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"Mommy! 'mon!" Bailey yelled

Meredith was now 34 weeks pregnant. She was still low on iron but Addison allowed her to go home. She was even cleared for a daily walk outside of the house.

"Mommy!" Bailey's voice was heard again

"I'm coming" Meredith yelled as Derek helped her putting on her shoes

"They are very excited!" Derek laughed

"They are" Meredith giggled

Both Zola and Bailey ran into the room, screaming

"Mommy!!" Zola yelled

"Easy, kids. We're coming" Derek said

"I wanna show how high I can swing!" Zola said

"Can I make sandcas'le?" Bailey asked innocent

"Of course" Meredith smiled and got up, her left hand on her stomach, her right got grabbed by Zola

"No pulling mommy!" Derek reminded them

The kids lead Meredith outside and Derek followed them

"Daddaaaa" Bailey yelled as he jumped into Derek's arms

"You're clingy today" Derek laughed

"You tell me" Meredith said, pointing at Zola "And this little girl is giving me a hard time" Her other hand rubbing her belly

"Maybe you should sit down" Derek started hoovering

"Derek, I'm fine-" Meredith said as she felt liquid spreading down her thighs.

"Mer?" Derek asked and immediately ran over to Meredith

"My water just broke" She said


"It's too soon, she isn't ready! She's too small, I was supposed to carry her for at least another 2-4 weeks!

"Come on, let's clean you up and then we'll drive to the hospital." Derek a-said and led Meredith to the bathroom while he asked the kids to put on their coats and shoes.

Derek helped Meredith wash herself and change into clean sweats before they all got in the car. Derek helped the kids to buckle them in. On their way, Derek already called Bailey to announce that they were coming.

"Contraction" Meredith yelled as they reached the ER. Derek handed his keys to an intern and Jo and Alex took care of the kids while Meredith and Derek got to OB.

Addison was already waiting for them. "I'll give her some steroids for her lungs and I'll do an ultrasound." Addison announced and got out to get everything ready

Derek helped Meredith into the hospital gown and made her comfortable on the bed

"I want drugs. I want that epidural" Meredith said

"Addison already knows, she'll fix it soon" Derek said when she got another contraction and helped her getting through it

"This is the last baby!" She yelled "I hate your penis"

"You love my penis" He grinned

"Now I absolutely.. hate it!" She yelled

Addison returned with all the equipment and started her examination


Meredith had been in labor for the past 8 hours. Luckily, because of the drugs she was able to rest and sleep a bit. Derek being by her side the whole time

"I'm sorry, we'll have to wake her up to see how much she's dilated." Addison said as she walked in.

"Mer?" Derek woke her up

"Is it time?" She asked

"We'll check" Addison smiled

"You're almost ready" Addison smiled before leaving the room

"I can't wait to have her in our arms" Meredith smiled

"Me neither" Derek smiled and kissed her


"Meredith, I want you not to push. She's in the wrong position" Addison said

"So, a C-section?" Derek asked

Addison nodded her head "We'll keep an incubator ready, just for safety. She's still pretty small" Addison said to relax Meredith

"O-Okay" She stuttered

"You'll be fine" Derek said and kissed her head

"Okay, let's bring her to an OR. Let's get this little girl on the world" Addison said

"This was the last kid, Derek!" Meredith warned, making all of them laugh

"What if Bailey feels outranked?" Derek teased

"Then he'll have to find some more male friends but no more babies" She told him sternly

"Okay, Meredith. We're gonna scrub in while the nurses prep you" Addison said and she and Derek left to go scrubbing in

AN // Sorry, short chapter!! I'm so busy but tomorrow I have the day off so once I'm awake I'll try to update Leave a light on!!

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