Chapter 13

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| The Next Friday |

Nobody's POV
                   The whole of this week has been hell on earth for Sasha and Seth. They've been sharing a room while traveling for live events ONLY BECAUSE WWE paired them up. Boy did they live to regret that. Seth and Sasha haven't seen eye on almost everything since Seth asked her out for the second time. Seth would bring girls and screw them in the room and Sasha would find their bras. They had fights upon fights upon fights and they were not pretty.

Sasha's POV
                     I slept in Bayley's room last night because Seth has been the most annoying Human being ever. But my clothes are in our room so I have to go back. Ugh. I slid my card and opened the door and Seth was still sleeping so I sat on my side of the bed. But I felt something. I stood up and saw a black bra. So I pushed Seth off the bed.

Seth: You're insane
Sasha: I told you that if you're screwing girls in this room... DO NOT DO IT ON THE BED
Seth: I didn't screw anyone!
Sasha: Then why is there a Bra?!??
Seth: It's Yours!!!! You left it on the bed when you were changing last night!

Sasha thought about it for a second

Sasha: Oh
Seth: What has even been your problem
Sasha: You. You've been behaving like a dick
Seth: Me? I've been behaving like a dick? You're delusional. I've been your rag for the past few days
Sasha: Seth you wanted to change and now you went back to your old ways
Seth: Because what's the point in changing when I'm not good enough for "Some people"
Sasha: Salty ass
Seth: Shut up. I don't even want to share a room with you
Sasha: Do you think I want to? I stayed  in Bayleys' room for a reason.
Seth: ...I wonder what happened to us
Sasha: You happened to us.
Seth: Of course. All the blame on someone that's not you 😒 SOCIOPATH
Sasha: I'm going to go shower. We are leaving for the arena by 4 and we're going together so Get your shit straight
Seth: Yes my Wife 🙄
Sasha: We both know you dreamt that

                 Sasha gave him a smile before going into the bathroom to shower

Seth's POV
                    How it got this far... I have no idea. After all the teasing... it was just a game. She didn't like me. It hurt. It felt like I was getting played....... Yet I still love her. From head to toe. I caused the first few arguments and I guess I just have to fix them after the New Day gaming stuff. I really don't know what we're doing so I decided to call Bayley.

Phone Call
Seth: Bayley
Bayley: Hey Sethie boy
Seth: Sasha and I fought again?
Bayley: What about this time?
Seth: It started with a bra-
Bayley: 😂 Wow
Seth: She thought it was another girl's own when it was actually hers and then things went south from there. She pushed me off the bed
Bayley: I push Finn off the bed all the time. Sounds like a happy couple to me
Seth: Bayley, I'm honestly giving up on this girl.
Bayley: Just give it time. She'll realize soon
Seth: Doubt that... Can you like... talk to her for me later. That I don't want to be fighting with her. Her birthday is Sunday for Christ Sake. I want to be there for her.
Bayley: I'll talk to her for you. Everything will be fine. Just don't tell Charlotte you guys fought again
Seth: Never again will I do that.
Bayley: Alright Bye

Phone Call over

Seth: Sasha are you almost done?
Sasha: Shut up and sleep! I'll wake you up when I'm done!
Seth: If that's what you want Sash.

                I laid on the bed thinking to myself... I don't think Sasha knows what she did that hurt me and made me so angry.

Sasha's POV
                       I finished taking my bath and dressed up then came out. Seth was sleeping and he honestly looks so cute when he's sleeping. So I decided to take a picture and make it my wallpaper because... why not.
                      I woke Seth up and he left to go take a shower so I called Bayley.

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