Chapter 49

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~Dylan's POV~

"Maya I really can't come back right now." I rubbed off the lines on my forehead, as I argued with her for the 5th time this week. The basis of our conflict was simple: she needed me back in London, and I wasn't willing to budge.

Of course, her reasons were more than valid. I left during the last week of the internship, which was already unprofessional. Then, I promised her that I'd be back in the coming two days, which is another thing I backed out of. Allow me to fill you in.

It had now been a week and a half since I was stuck in Boston- not just Boston- but my parents house. My mother was obviously ecstatic over the idea, and showered me with maternal love all week. It started with homemade meals, and went all the way to giving my hair an oil massage. Weird, but I found it cute, and I figured she was enjoying the rare mother son bond, so I didn't push her away. But, saying that I was in Boston because of her would be a laugh.

I was in Boston because- frankly I didn't know. Or maybe I did and I just didn't want to admit it: I couldn't let Blair go.

I wasn't sure why I was feeling that way. I thought I had gotten my closure after that last night, but I hadn't. Something about her kept pulling me in, and it didn't sit right with me, knowing that for the first time in my life, I found something real and I fucked it up. I did try getting her out of my mind. I went to a bar- not the smartest idea, but it seemed rash at the moment- went on an entire night's drive as I toured the city and smoked half a packet on the edge of a cliff. I even immersed myself in work, as I submitted all the pending work before time- yet, I didn't bother going back.

I needed to. Despite the internship work being completed, Maya needed me there. I needed to be there. Andrew himself was coming back. My semester is about to start. I needed to go back. Yet I continued to let myself stay in this rut- yes. It was a rut, because while it was improving my relationship with my mother, my coldness towards my father remained as solid as Zeus's feud with Typhoon- I had been spending my hours reading up on mythology. Another weird thing I did to keep my mind off her.

"Dylan, it's been a week. Blair's gone. What could you possibly still be doing there?"Maya's words should have knocked some sense into me, but they didn't.

"I miss her." I admitted, as she sighed.

"Dylan. It brings me an unmatchable amount of joy seeing you be a hopeless romantic like the rest of us, but I'm telling you. Don't stay there any longer. It's not good for you. I love the two of you together, but you've tried, and it's time to come home."

She made sense, as always, and honestly I didn't know why I had gotten so addicted to this woman- but I had, and it was killing me from the inside. Not just because I missed her, but because I was in love with her. The thought nauseated me, but it was the truth. The cold, bloodsucking truth.

"Okay do me a favor."I gave out my last wish. "Mail this to her when you can."

I clicked send, as Maya received the email. Thankfully, she didn't ask what it was, and neither did I tell her.

I promised Maya that I'd be there- for real this time. But, like all my plans, I needed a detour first, and so with a foolish grin on my face, and the last shred of dignity that I had, I booked a flight to Florida. No plan, no motive. Just a senseless man driven by this rage to see her- Blair.

It was like an alcoholic that continued to face relapse, and every time he did, it seemed to get progressively worse. That's what it felt like, yet I didn't restrain myself from calling Lexi and telling her my move. I didn't stop as I ranted to my mother about how I was going to see her. I didn't pause to think twice when I booked a ticket. I didn't even hesitate to look back when I boarded the plane.

It was only when I reached the wretched town of Florida, and got into a cab with a 50 something old man- frail, drunk, unshaven beard- that I felt like this wasn't the right move. I felt as though I was sinking. I was stuck. I was swimming in quicksand. I was lost. I was deranged to think this was my path. But the second that realization hit, that very moment, fate rewrote itself in favor of my stubborn desires, binding me to this land forever.

"Watch out." I yelled, as the car crashed, and before I knew it.... It went black.

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