Chapter 9

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Tuesday morning
Sasha's POV
                            I woke up to my alarm ringing so I hit it and it turned off. I probably broke it. We have to get to the airport for our flight to Ohio. At least it's just a 1 hour 10 minute flight from here. I took a shower, got dressed, packed my bags and went downstairs. I'm not going with the girls because they're going with the guys. I'm sure if I told Becky she would have come with me. But I'll just allow her to argue with Dean about if Turkey bacon is better than  Pork Bacon.
My Uber got here and I put my stuff in the trunk and was on my way to the airport. Once I got to the airport I saw Jimmy, Jey, Naomi, Dolph, Nattie, Street Profits and Bianca. I paid the Uber and walked over to them. But let me just say... I've not been so upbeat and happy.

Natalya: Hey Sasha. You're in first batch?
Sasha: Yeah. I decided to get to the arena earlier than others.
Bianca: That's Great because we need to catch up. Like seriously
Naomi: Yeah we do. Serious Tea
Sasha: I drink Coffee guys
Jey: Coffee is better anyway
Sasha: Thank you. That's why you're the smarter twin
Angelo Dawkins: Ohhhhh Sorry fam
Montez: She told you straight up
Jimmy: I just prefer tea. It's not a crime
Dolph: Well you'll never know. Charlotte drinks tea... and she's a killer.
Sasha: Preach it
Jimmy: I was definitely not here when Dolph said this
Dolph: Dolph? Whose Dolph? What'd he say?
Montez: I've never had a bad run in with the 4 HW
Sasha: You Guys make it sound like we're bad people.
Dawkins: Nah fam it's not like that. Y'all do bad stuff to bad people.
Sasha: Exactly, bad people
Naomi: You Guys are gonna make us go late with all this chit chat. When we get on the plane we can all talk and have fun.

Since we're using WWE's Private Jet we had a separate way of getting to our gate. Then that's when Bayley called me

Video call
Bayley: Dude where are you?
Sasha: I'm at the airport
Charlotte: What the hell are you doing at that airport?
Sasha: Yay, you're with Charlotte 😒
Becky: And me
Bayley: Our flight isn't until 1pm
Sasha: I'm going with the first batch
Bayley: You just don't want to hang with me
Sasha: C'mon Bayley you know that's not true
Bayley: I think it is.
Sasha: I wanted to not be with Seth
Bayley: Let me just believe you
Sasha: I'll make it up to you I promise.
Bayley: Nah it's fine. You look gloomy
Becky: Yeah and we'll change that gloominess
Sasha: You can try. But I'll probably not be that gloomy anymore. The people in my batch are amazing and funny
Charlotte: Well have fun
Sasha: I'll try
Bayley: Bye Sasha. Love you
Sasha: Love you guys too
Becky: Yay she remembered us
Charlotte: Bye

                                I ended the call and we all boarded the plane. So the 4 of us girls sat at one side and decided to talk once the plane took off

Bianca: I'm so glad I'm on the main roster now because the most always happens
Natalya: Right. It's insane what you could hear about someone up here
Naomi: Yeah and Sasha... a little birdie told us that someone likes you.
Sasha: Who?
Bianca: You gon sit there and act like you don't know Seth likes you?
Natalya: Everybody knows it. It's so obvious that he has a crush on you.
Naomi: But... I wouldn't date him if I were you. Seth's my friend but he's a player
Sasha: He's changed
Natalya: That's What all the guys say Sasha
Bianca: Yeah, he's basically slept with all the NXT girls that are single
Sasha: Guys, I helped him change. He's a better person than before
Bianca: If you say so... then why not date him?
Sasha: Can we please not talk about Seth
Naomi: Alright Alright. We're done. But I know you like him too
Sasha: Naomi... I don't. I just got out of relationship
Bianca: Girl, when I heard that you were dating Corbin I was so disappointed. I thought I taught you better than that
Natalya: Oh c'mon. Corbin is an ok guy. He just has a serious temper
Sasha: I dated Corbin because I liked him a little bit and he liked me. I gave it a shot. Mistakes happen
Dolph: Yeah and mistakes suck

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