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- You know what else is big?

Lia bit her lip & held her breath out of nervousness as she watched her friend suddenly look down.

Lia didn't know where she was looking down. The chair? Her skirt? Her-

- My FEET-

This bi-

- I went to go buy shoes for the winter, and apparently, my size is 270 mm!

- What was your size before that?

- Good que-. - before Minji could answer Lia's question, the bell rang loudly as their homeroom teacher stepped inside the classroom.

The teacher stood in front of the class, waiting for the bell to chime down.

After a few quick seconds, the teacher had excitedly clapped his hands as a bright smile appeared on his face:
- Alright, class, I have some unexpected news to give you all!

As if that's a good sign... - Lia thought.

- While our school is in the more advanced in the academic field, the faculty, staff, teachers decided to have a performance show from each class!

The classroom barely responded with anything, only a few sighs & groans from a few students.

- I know, I know, it may seem weird, but when speaking about performance, it doesn't have to be completely based around singing, dancing, and other things surrounding a more artistic category. Your performance can vary from many things. Anything your mind can come up with that's presentable.

Even after the teacher's explanation, no one was still, all that excited about it. It all just seemed very bothersome.

Tough crowd, huh. - the teacher thought as he tried to come up with a way to make it seem even ever-so-slightly gripping.

- This will be mandatory for each class in the school. Performances will be happening on December 16th!

This only made the students even more annoyed & stressed out with the whole 'performance' thing.

Why would there be consequences for not wanting to participate in some stupid talent show?

- I'll be leaving the last of this class session for you all to decide what to do for the performance. - the teacher announced before swiftly leaving the classroom.

Minji squealed in her seat as the idea of performing to a crowd, large or small - it didn't matter, came to mind. She was extremely excited about this as sudden, unexpected adrenaline had surged through her body.

- I don't think I'll be doing anything for this 'performance.' It looks irrelevant to me. How about you, Min-

- I WANNA PERFORM! - the girl had exclaimed, almost shouting after slamming her hands down onto the desk.

- Okay, shit-

Lia's response was quickly interrupted as somebody had clapped their hands together, shutting down all the chit-chat between students & focusing the attention on them:
- So, does anyone have any ideas on what we could do, or do we just fuck it and do nothing?

- We definitely should, but I don't know who could even participate in our class. Everyone's so busy with studying. It's pretty much impossible to get enough free time to practice anything...

Minji had hastily calmed herself down, letting out a long & deep sigh as she was preparing herself to join the discussion.

- Are you sure you want to actually go up on stage and do something? It seems kind of... scary. I don't know.

Minji softly smiled at her friend:
- Of course, I do. I'd love to perform in front of a crowd. Not just one person, Lia. Plus, it's our last year here. I want to leave it off with a bang.

Lia shrugged her shoulders before returning to her maths notebook, continuing to scribble down a few doodles:
- Well then, I guess I'll support you with everything I've got.

Minji turned back to the discussing students & slowly raised her hand, catching the attention of her classmates:
- I'd be down to go and perform on stage.

- You'll go on stage alone?

- Yeah, I'll do it.

- Well, what will you even show for the audience?

- I could dance if that's okay.

The same student who started the discussion clapped his hands once more in agreement, ready to end off the talk & begin to emphasise other roles other classmates could play in the performance:

- Great! It's settled then!

Well that was quick. - Minji thought as she shrugged her shoulders.

The dance wasn't the only important part of the performance, other things such as clothes, decorations & music effects needed to be discussed.

But that talk needed to wait for another day.


Minji stepped outside of the school with Lia after another long & dreaded day of studying.

They headed off to a bus stop as both of them talked about the event happening in just a month & a couple of weeks.

- What dance do you think you'll be doing?

- I'm not sure. I have a few choreos in mind, so I guess I'll choose one from those, or I could edit up a mashup. - Minji had shrugged her shoulders.

The girls' conversation was quickly cut short as Lia's bus came:
- Good luck with that! - she waved off to Minji before stepping inside the vehicle.

After a few minutes, Minji's bus had arrived as well.


The bus quickly reached Minji's stop.

Minji didn't waste her time by gazing around the beautiful streetlights & lit-up buildings. Instead of going home or to a study session, she went off to a dance academy.

The girl walked inside the studio to see a guy around her age talking to the lady at the front desk. He seemed to be a bit confused about whatever they were discussing.

- Is everything okay here? - Minji asked the two.

- Ah, Ms. Kim, you're here. There's been a minor inconvenience with Mr. Lee's and the faculty's schedule. You see, we were supposed to have them come in for tomorrow, but something came up, and they're renovating his private practice room today instead of tomorrow. All of the other rooms are filled with dance classes happening and other purposes. So, Ms. Kim, you'll be sharing your practice room with Mr. Lee for today.

Minji starred at the receptionist blankly, a bit taken aback by the sudden announcement.

- I know, right?! Complete bullshit! - the boy piped up.

After about a second of blank thought, Minji finally digested the situation fully.

Her eyes widened as she peered at the receptionist:

- I have to what?

A/N: Can you tell that someone who's never been in a relationship wrote this.

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