Chapter 12

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"Admit it." Dylan prompted me to agree, as we headed up the stairs of the apartment building.

"Yes. It was fun Dylan." I repeated truthfully, as I bit into the salted popcorn that I was holding onto so dearly.

"That doesn't sound very convincing." He replied, making me tilt my head, meeting his gaze, as I tiptoed my feet and whispered,

"It was the most incredible time of my life.

Happy?" I told him what he wanted to hear, but deep down, it was what I wanted to say as well.

It really had been an amazing few hours. We went from dissecting the lobster at the seafood place, to devouring desert, sneaking into a theater place- but getting kicked out within 5 minutes of us being there- which then led us to see the London eye, but we didn't actually go up all the way- line was crazy. Instead, we hung out by the water, bought some popcorn, and ridiculed every couple that was giving us PDA.

"Good girl."Dylan shot, making my stomach flutter against my will.

"God! Don't even-" I kept my smile in so as to not give him the satisfaction of uttering that word out of context.

"Don't what? Use that? It does something to you doesn't it?"

"Okay now you've officially crossed a line." I contained my glare, as he chuckled in response.

"That's your thing isn't it?"

"What?" I asked, as I immediately got my answer and retaliated. "Firstly, you shouldn't even be thinking of that." I clarified, but he clearly took no notice of my hindrance. "-And secondly, I wouldn't know. So if this is your way of rubbing it in my face, then please, find yourself a better hobby."

"But seeing you squirm is so delightful." He taunted, as I gave him my usual eye roll, and held onto the popcorn a little tighter than before, while making my way towards the apartment door.

"Someone has a love letter." My eyes widened, as I bit my lip to tease Dylan about the mail wrapped on the floor.

"Mhm. I was wondering how long it would take for one of my admirers to get jealous."He sighed, as I inquisitively frowned.

"Jealous?" I repeated.

"A girl is living with me. Obviously, they're going to feel betrayed." He blatantly stated, as I mimed a response.

"You're more egocentric than I thought."

"I always take that as a compliment." He accepted, as he bent down to pick up the mail. "I think this particular admirer is yours."He handed me the letter, as he pulled out his key, as I fiddled the envelope through my left hand, with the popcorn tub still in my right.

"Who's it from?" I inquired, aloud as we made our way inside the apartment- that now had the leftover aroma of pancakes, which I assumed was due to our reckless leaving of unwashed dishes.

"T. Ford." He muttered, as my lips grew numb.

"What?" He appeared just as concerned as I was- except my worry was troublesome, his was merely out of care.

"Nothing. That's- um- Lexi's family name. She probably mailed it from her grandmother's place."

I lied, as I huddled the tub onto the counter, and took a closer look at the letter.


I muttered in my head, as a crease formed on my forehead.

'Tyler Ford.'

'Why hadn't he just used his first name?'

I wondered but knew that that was the least of my concerns right now.

Why did he send me a letter in the first place?

"Okay. Have you spoken to her by the way?" Dylan asked, snapping me back."Since you've got here."

"No. But, I think I'll just do that right now." I pressed the parchment, as I tried to keep my legs straight, and my head in the right space- but it had already begun to conjure up a million different reasons as to why and how he had sent this letter?

There was no way that he knew that I lived here right? With Dylan. It would be creepy if he did have that information because right now, even Lexi had no idea.

"Great. Also, what do you want to order tonight?" Dylan continued to speak, as I looked up, with my fingers still intertwined over the parchment.

"Anything- What are you in the mood for?" I peered.

"I actually won't be eating here tonight." He sounded apologetic, as my eyes asked him to just tell me.

"I have dinner with a few friends- it's a last-minute thing, but I will most likely have to go."

"That's okay." I gave him a smile."You have fun, and I'll order in when I get hungry."

"You sure?" He confirmed, as I mouthed him a 'yes'.

"Alright." He grinned, as his phone buzzed almost simoltaneously, flashing a notification saying,

'Can't wait to see you tonight.'

I didn't mean to pry, but I could definitely tell that was from a girl- which I knew shouldn't matter to me, but for some reason it had started to. I wasn't going to admit that though.

"So it's kind of a dinner date." I teased, as he flushed.

"No. It's a friend."

"Sure. A friend." I brazenly repeated.

"I'm serious. It's not just me and her going out. It's a couple of people."

"I never thought you'd be into that." I joked as he tossed my comment aside.

"You need to control that mouth of yours."

His smile as he spoke those words, said it all.

You could tell me what to do with it.

I shoved that thought out and reprimanded him instead.

"There should be a line you know?" I picked myself back, but he was unbothered.

"You already have your rules."

"Which you refuse to follow," I complained.

"You like that I don't follow them." He pulled.

"Get ready for your dinner. Will you?" I shut his banter, but as always he needed to have the last word.

"Whatever you want, love." He smiled as I rolled my eyes and left the room- ignoring the very existence of the dreaded letter. 

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