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The door had swiftly opened & closed itself with a quiet thud as Minji had rushed out of the flat, beginning to run through the cold night again.

The dried skin covering her hands had started to now feel as cold as ice now. Minji herself could barely feel the slabs of meat that connected to her wrists at this point. The freezing temperature had been ruthless ever since December started.

- Shit... Jiwoo, where are you? There are so many people here, - Minji had spoken into her phone, awaiting a response from her friend.

- Don't worry! Don't worry! I can see you right now. It's pretty hard to ignore your red hair.

Jiwoo had abruptly ended the call, which had made Minji stare at her phone in confusion. She could already barely hear anything from the other side due to how loud her surroundings had been.

Nevertheless, seconds later, Minji had felt small taps poke her shoulder. Once she turned around, she was left surprised as Jiwoo & Jisung  both stood behind her.

Before Minji could smile at the both of them, Jisung had grabbed her hand with Jiwoo's, beginning to drag them somewhere. Minji had thought whether this was okay or not but decided to no question the man, knowing that this was his school. Jisung was the one familiar with the shortest routes to where ever they were heading.

The school Minji had begun wandering around had seemed so strange to the girl. Not in a bad, more so in fascination. It was a lot different from the school she went to.

The students had a rather colourful uniform, instead of the usual black or other dark shades from other hues. The blazers had been decorated in a bright yellow colour that were accompanied by black jeans or skirts.

Yet, when it came to architecture, the differences were barely noticeable.

(A/N: I'm trying to write accurate, Korean education & stuff, but google really just won't tell the difference between regular schools & art schools. Moving on-)

As Minji had gazed around, comparing almost every minor difference to her experiences. Yet, while she was too busy judging the school, the girl had been snapped out of her daze as a happy Minho had suddenly appeared in front of her. With her barely comprehending his unnoticeable to noticeable presence, Minho had given Minji a tight & warm hug.

Weirdly enough, the hug felt as if there was a strong emotion of longing added into it. As if it was the greeting you'd give to someone you haven't seen for a long time. To a loved one.

And slowly like that, the hug had turned into Minho & Minji beginning to waddle quietly in circles.

If one would squint, they'd see two small penguins in front of them as others around them ate food & chatted.

- I missed you so much, - Minho had mumbled.

- Missed me? I was only gone for like, what? One or two hours?

- Still... that's a lot of time when you're waiting for someone.

- It sure is... - Minji had murmured as her memories flashed of what happened earlier.

She must be devasted...

The girl's once soft smile had faded away into nothing but a sad frown once she had noticed that a small, black & red bracelet hadn't been dangling upon her wrist anymore:
- Gosh, why did I do that?...

- Do what? What did you do? - Minho asked, a little confused by the sudden sad tone in her voice.

- O-oh, it's nothing... I... I just forgot to put my bracelet back on before I left home.

- The red one?

- Well, of course, - Minji chuckled. - it's the only one I ever wear.

- That's alright, - Minho sang. - you can wear it another time.

- I hope so. Anyways, when is your group's performance thingy will be happening?

Minho smiled as sudden sparkles had lit up in his eyes:
- That happened about an hour ago. It was really fun!

- Ahh, sorry... I wish I had been there.

- No, no, it's alright. I wasn't at your dance thing either, so it's even. Don't worry about it. Plus, it was recorded.

- Still... - Minji sighed. - It would've been fun to see your song happen live, other than practice times, of course.

- What? Were those not enough?

- Nope~. - Minji teased.

Minho had let out an exaggerated gasp, letting go of Minji's waist. Although his acting had been terrible, he still had succeeded in making it dramatic.

Minji's gentle smile had returned once she had witnessed Minho's quite childish behaviour.

She raised her hand up, patting his head:
- There, there. There's no need to get so upset at just a little teasing, yOu cHiLD.

- Well, I'm definitely mad now.

Minho had shut his eyes, his eyebrows furrowing. The man was still dedicated to keeping his "mad" act on. However, Minho's emotions had ranged far from anything negative during that moment.

- Oh, come on now~, - Minji hummed as she hugged him from behind.

Though, a second hadn't even passed as Minho had turned around the moment Minji's arms had wrapped around his waist. He had a smug look on his face, now being the one holding the girl.

- Now, who's the flustered one? - he had asked while caressing Minji's surprised face.

Minho had casually leaned in very closely. The tension was quickly building up as both of their hearts had begun pounding in their chest. Yet, one heart had been a lot clearer about it than the other.

Although a blush had begun to appear on Minho's & Minji's faces, Minho had destroyed any anticipation both of them had felt by leaving a small kiss in the middle of Minji's forehead.

Flustered & slightly embarrassed, Minji had buried her head into the crook of Minho's shoulder. She had let out an exaggerated groan of disappointment while Minho only laughed at the situation.

- You should've seen yourself! You looked so red! Awww, now look who's the tsundere!

- No fair. I thought it would finally happen.

- That's alright, - Minho had exclaimed as he ran his fingers through Minji's hair. - come, I want some more privacy with you.

Minho had intertwined his fingers with the girl, leading her out of the classroom.

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