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Music began playing loudly throughout the entire auditorium. It had been so loud that people outside the large room meters away could feel the floors almost vibrate due to how aggressive the sound had been.

And there, Minji had stood on stage.

Without any mere hint of hesitation or worry, she had moved her body along to the sound of the melody.

Minji had moved her torso in a low, almost circle-like shape. It had seemed to be done so smoothly, so gracefully, it had been over before one could begin to process what beauty their eyes had just witnessed. And once that singular move was over, Minji had waited for the perfect moment, listening in so closely to the music. As seconds had only passed by, the girl had clapped her hands along with the beat.

While it was such a simple move, seeing the slight gesture of clapping coming up had made the crowd move their hands along with her's.

Once that little starting show was over, the real deal had begun once the lyrics had sung through the auditorium.


(How we do it.)

영원한 것들이 있대

(They say!)

우린 쿨한 걸 좋아해

(Our way!)

자 누가누가 핫 하대?


It had been so strange to see a girl who once lacked the courage to talk to people, now be on stage. She was flourishing & thriving her way through the dance.

Once upon a time, Minji's confidence had been so low, she couldn't even fathom the thought of looking into the mirror. She could barely survive the thought of what other people might think of her.

Yet, that had happened long ago. As it's said to be: "Once upon a time...", that time, though, was now over. She had breached through a new level of faith in herself, so high up from what used to be nonexistent trust in herself.

Even if it was just a mere school performance, Minji had felt like she had entered a whole new realm of the world once she had stepped on stage. The music had only added to how unrealistic her life had felt.

And, it all had reflected in her movements so perfectly. One could never even begin to believe that she didn't walk through school like a high-fashion model.

Even the audience was a little bit surprised by her. They hadn't even realised what power Minji had that took over their bodies.

As the chorus was rushing in, her classmates had moved out from behind curtains that covered what had seemed to be a "backstage" & joined Minji in this group dance.

While the performance itself was already so pleasing to watch, seeing other people join in with such strong & unbreakable smiles on their faces had added a said "umph" into the whole show. Even though Minji's classmates were mere backup dancers, no one could deny the extra amounts of energy they had pumped into the dance.

Unknowingly, Minji had slightly smirked to herself. While it was sudden & unexpected, Minji could not hold back the memory of a conversation she had with Minho on the day they had first met.


~Quick Flashback~

"Why do you want to dance to a song about a decade you weren't even born in? - Minho had asked as he ate his meal. - Why not clown on yourself even more and dance to a song about happiness? It's something almost nobody has these days."

"Nah, nah, everyone will become deppresed and cri. - Minji responded before imitating exagerated crying. - I don't know why I pick '90's Love', I guess I just felt like it."

~Quick FlashBack End~


Nevertheless, there was something about the audience that had made Minji feel a strange wave of emptiness & longing creep its way into her feelings.

It was as if something was missing. Someone was missing.

No. Not now. It wasn't the time to remember oppressed memories. 

Although it had pained Minji massively to push these emotions away, she still did.

It was her performance she needed to focus on, not forgotten trauma.


Those mere three minutes & thirty-three seconds of dance had seemed like it had went & gone the moment everything started.

It was as if Minji had blinked once while getting onto the stage & in the next breath, she was already bowing & thanking the audience for watching.

Though, it wasn't all that slow as she had now been beside Jiwoo.

While Jiwoo was in the audience, she managed to squeeze in through the crowd & get a great spot to watch the show. Yet, it wasn't just watching was what she had been doing. She had also been recording the entire thing.

Before Minji could even take in a normal breath of fresh air, Jiwoo had rushed to her & immediately attacked her with a ginormous & tight bear hug. In itself, that had got a few unwanted stares from the people around her.

The hug was very sturdy & seemingly unbreakable. It was basically impossible to escape Jiwoo's arms once someone would get trapped between them.

- J-Jiwoo- I-I can't- I can't breathe- .- Minji had managed to blurt out.

Her words had been brushed off as nothing important as Jiwoo had secured her arms even tighter than before.

- JiwOO, pLEASE-

Once realisation had banged on Jiwoo's head that she was about to crush Minji's bones, the tightness in her muscle had now suddenly relaxed. Her arms draped to the side, being careful of where they went. She had smiled shyly.

- Sorry, I just got excited~.

Minji now had the privilege to finally take in a deep breath of fresh air instead of some more carbon dioxide. She had taken full advantage of that liberty, letting out a long sigh afterwards.

- By the way, what time does the dinner start?

- At ten p.m, I'm pretty sure.

- Well, what time is it now?

Jiwoo took out her phone, her eyes widening once she saw what time it was:

Minji's eyes had widened in shock as those words had rung through her ears.

She had desperately grabbed Jiwoo's hand, beginning to lunge herself & Jiwoo through the hallways & staircases that lead to her classroom:

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