Chapter 1

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Sasha's POV
                      I walked to my locker room ignoring "King Corbin" who was yelling my name. Luckily Bayley was there.

Bayley: Hey
Sasha: What's up?
Bayley: I'm fine but I can see that you're probably better
Sasha: I couldn't be happier. I finally broke up with Corbin. I'm freeeeeeeeeee
Bayley: For now
Sasha: What do you mean-

                     For some reason Seth barged into the room breathing heavily while looking at me. My instincts made me jump to his side but immediately I touched his face he ran away.

Bayley: He did not just run away
Sasha: That was weird
Bayley: He's probably in catering
Sasha: So we have to go???
Bayley: Duh
Sasha: That just means that you and Finn plus Charlotte and Roman will be all lovey dovey.
Bayley: Well... you should get a man. So should Becky
Sasha: I just got out of a relationship
Bayley: I said MAN not Boy

                     I was stunned by Bayley's words as she dragged me to catering. She was right. Seth was there. But he was with Finn, Charlotte, Roman, Dean and Becky. Dean and Becky arguing like usual.

Dean: So you're telling me that you putting the milk before the cereal makes sense???
Becky: It's normal Dean!!!
Dean: ...You're Psychotic
Becky: How can you put the cereal then the milk? It doesn't even make any sense.
Dean: Reason this out... Have you used powdered milk before???
Becky: Yes.
Dean: And you're still a dumbass. Wow. Anyway, how will you put powdered milk in the bowl then the cereal??? You put the cereal, then the powdered milk then the water.
Becky: That's different.
Dean: No it's not. You're psychotic
Becky: You can mix the powdered milk with water and then pour it into the bowl and then pour the cereal.
Dean: Here we go again
Roman: What!? No. Becks you don't mix the powdered milk.
Finn: Look, let's save this as a topic Dean and Becky can fight about later. Please
Bayley: Exactly. The two of you haven't even noticed us
Becky: Sorry, he's being dumb
Dean: Coming from the person who claims that she's The Man.

                I chuckled at all of the drama they put on in minutes. But that's not important now.

Sasha: Seth, why did you run like that?
Seth: Uh... I...Well...
Charlotte: Oh gosh
Roman: He like... Ran ran???
Sasha: Yeah.
Dean: Did you touch him?
Seth: Dude
Sasha: Huh?
Seth: Nothing. I had something on my mind
Sasha: You want to talk about it later?
Seth: What-
Charlotte: Yeah I'm sure he will.
Seth: I can speak for myself
Finn: Doesn't look like that... I heard you broke up with Corbin.
Seth: Me too. Is it true?
Sasha: Yep. It was bound to happen... forget me, who are you fucking today?
Seth: Sasha.
Sasha: What?
Bayley: He's changed.
Sasha: 😆

                     No one was laughing with me so I stopped
Sasha: What? Didn't you fuck a girl last week and dump her the next day?
Seth: I've changed
Sasha: In 5 days? I wish

                     Seth looked at me with a sad look in his eye before standing up and walking away. But we always joke like this. I don't get it.

Dean: I'll follow him
Roman: Im going as well
Finn: Me too

                The boys left and the girls sat there and just looked at me.

Sasha: Did I say something wrong???
Becky: That's the dumbest question I've heard all day. And Dean asked me if putting milk before the cereal made sense.
Charlotte: ... It doesn't Becky
Bayley: That's not important right now. Sasha, it's not everything you say.
Sasha: What do you mean? We used to joke about this all the time. I tell him it's wrong but he never listened. Why all of a sudden?
Becky: Maybe there's a girl in his life
Sasha: Oh my gosh. Becky I didn't mean to offend you. I ship Brollins and-
Becky: What? Ew. It's not me
Sasha: Oh. Good because I actually don't ship it
Charlotte: Neither do I. But Becky's right. Maybe there's a girl in his life
Sasha: Yeah. I should go apologize to him.
Bayley: Not right now though. After Smackdown
Sasha: Alright

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