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"We're finally going home" Meredith was talking to the little Ellis that was sleeping in her arms "Daddy will be here soon and then we can go home and just cuddle all day"

"I'm back! Did they discharge you already?" Derek asked

"Yes, me and Ellie were waiting for you" Meredith smiled

"Sorry, Amy called, asking when we would be home and then I ran into Bailey. She needed a quick consult-"

"Derek, we're okay" Meredith smiled "Can we go now?"

"I'll get a wheelchair" Derek said

"I can do it without!" Meredith protested

"No way, you had an emergency c section, it even hurts if you walk to the bathroom."

"Fine" Meredith rolled her eyes

Derek entered the room with the wheelchair and helped Meredith into it. As they walked through the halls of the hospital, people were congratulating them. Of course, Derek and Meredith were loved in Grey-Sloan Memorial but this proved all of that, again.

During the ride, Ellis slept the whole time so it gave Meredith and Derek some time to realise they were on their way home with their third child.

Meredith climbed out of the car and Derek carried Ellis in the carrier. "You ready?" Derek asked as both of them knew what was gonna happen

Meredith nodded and smiled before they walked into the house

Alex, Jo, Miranda, Bailey, Amelia and the kids were waiting for them to come home

"Thanks guys" Derek said and led Meredith to a chair so she could sit down as everyone was admiring Ellis.

"Mommy!" Bailey and Zola came running to her immediately.

"Hi! I missed you!" Meredith said, although it has only been one day since she saw them as they threw a fit that they wanted to see their mommy and sissy at least once a day.

"Sissy?" Bailey questioned

"She's with auntie Miranda, go take a look but be careful!" Meredith said and the kids ran away to the other side of the living room

"She's beautiful" Alex said as he took a seat next to Meredith

"She is" Meredith giggled

"She looks like you!" Alex pointed out

"Thanks, Alex" She smiled

"Want something to drink or eat? I can-"

"Alex, I'm good" She smiled "Go take your goddaughter in your arms, will you?"

"Goddaughter?" Alex questioned

"Yes, goddaughter" She laughed

"Is Shep okay with that? I mean if you-"

"Alex, Derek and I made this decision together." She smiled at him

"Thanks Mer!" He pulled her into a hug.

"Go" She laughed

"Going!" He said and ran off. In the distance, Meredith could hear him say "My godchild" And she smiled

"Isn't it perfect?" Derek said as he came closer to Meredith

"It is.. I'm so happy with our family


15 years later

"Mom! Can you bring me to school? I'm late" Ellis yelled

"Calm down. Yes I will, go put on your shoes."

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