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Derek woke up and got out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake Meredith up.

"Hey, Zozo!" He said while entering Zola's room. She was playing with her dolls. "Why didn't you come and wake us up?"

"Mommy needs to rest" Zola smiled

"I'm gonna check on your brother" Derek said and went to Bailey's room. Bailey was snoring away. "You're like your mother" Derek laughed and gently woke Bailey up.

Derek got both kids ready and went back to their bedroom to check on Meredith

Meredith was still snoring so Derek decided to make the kids breakfast first. "A bowl of cereal for Bailey and oatmeal for Zola" Derek smiled and placed the bowls in front of the kids. He got some toast for Meredith and walked upstairs, finally waking up

"Hi" Meredith smiled when she noticed Derek standing at the door

"Hey, I got you some breakfast" He told her and placed the tray on her lap once she sat upright.

"Thanks" Meredith smiled and rubbed her belly before she started to eat

"Will you be fine today?"

"Derek, I've been on bedrest for 4 weeks, this annoys the shit out of me so stop reminding me" She gave him a stern look

"Well, this afternoon we have our appointment with Addison. Maybe she'll clear you to walk around a bit more?"

"I hope so" Meredith sighed and started crying "I'm sorry"

"Oh, Mer.. Baby, don't cry" Derek said and climbed on the bed to hold his wife close when the kids ran in "mama mama mama!"

The kids stopped in their tracks once they saw Meredith crying

"Mama okay?" Bailey asked

"I'm okay, just a few tears, nothing to worry about" Meredith smiled

"Kids, let's cuddle a bit with mommy" Derek suggested and the kids climbed on the bed and formed around Meredith.

"I felt sissy!" Bailey yelled

"I did too" Zola confirmed

"Is she giving you a hard time?" Derek asked Meredith

"Kicking like crazy. I think she likes the cuddles from her siblings" Meredith smiled

"Can she feel us?" Zola asked

"Not exactly but she can hear you" Meredith said while rubbing Bailey's back while his little head was resting on her belly.


"I'll be home in a few hours to pick you up so we can go to the hospital" Derek said while kissing all of them goodbye

"Bye daddy!" The kids yelled before returning to the playroom

"Be careful and enjoy surgery" Meredith winked

"Call me if the kids are giving you a hard time" Derek said

"We'll be fine, Der" Meredith assured him

"Munchkins?" Meredith yelled and the two kids ran in

"Momma?" Bailey asked holding hands with Zola

"Why don't we watch a movie together?" Meredith suggested

"Frozen!" Zola yelled

"Can we watch Brave too?" Bailey asked

"Of course we can!" Meredith said and opened her arms. Her kids cuddled in her arms and she held them close while opening Disney Plus.


Halfway through the second movie the kids and Meredith got hungry so she got up and made her way to the kitchen. She made sandwiches for her and the kids

"Mommy? Mommy!" Bailey ran in

"What's up, bud?"

"I wanna ride the ferry boat!" Bailey begged

"Let's ask daddy when he's home" Meredith said before turning back to the sandwiches and bringing them to the living room but Derek came in

"Mer?" Derek walked in

"Hi" She said innocent

"Why didn't you wait? I would have made lunch" Derek said while rubbing her belly

"Derek, I just made lunch for me and the kids"

"I know, Mer. C'mon let's go sit down" Derek said. Meredith collapsed on the couch.

"Daddy? Can Bailey and I see the baby too?" Zola asked

"Would you want to come with us?" Derek asked

"Yes!" Both kids yelled

"Okay, then you can come" Meredith giggled

"So when you're finished with your sandwich you both have to get yourself ready, okay?" Derek asked

"Okay, daddy" Both kids said and continued eating

"I'm so tired" Meredith sighed

"Take a nap in the car, when we get home you can go to bed. Were the kids tough to handle?"

"No.. We watched movies and I was sleep until this baby got hungry" Meredith laughed and pointed at her belly "I only made sandwiches"

"Let's ask Addison"


"Let's check on this little girl. Are you excited to see your little sister?" Addison asked Bailey and Zola who were sitting next to their mom

"When will she be here? I wanna play with her" Bailey said

"Well your mommy is now 24 weeks pregnant. So about 16 weeks to go" Addison explained

"So long?" Bailey's jaw almost hit the ground

"The baby is small, she needs to grow a bit more" Meredith said while rubbing his back

"I wanna see her" Bailey whimpered

"Here she is" Addison showed them the screen of the ultrasound machine

"Look! She's waving" Derek smiled

"Is she waving at us?" Zola asked

"I guess she knows that we're looking at her" Addison told them

Meredith smiled and let go of a small yawn.

"How's bedrest been going?" Addison asked

"Boring" Meredith sighed "I miss surgery so bad"

"We always watch movies with momma but she always asleep" Bailey laughed

"Meredith, I want to run some blood tests" Addison said

"Why?" Derek immediately asked

"Well, the baby looks fine but I don't wanna oversee anything"

"Mommy and sissy good?" Bailey asked

"Your mommy and your sister are doing very good" Addison smiled at the little boy

Meredith yawned again and Derek kissed her head

"I'm done here." Addison said and gave the blood work to a nurse

"Well, let's head home and while I prepare dinner you can rest" Derek said and helped Meredith sit up

"Daddy, can we help make the food?" Zola asked

"Of course" Derek smiled

"Thanks, Addison" Meredith smiled

"You're welcome. I'll call you when I have the results"

"Let's go then, thanks Addison" Derek said

"Thank you for taking care of my mommy and sissy" Bailey said

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