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Minho grabbed his & Minji's bag, handing the girl's bag to its rightful owner before both of them left the practice room together, heading off back to exit the academy.

There was a long silence between the two as they exited the academy, but once they did, the air was suddenly cleared from the awkwardness in it.

Minji was about to head the opposite way Minho was going to, but she stopped in her tracks as she felt somebody intertwine her hand with theirs.

- Minji, let's go to a convenience store. You know, to buy you something to eat. - Minho said as he gestured to a small store across the street.

- I don't think I can, I don't have any money with me-

- Did I stutter?

Minji bit her lip as she was hesitant to agree to Minho's offer.

It felt wrong.

The girl would be in so much trouble if her mum would find out, but that's a risk she was willing to take.

Sure, Minho wasn't Levi Ackermann, but he still was quite pretty.

They crossed the road & swiftly entered the lit-up convenience store.

Minji squinted as she looked around, trying to find what she wanted. The store lights were a bit too bright for her.

- Go pick up whatever you want to eat, and let's meet near the cashier once we have everything. - Minho exclaimed before walking off to go get whatever he wanted while leaving Minji to stay in place.

She was pretty shocked about how kind this person she met about an hour ago was to her, her faith in humanity slowly restored by a few kind gestures.

Minji quickly snapped back to reality & began rushing around the aisles, trying to find something tasty for her stomach.


- Oi, Minji! Do you want some ramen?

- No, thank you, you've already helped me enough. - Minji chuckled.

- Really? You don't have to be shy. Like I said, I can pay for it.

- No, really, I've been living off of ramen for the past week. I'd like something different for a bit.

Minho stared at the single bento box Minji held in her hands. He felt saddened as he realised how this probably isn't the only time she's forgotten to keep up with regular meals.

- Do you want anything else?

- No, I'm good.

Minji's words sounded so sweet to his ears, so believable, such a nice melody to listen to.

Yet that's what saddened Minho.

You're lying, aren't you...


After quickly paying for their food, Minho went to go claim a table in the back as Minji went to heat up her bento box & add some water to Minho's ramen cup.

After about a minute or so, she promptly came back & sat down in front of Minho while sliding him his food.

- Thank you for the meal~. - Minji exclaimed before beginning to eat, the same bracelet from earlier dangling around her wrist.

It wasn't an awkward silence that draped over the two. It was more so delightful than anything.


- Are you feeling any better?

Minho felt happier as Minji's pale face was slowly regaining colour.

- Yeah, I'm just a little light-headed, that's all.

That was another lie.

A singular, bento box wouldn't be able to make someone starved suddenly feel better.

Minho looked down at Minji's shaking hands. He felt a bit sad seeing how they were thin, bony & pale.

The boy wanted an excuse to be able to hold Minji's hand & secure it with his warmth. But what could he possibly do?...

- Wow, your hand seems pretty small. Do you want to compare?

- Sure. - Minji swiftly agreed as she raised her hand up to Minho's, pressing it against his warm skin.

Minho was the wrong one here, her hand was the bigger one.

Minho pouted as he gently intertwined his fingers with hers, helping Minji regain a bit of balance as they crossed the street.

- I'll walk you home if that's okay with you.

- Don't worry, I'm fine with it.

Why do you keep lying to me?...


After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached Minji's flat.

Minji refused to let Minho lead her straight into the building, then leave.

She had felt like there was a certain someone watching the whole situation play out.

After some thought about it & welling up enough courage, Minji had nervously ended their conversation by asking Minho if they could exchange a possible way of communication while they're apart from each other.

As she asked him, Minho's face lit up with joy as he happily agreed to Minji's request.

- My god, what's up with your username? - Minho had asked, half-joking & half-serious.

Minji had got a bit flustered, realising that she forgot to change it ever since that dare between her & Lia ended:
- Thou not LAUGH at me, you CHILD. You're clearly the uncultured swine here!

After quickly giving each other their socials, Minho had bid his goodbyes to the girl & began walking to a small bus station.

Minji felt her heart flutter a little bit as memories of what went down today went through her mind while walking to her flat.

She felt so happy knowing that such kind people like him existed. But, something else about Minho makes Minji's heart beat faster than any other person.

As the girl was about to reach her door, it had suddenly swung open as her mother stared at her daughter with an enraged look, almost hitting her hand.

The middle-aged woman had pulled Minji inside & shut the door tight without saying a word.

Minji stared at her mother. She was utterly confused about why she was acting like this. But no matter what angered her like, Minji knew she was in an immense amount of trouble.

Her mother had let out an annoyed sigh as she watched Minji take off her shoes.

Minji's mum was a lot less aggressive at times like this. Because of that, Minji was perplexed by her actions & overreaction over something so mild.


- WHY were you out with... WITH A DIFFERENT GUY?!

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