Chapter 26~

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"Dylan. Just listen to me." I shoved my arm in the midst of the door shutting, as I bolted inside the room with him. Was he seriously about to leave me outside in the hallway?
"Listen to what Blair? All I ever asked you for is the truth and what? You couldn't trust me with it? With that stupid fucking detail?" He stood still, as I shook my head and struggled to keep my emotions under control. "Dylan, that's not true and you know it."
"Oh Blair but it is. See, I don't care why you two broke up, or why you suddenly decided to come here, but you told me that he cheated- he lied- he broke your heart. All I wanted to do was make sure you were okay, and that's why I asked you for the whole story, but not once could you trust me with it. Then, when I finally defend you in front of him, I find out that you did to me what you 'supposedly said' he did to you."
"I didn't cheat on you." I yelled as he kept his standing.
"Neither did he. But that doesn't change the fact that you lied to me- the way you said he did to you."
"Dylan, that's not fair. I didn't know what else to do."
I begged with a lump in my throat, and my arms in a fix.
"I didn't know- when I came here I thought he had kissed Charlotte. She made me believe he did, and that's why I broke up with him, and I didn't find out till I read the letter a few days ago. That's why I went to see him, but even then I didn't want him back and I told him that Dylan."
"That doesn't explain why you lied to me. Why couldn't you tell me the truth the second you found out?" His teeth grilled as my mouth blurted, in almost tears.
"Because I didn't want you to know that I flew all the way to London on a stupid hunch. I didn't want you thinking I was an idiot."
My lips ruffled against my instinct, as I panted and leapt away from his resentful expression.
"That's not an excuse."
"I know it's not, but I am really sorry." I softened my voice, as I pleaded my case for innocence- despite knowing I was wrong.
"I'll tell you from now on. I'll tell you everything. I was just confused about everything that happened. I didn't know how to react, which doesn't defend what I did, but I just had no idea how else to go about things."
"Okay." He responded as I turned my head up.
"I really am sorry," I added, as he nodded.
"I know you are Blair. It's just we're going to have to end this conversation here, because it's almost 8, and we have an internship to run to." He reminded me, as I shook my head and clenched my lips in. "Yeah. I forgot about that."
"So did I." He admitted as he glared at the clock.
"Shower and meet you in,10?" He confirmed, as my eyes blinked a 'yes.'
"Dylan, are you going to trust me again?"I let out, just before he was stepping into his room.
"You earn trust, Blair. Over time. Right now, it's gone."
"Okay." I swallowed, as he gave out.
"But I really hope that it doesn't stay that way."His words made me smile, as he left for his room, and I left for mine, as the entire morning sunk into me.
I didn't want to argue with Dylan, and I definitely did not want to complicate things with him before they even began, but alas here we were. I wondered how things got this out of hand, but after Tyler showed up, I should have expected things to be somewhat deranged before they got back to normal- what even was normal now? I sighed as I slid the coat off my body, and realized just how soaked my bra and shorts really were.
I complained to myself, as I tapped my fingers to unhook the backside, but as my eyes took a quick glance, I realized there was no towel.
"You're kidding me."
My fingers dropped, hooking it back on, as I hung my face, and paraded towards Dylan's room to once again trouble him with my nitty gritties.
Unfortunately, he wasn't in his room, and I hesitated before making my way to his bathroom door- that was semi open. I lay my head against it, as I called out his name, but all I heard was the shower running.
"Hey Dylan."
I vocalized, but my voice was hushed by the rushing water that continued to drip. I pinched my eyes shut, and peeped my head through the open gap, as I inhaled a breath of the steam emanating from the glass door, bringing me back to time I used his fancy glass shower.
I pulled a hand in, as I tried to reach the shelf where he kept his towels, without opening my eyes but all my fingertips traced was the air around the room. The echo of the gushing shower was still reaching my ears, which indicated that Dylan was unbothered. I took a deep breath, as I opened my eyes, and kept my vision away from the man in the shower while I took a scan of the room.
There was a beige towel on the top shelf, but to reach that I would have to step over the tiles.
My eyes rolled, as I caught my breath at the terrible mistake I had made. I had seen him, and it made my body cold. My tongue twisted the bottom of my lip, as a lecherous series shot through my already hectic mind, sending goosebumps down my spine and all the way to the edge of my finger tips, as I lost any sense of logic-of control- the way they had started to always do around him.
