Chapter 7

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"Since one of them slipped into Tyler's pants."

These words had repeated in my head over a dozen times, and each time they did, it heightened my every nerve, making me want to practically smash the empty glass of whisky on the blonde bartender's head as she kept asking whether or not I wanted another drink.

No. No. I really don't.

I was a lot more focused on whatever the hell went down between Tyler and Blair.

He cheated on her? He actually hurt her like that? And it was so bad that she couldn't even bother to mouth the words.

"One of them slipped into Tyler's pants."

Why didn't she just straight up tell me that he fucked someone?

Because it hurt her that much to even say it..

Did she not trust that I'd have the appropriate reaction?

Or was it because she still had feelings for him?-shit- I knew that shouldn't matter to me, but it did.

A portion of it did.

I didn't like her- not like that at least.

Well, not anymore.

I had dealt with those feelings a long time ago

"Is that your girlfriend?"

The blonde serving the drinks finally asked, pointing in the direction of a pink fabricated cloth that was clinging onto the moving figure of an almost stripper, who was dancing on one of the tables.

"She's... uh- a friend."

I had to admit Blair looked sexy.

"No wonder you're so calm."

The lady parallel to me continued, but I maintained my gaze on Blair, as the crowd began to hoot.

What was this woman doing?

"No, I need to stop this."

"Let a girl have some fun."

The blonde spoke again.

"If you control her too much she'll just push you away."

I didn't really like it when people gave me unasked for advice, but she oddly made sense in the context of why Blair didn't tell me what Tyler did. Maybe she knew I'd overreact. But this -her stripping in front of a crowd wasn't something I was going to be complacent with. This was something she'd want me to intervene in.

"I'll remember that.. ?" I waited for the woman to tell me her name again.


She answered.

"Thanks, Em."

She seemed to like the nickname I had just given her, and with a smile, I made my way through the crowd and found myself at the overly packed table.

The blurry woman became somewhat clear as she swayed her body in the direction of the strangers. I could tell the other girls didn't like what she was doing since practically every guy's attention was on her and they were forced to step to the side whilst Blair took over.

That's my girl.

A grin appeared on the side of my face.

I didn't mind this. I wanted her to loosen up, and if dancing around a bunch of guys as they cheered her on, while the other professional dancers wailed in the corner because an audacious brunette stole their spotlight was the way Blair intended to have fun, then my mind could more than allow that. That was, if it only stays limited to dancing and nothing more...

It didn't take too long for cameras to flash out and the crowd to yell, 'take it off' as the strap of her dress began to slip off.

Okay. Now it was enough.

"Get down."

I screamed but she only let out a giggle, forcing me to get up on the table, grab her by the waist and swing her over my shoulder. The crowd bellowed in dissatisfaction but I simply walked out, with her punching my back as she began to rant away in her annoyed and dreary voice.

I exited the bar quicker than I've ever retreated from a night out. But there's a first for everything right?

The apartment was just down the street, so bearing the beating of her fragile knuckles for a couple minutes wasn't arduous. It was actually kind of appealing seeing her struggle, even while half her senses had been knocked out.

After a minute or two of walking as though I was kidnapping a human being, we finally reached the apartment, and as I walked in, I laid her on the bed that had once belonged to Andrew. My fingertips brushed against the strap of her dress as I lifted it back on to conceal her shoulders, and with that I draped the blanket over the rest of her body.

Her lips let out a complaint, as she spoke my name in a soft and tender voice, which prompted me to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"It's okay love."

I mumbled as I felt her fingertips intertwine in mine, followed by her eyelids falling shut. I couldn't help but stay by her side for a moment longer. She was really here, with me.

It was almost too surreal to accept. I didn't realize how much I missed her falling asleep in my arms till today. I mean once you stop seeing a person every day, the feelings of attachment go away right? Then how? After so long was it just as fascinating and wholesome as it was a year ago, if not more..

The rage I felt for Tyler almost immediately washed away, and was replaced by a sense of protection. I wouldn't hurt him if she didn't want me to, and I wouldn't bring up the topic if she wasn't comfortable opening up about it, but atleast with her here, I knew I could make sure he doesn't get his hands on her. That thought provided me with comfort as my frown eased into a satisfactory sigh.

I stayed there until I was sure she fell asleep but as soon as I got up to leave she arched up, with her hand over her mouth.


I rushed back to her.

"I'm gonna throw-"

The words barely left her mouth, when a gaggy voice came out of her. I helped her to the toilet where she instantly threw up.

Okay. This was disgusting.

So much for this moment being surreal.

My face almost gave out a gag itself as I pulled her hair back in a ponytail while she hurled, signaling me to leave. Despite her wish for me not to see this sight and my internal resentment to this predicament, I stayed with her until she got the will to get up and make her way to the sink.

"Are you okay?"

I asked but she seemed to ignore my comment, or maybe she was too tired to comprehend what I was saying as she splashed her face with water and gargled her mouth with the mouthwash on the side.

"I liked this dress."

Her hand pressed on the stain she had just caused as her eyes looked as though they were going to tear up.


I wrapped my hands around her waist and kissed her head, whilst I tried to ignore the vomiting scent as she buried her face into my chest.

"My little stripper."

I heard her let out a giggle and slightly punch my chest upon the nickname I uttered. The weight of her body then fell onto me, and her arms wrapped themselves like a snoring koala around my neck.

I lifted her thighs as they wrapped themselves around the back of my waist, while I paused and proceeded to take her to my room.

I decided to lay her down on my bed, in case she woke up again. But just as I was laying her body on the mattress, she nudged my shirt and dropped me down with her.

Damm, she's stronger than I thought.

I made a comment as she fluffed the pillow.

"No, we're cuddling."

She spoke in a soft, squeamish tone as her head rested on my chest and I felt her breathing soften, her body relax and her eyelids drift into a dream.

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