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"Okay, I'm getting her out now" Addison said as she took out the little baby "She's perfect. Let's clean her up so you can see her" Addison said as she gave the baby to Arizona, who was paged to look after the baby. Soon the room was filled with cries of their little baby

"Derek, go check on her" Meredith said

Derek kissed Meredith's forehead and stood up. He walked to the other side of the OR where they were examining the small girl.

"Mer.. she's perfect" Derek smiled "She's so small"

"I can't wait to see her" She smiled back

"Well, here she goes" Arizona said as she handed the baby to Derek

"Let's go meet your mommy" He whispered

"Hey, baby girl" Meredith whispered as she finally saw her youngest daughter

The little girl sneezed, which made Meredith and Derek laugh a bit

"Okay, Meredith. "We're gonna bring you to a nice room to settle down with your daughter" Addison said

"Thank you, Addison" Meredith thanked her

"It's my job, I-"

"No, really. Thank you!" Meredith repeated


"So, do you have a name for the little one" Addison smiled

"Yeah.. Ellis Alexandra Grey-Shepherd" Derek smiled, looking into Meredith's eyes

Meredith nodded. Baby Ellis was laying in her arms, sound asleep after being fed.

"Der, can you take her?" Meredith asked

"Of course" He smiled "Go and nap a bit" He said and kissed Meredith's forehead

"Hmm" She groaned as she tried to find a comfortable spot without ripping her sutures.

"And we're gonna have a little talk, young lady" Derek smiled at the little girl. "I don't want you to date before the age of 40."

The little girl swung her arms in the air

"Hey, don't have an attitude already" He laughed

Derek sat down on the chair next to Meredith's bed. Little Ellis fell asleep in a matter of seconds in Derek's protective arms. Regularly checking on Meredith's sleeping form while for the rest off the time only looking at how tiny his youngest daughter is

"Hey, Shep. The kids have been asking to see their sister" Alex said as he walked into the room

"Mer just fell asleep. Could you bring them over in two hours? So she can rest a bit more."

"Of course.. and let me check this little one" Alex said as he walked over when Derek placed her in his arms

"Hey, baby" He smiled


"Mommy!" Bailey and Zola yelled as they entered Meredith's hospital room

"Hi" She smiled at them

"Mommy!" They hugged Meredith as Derek helped them on the bed

Meredith winced in pain as Bailey accidentally bumped against her stomach.

"Sorry, mommy" Bailey's lip shivered "Mer, are you okay?" Derek took off the blanket and checked her incision

"I'm okay" She gave them a smile "Missed my babies" She said as she pulled both kids in her embrace

"Let's get the little one" Derek said and moved to the corner of the room to carry Ellis. He walked back to the bed and sat down "This is your sister" Derek said

"Her name is Ellis" Meredith kissed their heads

"She's small" Zola pointed out

"She is! So we have to be very careful with her" Derek said

The baby started crying and they knew she was hungry. Meredith loosened her gown and let the baby eat


"Mommy! Me hungy" Bailey cried out

"Daddy will be back soon" Meredith said

"Mommy? Hospital tv is boring" Zola said

Meredith laughed "I know! I hope we'll be home soon with you"

"Mommy you not home today?" Bailey asked

"No Bails. Me and Ellie have to stay here a few nights"

"No!" He started crying

"Hey, daddy will be home with you and Zola. You'll be able to stay up a bit longer"

"Mommy!" He started to throw a fit

"Bails, You can come back tomorrow" She said as Derek walked in

"What's wrong?" He asked as he put the bag of food on the table

"Bails is just throwing a fit" She replied as she tried to sit up a bit more but winced in pain

"Let me help you" Derek helped her getting comfortable

"Thanks" She said as she started to eat "I was starving" She laughed


"Mommy, when we're home I wanna show sissy my stuffies! We can play together!" Zola said

"I'm sure she'll love it, Zozo" Meredith smiled

"Come on, guys. We're going home" Derek smiled

"Bye, mommy!" Bailey yelled and gave her a kiss "Bye sissy"

"Love you mommy" Zola said "Bye Bye sissy!"

"Bye munchkins" Meredith waved at them

"I love you, Mer" Derek said and kissed her lips deep

"I love you too" She kissed him back

"And I love you, little one" Derek gave a kiss on Ellis' forehead

"Bye guys" Meredith waved at them as they left her room

 AN // Another update!!

I think I'll wrap this story up very soon if I don't get more inspiration for this one. Let me know what your thoughts are. Should I continue or just try and start a new one?

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