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Minji had watched in awe as people on stage were practicing their performance. She felt so amazed seeing the work, effort & creative ideas other classes had.

At that same moment, Minji had realised her preparations were probably the most basic out of everyone.

While others had come up with short stories to act out, preparing & testing features for a game show, arranging things they came up with the country's culture, Minji, on the other hand, had just picked one dance from two other dances & kinda went: "I like this. But this is better."

The girl felt a bit embarrassed, having the most plain-jane idea for the show, but it is what it is.

After making some small decisions, putting in so much effort into learning & excelling in the choreography, there's no backing down now, especially when choosing this choreo just because Minji had wanted to clown on herself.

It's all or nothing.


After a few long moments of admiration, the auditorium had been slowly clearing up & Minji was getting closer to the stage little by little. As that was happening, the girl heard her class name be called, indicating it was her time to go up on stage.

Nervous, Minji & a few other classmates made their way through the sudden smaller crowd & headed towards the people in charge of taking care of the audio, special effects & other things for each class performance.

Minji had hurriedly told them the song's name, emphasising to not play the music video, as it had other parts in it that weren't needed.

They quickly found a video that had fitted all of Minji's needed criteria & told the girl she could go onto the stage now.

Minji headed into the spotlight, waiting for a good, hot second for the music to start playing.

Strangely enough, the girl had felt quite nervous once she began moving her body, swaying herself from side to side.

Wasn't this what she wanted? To finally perform in front of a crowd?


- Thank you, students. You can head back to class now. - the director exclaimed after a few seconds of the music stopping.

The students had politely bowed & stepped off of the stage, some taking their blazers off as it had oh-so become suddenly hot after the whole 3 minute & 30-something seconds of practice.

Trying to seem normal & totally not kind of struggling to regulate their heavy breaths. They had headed out of the auditorium, only to be greeted with excitement by Lia.

Lia had seemed like she had been waiting for a little while to finally meet her friend.

- How long have you been here?

The other students went past her & Minji, walking back to class.

- About ten minutes, but that doesn't matter. Come on! It's lunchtime! Let's go get food! - Lia cheerfully exclaimed before grabbing Minji's hand & dragging her down to the first floor of the school.


Minji had stared at her food with a surprised & confused look. Everything had happened so quickly. She wasn't aware at all of how to act in this situation Lia placed her in.

- Lia, are you sure about this?

- Of Course, I am. After all, I chose to do this, so why wouldn't I be sure? - Lia stated. - Now, come on, eat your food. You need to replenish your energy!

𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘔𝘦 || 𝘚𝘒𝘡 𝘓𝘌𝘌 𝘒𝘕𝘖𝘞 𝘍𝘍.Where stories live. Discover now