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- WHY were you out with... WITH A DIFFERENT GUY?!


Minji stared at her mother in shock, a little surprised by that question. She knew that she should've expected this type of interrogation from her mother.

Although it felt nice just trying to live a normal life.

Minji was taken aback by the sudden situation, unsure how to respond.

- I'll repeat myself... WHY were you hanging out with a different guy? You told me that you'd go along with the path that I have planned for you, and now suddenly, you just go behind Yejun's back like that?!

Minji bit her lip & looked away, embarrassed. She was sure she hadn't done anything wrong or did she...?

- Mum, it's not anything like that, I swear. I literally just met the guy two hours ago!

- SHUT IT! Don't try and give me excuses! You either break up with him, or I'm going to rip those dance academy agreement papers apart!

Minji's eyes had widened as those words ran through her ears. Her breath was hitched.

- N-no, you wouldn't.

- Oh, I won't hesitate to tear those papers apart in front of your eyes to my heart's delight.

Minji had felt how unexpected tears were beginning to well up in her eye-sockets.

This was something Minji had begged her mother for years to sign her up to dance classes, then later having her private practices. Only to have so much hard work placed into her passion be shredded apart in just a few seconds made her heart crack.

Tears had escaped Minji's eyes.

- Don't you ever dare start crying for something you brought on yourself!

Minji lowered her head. She was ashamed of everything that had just gone down. More importantly, she was ashamed of herself.

- I'm sorry. - Minji muttered as she began walking past her mother & into the bathroom to clean herself up.

Minji's mum had sighed out of disappointment as she went to go sit down on a kitchen chair.

The woman rubbed her temples while trying to calm her frustrations:
- Such an ungrateful child.


After a short, quick shower & finished night routine, Minji tiredly plopped down onto her bed & let out a long & deep sigh. She had wiped away her tears while comprehending the entire situation.

It gave her a headache.

She felt scared that her mother reacted like that in a situation where Minji was hanging with a guy that isn't Yejun.

Yet what scared Minji, even more, was her mother's words.

"Oh, I won't hesitate to tear those papers apart infront of your eyes to my hearts delight."

Minji's heart couldn't bear the fact that her mother could cancel her classes & private practices whenever she wanted to.

It was a perfect source of blackmail Minji's mother could threaten her own daughter with at any time she ever wanted to.

Even without Minji's knowledge, she could go & remove Minji's name from the list had terrified her for years, & now, that fear seemed like it was going to become a reality.

Sure, the situation did seem quite silly, but this was tha only thing that Minji had that wasn't something decided by someone else. All of this meant so much to her.

Minji had pushed those dark thoughts away into the back of her mind. She had other things to care about than constantly worrying about that.

The girl had got up from her bed & zipped open her backpack, grabbing her science textbook.

No matter how dead tired Minji knew she was, she had to study at least a page or two before going to bed.

As Minji opened up the textbook as she heard her phone let out a loud buzzing sound.

Using this as an excuse, Minji got up from her bed & grabbed her phone off her desk. The girl was curious to see who wanted to talk to her at a time most people would be getting ready to sleep.

Minji smiled upon seeing who it was.

NOVEMBER 1ST 11:23 PM 2022

Minji :D

Are you safe in your room

Yeah, I'm room

How about you?

I only saw you go to
the bus station,
not actually get o n
the bus

I already got on the bus
about a few minutes ago and
the bus is reaching my
stop pretty soon

Get home safe, alright


iS SoMebOdY WoRriEd
AbOUt mE

I may be worried about
you but that doesn't
mean I'll hesitate to eat your



Should I be scared


Minji smiled as she let out a sigh of relief as she turned off her phone. Although the conversation was short, it made her feel better & more relaxed.

Yet those same thoughts she shut out earlier came rushing back as the main topic to be focusing on.

Minji had quickly snapped back to reality as she felt faint footsteps come to the outside of her bedroom door.

The girl quickly pushed her phone under her pillow & opened up her science textbook to a random page, a topic she hadn't been taught yet.

That feeling became a reality as just seconds later, Minji's bedroom door swung open, shedding in small amounts of light as the rest was covered by Minji's mother, who was peering to see if there was any sus behaviour.

- What? - Minji had mumbled after looking up from her textbook with an annoyed face.

The mother had looked away, seemingly out of guilt. She mumbled a quick "Nothing." before gently closing the door.

Her mum always acted as if she was trying to catch her daughter committing a felony.

Minji flipped back to the correct page of her textbook & skimmed through each topic she was revising.


Minji's mind couldn't truly stop thinking about the whole ordeal. She had just become friends with Minho & didn't want to ghost him after a singular day.

Seeing how her mum had panicked about the entire thing, Minji knew that she'd be threatened constantly with the same "after all I did for you" & "you're so privelleged" arguments.

After all, why was she placed into this stupid, arranged marriage?

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