Chapter 11

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Sasha's POV
                         I woke up to Becky blasting music for no good reason at all. She looks like she just worked out

Sasha: Can you lower that down?
Becky: Music gives me inspiration
Sasha: For?
Becky: Winning.
Sasha: You need mental help
Becky: How else do you think I win arguments with Dean?
Sasha: First of all, you don't... Second of all, I'm pretty sure blasting WAP isn't giving you inspiration for anything.
Becky: That's what you think
Sasha: Just turn it down, pleaseeeee
Becky: Fine. But you need to-
Bayley: Good morning my Nightmare and my beautiful angel.

Bayley had barged into the room then  dragged me up and hugged me.

Becky: How am I a nightmare?
Bayley: Well Charlotte-
Becky: Ah, I see.
Sasha: Bayley I was too tired to get up
Bayley: Be happy that I helped you
Sasha: You didn't help me. I wanted to sleep
Bayley: You're-
Charlotte: Who left the door-
Sasha: Ughhhh, my misery is about to get worst
Charlotte: That's nice fellow Horsewoman
Sasha: Don't use that Horsewoman thing on me
Charlotte: Ok fellow Horsewoman whom I made history with
Sasha: I'm sorry
Charlotte: I'm such a charmer

                                 We allowed Charlotte to gloat in her glory while I got back in bed. Not too long after the boys came in... Even Seth. Shocker.

Becky: What are you guys doing here?
Roman: I had to see my Girlfriend. She wasn't in her room so-
Becky: Next!!!
Finn: I had to see Bayls
Becky: Awww that's so cute
Roman: What the-
Becky: Shh
Charlotte: Becky you're a-
Becky: I just find Baylor cute
Bayley: Me too
Sasha: Awwwwwww
Dean: I came to disturb

                               Seth looked tired. He looked over to me and smiled while the rest continued to talk. He came over and slid in bed next to me and covered us and I put my head near his neck and started to whisper.

Seth: I'm so tired
Sasha: I see
Seth: You good?
Sasha: Well I wanted-
Dean: What the hell are you two talking about?
Sasha: That's not your business Dean
Bayley: If we're here then you have to talk to all of us
Becky: I agree
Charlotte: Just talk like normal people but louder so we can hear
Sasha: You know that's creepy right
Roman: Who cares?
Dean: Exactly, now-
Sasha: I have a question, do you guys put one sock on and then one shoe or put both socks on and then shoes?
Becky: Well obviously you put one sock and one shoe
Dean: No. That makes no sense
Bayley: That's actually a good question and I agree with Becky
Roman: But thats just weird.
Charlotte: No it's not. One sock then a shoe
Finn: I have to agree with the boys on this. You have to put both socks on before the shoes
Becky: Boys vs girls

                                That's how the argument started. Seth and I continued our whispering.

Seth: I'm sorry if I was a bit rude last night
Sasha: It's not your fault. I understand
Seth: You were saying something.
Dean: Becky You look like a shoe!
Becky: Well you were born in a sock!
Seth: See what you caused
Sasha: Better than them hearing what I have to say
Seth: Which is?
Sasha: Alexa... She asked you out
Seth: I said no.
Sasha: Why
Seth: Because I don't like her
Sasha: Seth, Alexa is an amazing person. You should have-
Seth: I get it... Pity party huh. You want me to move on so quickly because you feel bad
Sasha: I just want you to be happy.
Seth: You telling me to date another girl isn't doing the trick.
Sasha: I'm sorry
Seth: Like always, I'll see you later
Sasha: Seth c'mon

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