Chapter 14

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| Saturday |
Sasha's POV
                        It was 4:30 Am and the gang and I were sitting at the gate waiting for our flight to board. Well... they were sleeping actually. I was wide awake on my phone texting some people that were still awake. Seth's Head was laying on my lap so I decided to take a selfie of us and post it. I'm extremely bored. Then they called for our flight so I woke everyone up.

Roman: Babe can you pass my laptop
Charlotte: I'm half asleep so we both know that's a bad idea
Dean: Ha
Finn: Sissy your birthday is tomorrow
Sasha: So?
Becky: What fun stuff are we doing
Sasha: Nothing. I have a match to think about
Becky: When are you not hyped about your birthday?

Seth's POV
                            Sasha huffed and walked towards the gate check-in and boarded the plane.

Seth: We are soooooo spying on her
Bayley: You don't have to tell me twice

                               We boarded the plane and I was sitting with Dean and Sasha. Sasha was already in the middle seat. Dean put his carry on bag in the cabinet and sat down then I sat next to the aisle

Dean: Sashhhhhh
Sasha: This is gonna be a long flight
Seth: It's only 2 hours
Sasha: Yeah But I'm sitting next to the both of you
Dean: You love me. Maybe not Seth but me
Sasha: You got that right
Seth: Ouch
Dean: You've heard worse my friend
Seth: Hate You Guys
Dean: So Sasha be real with me... what are you gonna do for your birthday? We have the whole morning and afternoon and immediately after the Rumble
Sasha: Dean... I'm staying alone
Dean: So unlike you
Sasha: I don't want to talk about my birthday
Seth: Did anything hap-
Sasha: Can we not. Please
Dean: As you wish

Sasha put her headphones on and started watching "What men want". So I slept off.
During mid-flight I woke up to someone squeezing my hand so tightly.

Sasha: Seth I'm scared
Seth: What's wrong?
Sasha: So much turbulence
Seth: You can hold my hand as tight as you want
Sasha: No. I want to cuddle you.

I lifted up the arm rest in between us and Sasha laid on my chest while I wrapped my arms around her and we drifted off to sleep without paying any kind to the turbulence.

After the flight

It was 7:02 Once we landed in Boston. Sasha dashed out of the plane with her stuff. We tried our best to keep up with her. We went through baggage claim and got outside to see Sasha smiling at the sky.

Bayley: Why were you rushing like that? You scared us
Sasha: ... Boston
Seth: Well I can see that you're love struck
Sasha: I really am.
Dean: What's the plan guys?
Sasha: All of you are staying at the hotel
Becky: That's fine with me but I'm still coming over.
Sasha: If you find me.

                       Sasha got into her van and left. So we got into our own and went to the hotel.

Sasha's POV
                       Boston Boston Boston!!! This is my home. Nothing has changed. It's still so beautiful. I got to my house and dropped my things in the living room. But once I entered the kitchen I saw my long time friend Tyrone. Fun fact: Tyrone and I have dated twice

Sasha: What a pleasant surprise
I squeezed the living soul out of Tyrone

Tyrone: I think you broke my ribs
Sasha: Sorry Sorry.
Tyrone: It's fine. Such an early flight you picked
Sasha: It was all Charlotte
Tyrone: I see... I saw on twitter that you broke up with Corbin
Sasha: Yeah. I'm a single girl now
Tyrone: What about Rollins. I've been seeing more Sesha than I'd like to see
Sasha: It's really nothing. Just playing with the WWE universe
Tyrone: And my heart strings
Sasha: Real funny.
Tyrone: Wanna watch a movie?
Sasha: I may sleep off because I'm tired
Tyrone: My body is soft so you'd love too

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