Chapter 12

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| Friday Night Smackdown |
Sasha's POV
                           I'm in catering with Alexa, Miz and Seth talking about our Mixed Tag team match. Seth and I go up against our Royal Rumble Challengers Which should be a pretty good match.

Sasha: Alexa you should give Seth a Twisted Bliss
Alexa: That'd be cool
Miz: Yeah then try to pin him and Seth will just carry you up bridal style like the thing did absolutely nothing to him
Alexa: I don't mind that at all. Do you Sethie?
Seth: Nope
Sasha: When did you start calling him Sethie?
Alexa: Does it matter?
Sasha: Yes because I'm the only one allowed to call him that. Right Sethie?
Seth: Well- Yeah
Sasha: Good.
Miz: Anyways, The match will end with Seth being knocked down outside the ring, Sasha will then give me a bank statement but Maryse will come in and give Sasha a hammerlock DDT while Alexa distracts the referee. Then I tag Alexa in and she gives Sasha a Twisted Bliss for the 1,2,3. How does that sound
Sasha: Good to me
Seth: A nice ending
Alexa: Works for me

                      Miz and Seth left together because they had some things to discuss. Alexa kept glaring at me.

Sasha: What?
Alexa: I found pictures of you and Seth from a Photo booth. Don't deny it
Sasha: ... You found them because I posted the pictures on Twitter
Alexa: You like Seth
Sasha: Alexa we've had this argument one too many times. Seth is still single. Try asking him out again and leave my life alone. I'm gonna go grab something to eat. Bye

                          I took some chicken wings and a cupcake. I'm pretty sure I'll be fat by next week. I walked back to my seat and luckily Alexa was gone. I started eating before Bayley came up to me.

Sasha: Hey Bayls
Bayley: Hey
Sasha: What's up?
Bayley: You know I have the opening promo of the night
Sasha: Yeah. You need help?
Bayley: No I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving after the promo
Sasha: Why?
Bayley: Nothing serious
Sasha: Then tell me

She started playing with her fingers so I knew it was something that I could be angry about

Bayley: Don't get mad
Sasha: Ok
Bayley: Promise?
Sasha: I promise
Bayley: Carmella and I are going-
Sasha: Absolutely Nowhere
Bayley: You said you wouldn't get angry
Sasha: I'm not. I didn't even yell. But you aren't going anywhere
Bayley: We haven't hung out in a long time.
Sasha: So? Bayley, she hates my guts. She hates everything about me for no reason. But you still talk to her
Bayley: Carmella and I have been close for a long time
Sasha: Bayley do you remember when Summer Rae was here and she hated you so much?
Bayley: Sasha please don't guilt me
Sasha: She was one of the only friends I had. But you were my best friend. I told her off. But she likes you now and you guys are close. But summer and I aren't anywhere near what we were before. Because you're my best friend
Bayley: Sasha-
Sasha: I know Carmella insults me in front of you. She insults me in front of everybody. But you are still freaking close to her... I don't get it. But you know what, have fun.

Surprisingly I didn't yell at all. I just went straight to my locker room and sat down in between Charlotte and Becky.

Becky: Oh it's ok Sasha. Charlotte and I weren't having a conversation at all
Sasha: Whatever. I'm upset
Charlotte: What's the tea?
Sasha: Charlotte if someone you know hates the life out of Becky and insults her every chance she gets will you still be close to that person
Charlotte: Not at all
Sasha: Becky, Vice Versa
Becky: Never
Charlotte: Oh wait, Bayley wants to hang with someone that hates you.
Sasha: Yes and it's Carmella
Becky: Carmella's hatred for you has surpassed the word hatred. Bayley shouldn't even be in contact with her at all... I'm not even in contact with her
Sasha: It's so annoying. She can be an acquaintance to Carmella but being a friend is too far
Charlotte: So what did you tell Bayley
Sasha: I told her she wasn't going. Then I told her why what she's doing isn't fair and then I told her that she should go have fun. I can't stop a grown woman from doing what she wants
Becky: Where the hell is Finn anyway
Charlotte: With Vince and Dean talking about who knows what
Sasha: I think Smackdown is starting now.
Charlotte: I have a match after Bayley's promo. So I'll see you guys later
Sasha: Bye
                     With that... she left

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