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- There, there, see? You look so pretty in that dress next to Yejun. - Minji's mother exclaimed as her finger flicked through numerous pictures she had taken a few minutes ago.

That dress is the only thing making me pretty... - Minji thought as she & Yejun had both cringed at the photos.

- I'm going to leave before I throw up. - Yejun stated as he hurriedly had left the kitchen.

How I wish I could do the same-

- Aw~, look at how nervous he's next to you. It's so cute! - her mother squealed.

Minji rolled her eyes as she had let out an annoyed sigh, wondering what the right course of action would be to avoid the situation.

- Anyway, Minji, go get your fiancé. We'll be having tea with his parents in a few minutes.

Minji happily accepted the request. That same course of action she had been thinking about had just been given to her for free. The girl would do anything to just get away from all of the pain & awkwardness her mother was putting her through.


- Hey, Yejun, you need to come back. Mum said that we'll be drinking tea with your parents. - Minji stated as she entered the lit-up bathroom. - You okay?

Minji had found Yejun sadly sitting on the cold, tile bathroom floor. It saddened her seeing him like this, as she whole-heartedly understood what he was going through of this wretched marriage.

After all, they were experiencing the same horrid pain & uneasiness at the same time together.

Minji sighed as she looked down at Yejun, trying to find the right words to say to him.

There were no correct words to say, yet each word had to be carefully picked as they would either make or break the entire situation.

- Listen, I understand it's hard right now, but both of us just need to bear this single tea time. I'm sure it won't take long. After it, you can go sulk in the bathroom again. - the girl grabbed Yejun's arm as she pulled him up from the floor. - Come on, we'll get through it together.

- I hate this so much.

- Same here. If I could simply cancel this marriage with the snap of my fingers, I would. I'd take all of the pain you and I are feeling in a second.

- But you can't.

- But I can't.


'Tea time' had felt unbearable for the two teens.

As the parents enjoyed their talk, drink & sweets, Minji & Yejun just uncomfortably sat there, not touching their drinks or the food, pretty much sweating their asses off & wondering when they could leave.

They both had begun picking at their nails, their skin as sweat almost drenched each part of their hands.

Yejun was pushing food around the table & constantly clearing his throat when needing to speak. Minji had kept on crossing & uncrossing both her arms & legs while constantly edging towards the room's exit.

Both of them had felt awkward & uncomfortable in other situations before, but dear lord, there was boss music playing during the entire event.


After that unbearably awkward meeting, the parents sent off Yejun & Minji into Yejun's family's newly installed garden.

The two had let out a sigh of relief once they stepped into the fresh, cold air. It felt so much more relaxing being away from the adults than being inside & having to deal with tension so thick a knife could practically slice it.

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