My fingers developed a responsiveness of their own, as they found their way to the grip of my bra, loosened it as it slipped, touching the marble floor, and did the same to my shorts. Within a split second of absurdity, I found myself inside the shower, with him just a foot away from me.
The water hadn't touched my skin yet, but before it even had the chance to comprehend what I had just gotten myself into, Dylan's eyes flew open.
The water seeped under his eyelids, as his pupil studied my entire figure in one glance, sending about a bazillion chills all over me.
His hand twisted around the shower handle, as he dilated the pressure of the enclosed cylinder, making me take a step towards him, as he clenched his fist and jaw simultaneously, forcing me to question my actions.
Shit! Was this a mistake? Was he going to ask me to leave? He had just told me he needed time and the first thing I did was strip in front of him? What was wrong with me?
My mind urged him to say something, as I grew anxious and somewhat insecure. There were over a dozen voices screaming absolute nonsense in my head, as my eyes almost broke staring into his.
"What happened here?" His lips finally let out, as the heat of his skin traced the scar around my stomach.
"That's the first thing you- say?" I breathed out, with every word of mine being trapped inside my mouth.
He smirked, as if he knew exactly what effect his incompetence was having on me. I didn't care how much he was enjoying it. It was starting to rapidly tear me up. I guess now I knew what he meant by me regretting the playful tone I had flaunted earlier.
"I asked you a question." He carefully tapped the tip of his fingers around only my abdomen area, as I urged for his touch to only go lower.
"It's a scar. I got it when I was little." I flustered, as an internal flush of emotions coated my conscience- if I ever had a conscience.
"It's beautiful."
He whispered, as his jaw loosened, his fingers reached my chin as they lifted me up.
"You're beautiful."
He leaned close and without temporizing, he pierced his lips against mine, as I hastily began to consume every inch of moisture that his drawingly temptatious lips had to offer.
He seemed to be in sync with my concupiscence, as he didn't flinch even once while devouring my mouth, turning our kiss into a need of the hour- as our breaths became a secondary concern.
My body grew tense under him, as I felt his figure intertwine in mine, with our skins thrusted against each other. It was passion, yet serenity all coming together, as my hands held his face while his lips tugged on my lower lip, pulling it enough for me to get lost in his eyes.
He turned the shower back on as his fingers glazed in an exquisite pattern from my waist down, making me moan his name inside his mouth. He then found his way to my cervix without any trouble, as my body quickly experienced an array of pleasure that I didn't even know was possible. His lips all the while remained intact in mine, as my mind grew lost in a battle of what was more diverting- the refined touch of his fingertips against my raw and needy clit, or the luscious taste of his tongue against my hunger driven mouth. He seemed to more than satisfy both, as my mind questioned on how something so simple could feel so incredible.
He drew his lips from my tongue, and brought the pleasure down to my neck, as my fingers wrapped themselves in a tug around his curls, with the temperature slowly gaining a rise, as our bodies became needier and needier towards the other.
His kisses followed the pattern over to my chest, as my heartbeat louder, while he tendered each of my breasts with the exact amount of devotion they required. It made my mouth echo out a series of words- that I would otherwise keep to myself- while he continued to nestle over my skin. His daunting moisture seeped lower, as he bent down, and my eyes lowered with him.
The authority in his eyes grew dark, as my legs fell to his needs, and released on his command. I didn't ever think a man's touch could feel so- drawing-possessing- loving- needing-but his fingers did- he did.
The water didn't pause, as it continued to flood my mouth, and run itself down my hair, all the while his tongue flawlessly found its way to my g spot, as it trickled down the flaps, and surrendered to the tight grip he held.
My instinctive hands began to tug on his hair, try and lessen the jolt I was feeling underneath, as he immediately realized my self-restraint on the situation but instead of stopping, continued to nibble into my exposed clitoris as he pleasured himself with the drips of liquid that began to ceaselessly flood his mouth.
"You taste incredible."
He exhaled under his breathless words, as his timeless lips reached over to my belly button while simultaneously allowing the excess seminal fluid to be washed down the drain. He had kissed me in places I didn't even know I could be kissed and the moments of lust were so intensely clocked that I had no more than a solitary second in between to take a breath of exhilaration- but that made it all the more desiring.
"Did you enjoy that love?"
