Chapter 3

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Monday Morning
Sasha's POV
I woke up to Seth's alarm clock blasting Skillet in our ears. I hit him repeatedly until he turned it off.

Sasha: Next time we're using a phone alarm
Seth: If that stops you from hitting me sure
Sasha: Did I hurt you?
Seth: No
Sasha: Then shut up. Why the hell is the alarm even on?
Seth: You're going to London for that WWE thingy.
Sasha: And?
Seth: You got to get ready. You said the flight is by 9. So I woke you up by 7
Sasha: 9 P M!!!!!
Seth: Oh, my bad babe
Sasha: When did you start calling me babe?

Seth's POV
               And at that moment. I knew that I fucked up

Seth: Uhm, it just- i don't know. Best friends do that right?
Sasha: I guess so.
Seth: Yeah

                    Sasha got on top of me and laid down on my body. She got comfortable until I pushed her off because I felt really uncomfortable and ran to the bathroom. I need to tell her about my crush sooner rather than later.

Sasha's POV
                     I think I know what's wrong with Seth. He likes a girl and I did that 🤦‍♀️. Damn. Why did I have to be so dumb. I stood up and knocked on the bathroom door

Sasha: Seth
Seth: Y-Yeah
Sasha: Are you done in there I want to shower
Seth: I thought you were tired? Just get some rest
Sasha: I'm not that tired anymore. Can I just take a shower
Seth: Ok

                     Seth came out and I went in with my clothes and make-up. I took a shower put on a nice jumpsuit and did my make up before coming out.

Seth: Y-y-you were-
Sasha: Your jaw is on the floor Seth.
Seth: Sorry But you look amazing
Sasha: Good enough to smash?
Seth: Hell-... No
Sasha: Yayyyyyyy. Oh my gosh I'm so proud of you. I never believed you could do it
Seth: Huh
Sasha: Relax. I'm joking... sorta- but at least you got your words in place. Your girl is gonna be real proud. And that's why I'm leaving
Seth: I don't understand. Your flight is in the evening
Sasha: Seth, you pushing me off this morning really made me think. First-
Seth: Sasha-
Sasha: Let me finish at least... First, If I was the girl you were trying to impress, I wouldn't like you staying in a hotel room with another girl. Especially someone like me. Second, I don't want to intervene. You're already doing so well. You legit pushed me off. I'm proud-
Seth: Sasha. No
Sasha: I'm actually-
Seth: Sasha I want you to stay with me. You're my best friend
Sasha: Seth you don't get it. I'm a girl and I'm gonna help you get your girl. Trust me. I know my way. Plus you can share a room with Dean now.
Seth: But-
Sasha: No buts. I know what I'm doing. You'll thank me later. Oh and we'll still be talking like normal. But no more pecks rooming and all that... Bye Seth.

                     I pecked his cheek and dragged my bag and left to Becky's room. For some reason my heart stung after saying all that. I'm so used to him and I being together. Once I knocked on Becky's door Bayley opened it. Why was Bayley here? She's even as shocked as I am. But then she hugged me as usual

Bayley: Good Morning
Sasha: Morning to you too. Why are you here?
Bayley: Did Seth kick you out?
Sasha: No I just decided to leave. Why are you here?
Bayley: I was just talking to Becky and Charlotte about somethings.
Sasha: No one cared to invite me???
Bayley: Sasha it's not like that
Sasha: Yeah sure whatever... "Best Friend"

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