Chapter 2

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Seth's POV
I woke up to the sound of faint snores and Blue hair scattered all over my chest. I tried my best to control my heart beat. I think I did pretty well. I checked the time and it was 7:30 Am. I tried to gently get up without waking her up but instead she squeezed me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. What this girl does to me

Sasha: Can I sleep on you for just 30 more minutes?
Seth: I need to get to the gym
Sasha: It's Saturday
Seth: Yeah? I don't want to gym tomorrow
Sasha: Then I'll come with you
Seth: No you should sleep
Sasha: No, I'll go with you.
Seth: 🎶 But you don't know that my girl been doing Cross Fit 🎶
Sasha: Whatever
Seth: I thought you liked the song?
Sasha: I do. But you don't have to say the lyrics every time I go to the gym
Seth: I think I do. I'm gonna go change
Sasha: I'll come with 😉

                         I couldn't even breathe anymore. Just thinking about it has me going crazy

Sasha: Dude. I'm just joking. I guess our jokes aren't as funny anymore.
Seth: No no no. It's not that
Sasha: Then what is it?
Seth: Uh, it's nothing
Sasha: You sure?

                          She started tracing her fingers through my abs and smiled at me.

Sasha: Alright go change

                            She got off me and I jumped up, got my clothes and ran to the bathroom. I can't believe I almost got a boner.

Sasha's POV
                        I wonder what's up with him. I changed and called Bayley.

Phone Call
Sasha: Bayley... Seth likes someone. He's been so uncomfortable with me recently. And last night he basically made it clear that he's changing for a girl.
Bayley: Are you jealous?
Sasha: That's laughable. I can never ever like Seth. I'm not crazy. He treats girls like crap
Seth: But I said I'll change.

                         Oh my gosh. How the hell has he been changing so fast

Seth: You're not even gonna look at me?

                           I turned to Seth and I can tell he wasn't happy with what I said. I wouldn't be if I was him

Sasha: Seth. I'm not gonna sit here and lie. I shouldn't have said that but it's true.
Seth: But you're supposed to help me
Sasha: And I will

                           I picked up my bag and took his hand in mine. He flinched a bit but it's nothing

Sasha: I'm sorry
Seth: So you will never ever like me?
Sasha: Is that the problem? You want me to like like you?
Seth: No I'm just asking
Sasha: Well you're my best friend. I don't think I can like you.
Seth: Oh ok

                        We went to the car and drove to the nearest cross fit. Seth and I entered the gym and he's just so... quiet. Then Corbin came up to me.

Corbin: Oh so he's why you broke up with me? You want him?
Sasha: What-
Corbin: You should know how he treats his girls. Like they're all a piece of shit
Sasha: Shut the hell up. He's a changed man
Corbin: That's What they all say. Why isn't he speaking for himself then?
Sasha: He doesn't have time for your petty trash
Corbin: Y'all are perfect for each other. Mr. User and Ms. Slut-

                    Seth gave him a right hook and he stumbled backward. Finn came over and dragged Seth and I away while Bobby Lashley held Corbin.

Sasha: You could have punched him a lot sooner you know
Seth: But it was all true. Except him calling you a slut
Sasha: Listen Seth, I know I said you treat girls like crap but Corbin shouldn't. He's not any better
Seth: Yeah Whatever.
Finn: Now that you both are done. Let's gym

                         I pecked Seth's cheek and walked over to the treadmill. Then Bayley came out of the bathroom.

Sasha: You're here!!!
Bayley: Yeah.

                         She got on the treadmill next to me and started running

Bayley: You should be more careful with your words next time.
Sasha: I don't even understand how my life Changed in 5 days.
Bayley: I definitely know he likes someone. In fact I know the person.
Sasha: Spill.
Bayley: No
Sasha: I'll find out.
Bayley: No you won't

                          After about another 40 minutes on the treadmill we went to do squats. Once we started we could tell eyes were on us. Bayley was blushing because she was sure it was Finn. But I have no idea whose watching me and I feel uncomfortable. Once we did 45 squats of 250kg weights...we dropped to the floor exhausted.

Sasha: The Funny thing is that you'll eat McDonald's after this
Bayley: Shut up
Finn: Good job guys

Finn sat on the floor with us and I was looking around for Seth. I spotted him with a brunette girl just a bit shorter than him.

Bayley: What are you looking at?
Sasha: Seth

We watched as they flirted with each other. I watched as Seth followed her into the mixed bathroom.

Sasha: Changed right?
Finn: Didn't you say that you will help him change?
Sasha: Yeah
Finn: Then go over there and be crazy Sasha.

Finn's right. I walked to the door and started banging on it. I banged on it continuously until it opened and the girl rushed out as I walked in.

Sasha: Are you freaking kidding me? You can't try and sleep with every girl you see
Seth: Sometimes they come on to me
Sasha: Tell them that you have a girlfriend
Seth: But I don't
Sasha: You have a girl on your mind right?
Seth: Yeah.
Sasha: Imagine she hears what you've been doing. Do you think she'll have any interest in you?
Seth: ...
Sasha: Exactly. So-

Then we heard some knocks on the door and we decided to leave before anyone thought of anything. Luckily it was Bayley that was knocking.

Bayley: Did I interrupt anything?
Sasha: The things that come out from your mouth surprise me.

Seth and I told Finn and Bayley goodbye and went back to his room then sat on the bed

Sasha: So, tell me about this mystery girl
Seth: Well, she's not that tall. She's beautiful. She's funny... that's all you should know
Sasha: Is she overprotective?
Seth: Yes. Very
Sasha: Awww. You must really like her if you're willing to do all this.
Seth: She's always been there for me.
Sasha: Well I promise you that you'll get her... I'm gonna show you some girls and you compliment them.

I showed him 5 different girls and he complimented the first 4 but not the last.

Sasha: What's Wrong with the last
Seth: She's horrible in bed

He did his signature Cackle but I was definitely not laughing. Then he stopped

Seth: I'm sorry
Sasha: Well, you're trying. Maybe I have an easier approach
Seth: Which is?
Sasha: You don't insult Charlotte, Becky, Bayley and I right?
Seth: Of course not. That's like a death wish
Sasha: Treat every girl like they're us.
Seth: Do you know the thing about you Sasha... You say things like it's sooooooo easy
Sasha: C'mon, it can't be that hard
Seth: Um, yes it can
Sasha: I'm gonna help.
Seth: Whatever you say bossy
Sasha: Good... Now let's go to the pool

Hey guys,
It's Flair13 and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not really much though. I just wanted to throw a few things out there.

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Peace ✌🏾

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