He cuddled, as he reached back up, with a nibble on my collar bones as he asked a question he already knew the answer to.
"More than you know." I fed his ego as he intertwined our hands back together whilst making me sway my body in a calming direction.
"Maybe you're somewhat good at what you do." My fingers traced his chest, as he grumbled.
"You're making me sound like a prostitute of some sort."
"Mhm. I'd pay for you."I added, as that comment seemed to do wonders to his expression, as he grinned and fed on my skin one last time, as my thighs took charge and wrapped themselves around his navel.
"The shower isn't the best place for that." He pinned out, as I groaned in frustration, while he smirked a response.
"Patience, Blair. There's so much more I want to do to you before that."
"This wasn't enough?" I lifted my chin as his pupils dilated.
"This wasn't even the tip of the iceberg."
His tone deepened, as I raised my eyebrow, while his finger snuck its trace down my spine.
"Then show me the rest." I daunted but he seemed to refrain from giving in.
"In time." He whispered as he drew his touch over me, reaching my chin. It was almost like he shut his desires off, as he wandered to the sweeter part of his mind.
"You wanna try being cute for a while?"
He asked- out of the blue.
"Am I not already?" I scowled but didn't particularly argue with him.
Perhaps this was his way of being careful- or making me beg. But, that was okay because he had already touched me the way I wanted, leaving my mind with a raw feeling of ecstasy. That was enough- for now.
He turned the water flow off, wrapped his hands behind my waist, and drank up every one of the droplets that had surfaced on my skin. I cupped my fingers around his cheek, as he mumbled, "Shampoo?"
He pulled out a bottle and squished a spot of the foamy texture into the palm of his hand as I gave him a weird stare.
"You meant doing something cute?" I referred back to his question, as he nodded his head.
"You do know how to read my mind."
He subtly gave out, as I bit my lip.
"It's one of the things I love about you."
He admired, as he tied my hair in a pony, and allowed his cream filled hands to moisten the shampoo in a massage over my hair. He entangled them with his fingers, and then curved it into a bun, making me giggle in amusement.
After a few seconds of him rubbing my damp hair, I attempted to do the same to him. I stood on my tiptoes, as I rubbed the shampoo all over his curly hair, making it into a small-sized mohawk while he critiqued that it looked like a mop instead.
"Don't criticize my art."
I flattened my fingers onto his face, while the touch of sulfate accidentally reached his eyes.
I couldn't help but laugh as he flipped the water back on, washing away the remains of foam from his skin as I took a step toward and taunted him.
"You ruined the design,"
I whined as I smudged my coated index against his cheeks which made him cuddle me into his dripping body whilst I playfully ruined his hair, entangling it by my touch, tasting his chemical dripping lips as the water did its job of cleansing out our hair.
My lips animated a smile, as my fingers caressed his skin, while he kissed my cheek, and I felt his thick skin gradually throb underneath me. I hung my head under him, as his kisses paused on my neck, and with my hand in his hair, his fingers wrapped around my navel area and our bodies consumed each other as much as they could- without causing any irreversible damage- we stayed paralysed in that position, as the water seeping through did it's part in making sure the friction remained unscathable.
After rinsing our bodies, and realizing the water wrinkles had formulated around our fingers, we leapt out of the heated shower room. The cool air breeze against my body, as I hastily wrapped a towel around my upper chest, with him grinning in delight.
"What?" I asked as the polyester began to dry up my damp skin.
"You're cute when you're nervous."
He gave out, as I rolled my eyes and whispered that I needed to get my clothes.
My legs ran out of there as quickly as I could. I reached my room as I let the towel drop and without diving too much into our lustful moment, I changed into a pair of checkered pants, followed by a black tee.
I then ran a brush through my hair, concealed my love bites with moisturizer, and found the way back to Dylan's room where I saw him standing- slightly tensed- with his head on his phone.

"Hey." I peered inside, as he looked up.
"Hey back. We need to rush to the internship. Maya's losing her cool."
His words reminded me of our commitment, and I gasped.
"We're in trouble." I couldn't help but smirk, as he did the same, but hastily moved his feet.
"I blame you entirely." His lips condemned me, as I retaliated with a scowl. "By the way. I have a date with you, this evening."
"I don't remember agreeing to that." I startlingly asked, as he pecked my forehead and hovered his eyes right above mine, with his index holding my chin. "Oops. I think you just did."

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