

The kids looked terrified, especially Bailey.

"Bails. I'm so sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean to" Meredith said as she lowered herself

"You in pain?" Bailey asked innocent

"It's over, this was just your sister trying to say hi" Meredith smiled and pulled both kids in a hug

"Can we have ice cream?" Zola asked

"After dinner" Derek laughed and the happy family took off.


"Finally home" Meredith sighed as they entered the house and she collapsed on the couch. The kids ran off to the playroom and Derek sat down next to Meredith. Wanna listen to some music while resting here?" He offered

"Yes please" Meredith said and laid down on her side. Derek stood up and put on the music and grabbed her a blanket. "Here" He said and placed the warm and cosy blanket on top of Meredith and tucked her in.

Derek decided to make dinner after they spend the whole afternoon shopping for the kids and the new baby. Meredith was exhausted and the kids were still bouncing and running around

"Mer" Derek whispered as he gently shook her awake "Dinner is almost ready"

"Hmm.. I'm gonna get the kids and let them wash their hands" She said as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and made her way to the kids' playroom.


Meredith and Derek were changing the kids into their pajamas until Meredith felt a stabbing in her stomach and winced a bit

"Mer?" Derek immediately started hoovering

"I.. I don't know what happened" She stuttered

"Sit down. I'm gonna call Alex to watch the kids and I'm gonna call Addison to meet us in the hospital. I want you to get checked out" He said before leaving the room

"Mommy, awie?" Bailey asked

"Nothing special, Bails. Just the baby kicking again. Now both of you, go to your room. Daddy and I will tuck you in" Meredith said, trying to hide the fear she felt.

"Mer, Alex is coming. Are you ready to leave?" Derek asked her as he re-entered the bathroom

"Derek, we need to put the kids in bed before we leave, we might lose this one but we still have responsibilities to Zola and Bailey" Meredith said, looking at Derek

Derek walked towards Meredith who was sitting on the toilet. "Mer, we won't lose her. Addison is gonna check you out and everything will be fine" Derek assured her

"I'm gonna go tuck in the kids" Meredith said

Derek immediately stood up and helped her towards the kids rooms and let them say goodnight before they returned to the living room, waiting for Alex who arrived after a short while.

"Alex, call us if there's something"

"Don't worry guys, keep me updated!" He yelled as Derek and Meredith drove off


"Addison? Tell us that the baby is fine" Derek practically begged her while she was doing Meredith's ultrasound. Meredith was tearing up. Her eyes and brain were at war as they could not decide to keep looking or prepare herself for the upcoming disaster and look away from the screen.

"So far it looks okay. We're gonna listen to her heartbeat" Addison said and turned on the volume.

Derek and Meredith were both relieved by the sound of the baby's heartbeat

"What was wrong then?" Meredith asked

"Mer, I'm gonna ask you to quit working till after giving birth to this little girl. In fact I want you on bedrest for a while and then we'll re-evaluate"

Meredith sighed and Derek squeezed her hand "I'll cut back my hours so you won't be too bored" Derek told her

Meredith smiled at him, feeling relieved of the good news about their baby but also realizing this would be 20 other weeks of no surgeries.

"Everything for our little girl" Meredith smiled and wiped the gel of her bump and got up.

"She has a strong heartbeat so don't worry too much. I wanna see you once every one or two weeks to keep an eye on her and even if everything keeps looking fine I don't wanna take any risks. We need to keep her inside of you as long as possible, clear?" Addison asked

"Clear" Meredith confirmed and gave Addison a warm smile "Thanks, Addison!"

"You're welcome, guys" She smiled back at Meredith and Derek.

AN // If anyone has any ideas please let me know!

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