Chapter 5

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Seth's POV
It's 11am in London and we just got to the hotel. We're so freaking tired. The girls might even still be sleeping because of time zones. We got the room key and went to the room.

Roman: I'm rooming with Charlotte
Finn: I'm rooming with Bayley
Dean: I call my own room. That means Becky has her own room. You have to share with Sasha man
Seth: I'm not complaining. But she will
Finn: I'll reason with her.
Seth: Alright then. They're probably sleeping so let's be quiet
Dean: Huh? That's even the reason why I'm gonna yell. I can't be awake and they're sleeping. No fair
Finn: Dean don't
Dean: Lets surprise them. They don't know that we're coming.
Roman: So?
Dean: Lets scream and bang things. They'll jump on you guys and make out with you. They'll be so happy.
Roman: Fine. Let's do it
Finn: I think it MAY work

These boys don't even know these girls. Dean knows what he's doing. I opened the door and we get to the living room and start hollering and Banging the tables. The girls wake up (except Sasha) and Charlotte bangs her door before locking it

Bayley: Go to hell
Becky: And don't come back

Bayley and Becky bang their doors and lock it as well. I don't think Sasha even woke up. Thank God or I'd be dead

Finn: Dean you're-

Finn chased Dean out of the hotel room while Roman just sat down next to me rubbing his head

Seth: Next time don't listen to Dean.
Roman: Never again

Then Sasha came out of her room. She was wearing a gigantic white top and shorts. She walked towards me and straddled me. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her head in my neck.

Roman: Wow. You guys are-
Seth: Shut up.
Sasha: I missed you.
Seth: I missed you more

                            Then Finn and Dean came back and started mocking me.

Dean: Hey Sasha
Sasha: Leave me alone. I'm tired
Finn: Then why did you stand up from the bed?
Sasha: You Guys were making noise. Leave me alone
Dean: But you could have just stayed in bed
Sasha: I sleep better with Seth. For the third time, Leave me alone.
Finn: But wasn't there a reason why you couldn't be with Seth
Sasha: You Guys just hate me
Roman: Or do you like Seth?
Sasha: Ugh, Goodbye

                                Sasha went back to her room and I'm pissed.

Seth: What the hell?!?!?
Roman: Calm down
Finn: Yeah lad. We know what we did
Seth: Oh really
Finn: Yes
Dean: I just wanted you to be angry so...
Seth: I've exhausted every insult in this world on you. I'm done
Dean: And you're proud to say that. How rude
Roman: We're going for media by 3 right?
Dean: Yeah I'm gonna go sleep. Bye guys
Finn: He's lucky he has his own room. I'm gonna knock on Bayley's door
Seth: Can't be as bad as knocking on Charlotte's
Roman: Exactly

So Finn knocked and Bayley allowed him in. Turns out she didn't go back to sleep.

Seth: You gonna go try?
Roman: Yeah. What's the worst that could happen

Anytime he asked that something bad always happens. He knocked on the door and Charlotte actually opened it and pecked his cheek. Woah

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