Chapter 7

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Sasha's POV
                           I woke up because I heard the alarm ring. I opened my eyes and turnt it off. It's Saturday. Why would Seth... Where the hell is Seth? I sat up and looked around until I found a note on the table.

I hope 9am isn't too early for you. I want to take you somewhere special today. Just for the fun of it. Again, I hope you aren't angry by the time. Just let me treat you to something nice, ok? So please get dressed and a car will pick you up at 10:30.

                                - Love you, Colby Lopez

                                  I was smiling widely. Hell, I was blushing. I don't know why but I just was. I stood up and went to shower. When I was in the bathroom I heard the room door open.

Bayley: Oh great you're showering!!!
Sasha: Why are you here?!?!
Charlotte: Just shower and we'll tell you why!!!
Sasha: Ugh, why did you have to bring Charlotte?!?! Just Becky would have been fine!!!
Becky: Thank you!!!
Charlotte: You don't mean that!!!

                              I rolled my eyes and finished my shower and put on a bath robe and went to see why these girls are here.

Sasha: What are you Guys... What's all this?

                                   I saw a gigantic make-up box, a nice black jumpsuit and some jewelry.

Sasha: Guys I have somewhere to be I can't party-
Bayley: We aren't going to party. We are gonna get you ready for your day with Seth.
Sasha: Guys we've done this before. It's just a casual thing
Becky: Seth told us to dress you up.
Sasha: Why?
Charlotte: He wants it to be special and fancy
Sasha: I can just wear-
Bayley: Shhh, you're wearing what we tell you
Sasha: You Guys are over doing this.
Bayley: You'll Love us by the time you get back.
Sasha: Whatever, let's get this over with.

                               They put make-up on me for what felt like months. I changed in the bathroom into my jumpsuit and put on the jewelry then came out.

Bayley: Wow
Charlotte: My work here is done
Becky: You look amazing
Bayley: Dude. You look more than amazing.
Sasha: Thanks Guys But I feel like it's still a bit too much
Becky: No it's not. Now gather your stuff. You have to leave soon
Sasha: My friends are crazy

They all smiled at me while I picked up my phone and purse. Yep Crazy. Becky and Charlotte hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe.

Becky: Be a good girl
Charlotte: They grow up so fast
Sasha: Crazy and Crazier

                                   Bayley decided it was best for her to walk me downstairs. I asked her why and she said "So all the Baysha fans can have Baysha pics" and I laughed at the sudden gesture. It's really cute how people ship us. But we're just best friends and will always be just best friends.... Once we got to the lobby Finn was there and he pecked Bayley

Finn: You look amazing
Sasha: Thanks. Its your girlfriend over here that led the girls into doing this.
Bayley: Just have fun and immediately you come back tell me what happened. Hell, the rest of us are just gonna hang in you guys room until you guys get back
Sasha: It's not all that big you know
Finn: It has two couches and a bed. We'll be fine.
Bayley: Yeah and this is where I take my leave. Finn is walking you to the car.
Sasha: You Guys are so weird. The car is just right there
Bayley: Shhh, we want this to be special
Sasha: We're just hanging out.
Finn: Shhh, we need to go

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