Chapter 3

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Im thinking about ending the story but i wont
Because i love it sm but hiii to my only reader
Thanks sm for reading my story

Your pov
I was sitting in my room all but the energy bracelet was in my jewelry box i decided to go to the library sense no one is ever im there and i can be alone as i was walking to the library i saw sif im surprised she didn't go with father and uncle thor i have always felt like sif fancyed my father but I didn't say anything i just walked

pass the sif training the guards considering she better then all of them and I didn't want to bother her once i made it to the library I found the spell book my mother left behind i opened it and saw a illusion trick I've seen my father do it before so I wanted to try the book said to focus

on what you want an illusion of obviously I thought of myself it also said to imagine the number of things your illusioning i did exactly that and next thing i know there were 5 of me in the library i then made them disappear

I then look at the book and in little words it said "only Laufeysons can do these spells" and thats when i was actually proud to be a Laufeyson because i can now do things my cousins can't
I decided to try one more spell and it was a

Appearing and disappearing spell i had to Focus on what I wanted to appear in my hand I thought of my water crystal i held my hand out and it appeared out of no where now to make it disappear i just hold the item and think of

Where I wanted it to go I thought of my jewelry box and ny crystal in it and as i flick my wrist it was gone i put the book away before someone saw me i was walking to my room when i ran into lili i was trying to avoid her all day but

Here i am I could tell she was gonna say something mean to me but jane came over with sif,thor and my dad when i saw him i ran right into my father's arms

"Daddy!" I basically yelled running to him when i got to him he picked me up and hugged me i felt safe in his arms i mean it had only been a few weeks but i get lonely and my dad dosent treat me like an outcast

"Hello princess" thor said trying to hug his daughter

"Hello father" lili said as if he had done something wrong why would she treat her dad like that i mean if my dad was thor I would be the best daughter I could but he not and im glad
Loki is my father

"Ok so we're having a ball tonight in honor of lilis and ellies birthday eve party" grandma said

"Ellie dosent need a party shes already spoiled enough" grandfather odin said it made me sad knowing that my grandfather thinks im spoiled and that he clearly favored lili

My father was still carrying me but I couldn't tell he was getting angry father never liked when anyone talk bad about me but this made father crack

"How dare you say that about my daughter if anything lili is the spoiled brat she has never done anything herself and i get that you dont like me but it doesn't mean you take it out on my daughter you old prick always favors people!" my father said yelling at the top of his lungs

I have never heard my father yell like that it scared me a lot but that wasn't until my grandfather yelled back

"How dare you speak to me that way you and your daughter are ungrateful and I never favor people!-" my father cut him off

"See there you go all you do is lie you know what im done i dont wanna fight right now" and with that me and my father teleported to his room he sat me down on his bed and i was almost in tears

"Im sorry el" my father said hugging me and thats when i started crying my father let go of me and look at me I could tell he wanted to cry to he clearly didn't like seeing me like this

"Daddy?" I whispered

"Yes?" He said

"Why dose grandfather hate me?" I said almost crying again father look at me with his eyes watering

"Well things i did in the past he's taking it out on you" he said while pushing my hair out my face

Lokis pov
"Well things i did in the past he's taking it out on you" i said not wanting to tell her he hated her and me because were frost giants but i wasn't exactly lying either i look down

And see that ellie fell asleep in my arms i carried her to her room and tucked her in

"Good night darling"i said and kissed her head

"Good night daddy" ellie said half awake

As i was about to walk out i saw something glowing in ellies jewelry box i went up to it and it was a necklace im not sure what crystal or stone it was though

Im to tired for this we have the party tomorrow night so i had a lot to do as i was walking to my room i ran into sif,jane, my brother and my mom

"Loki you alright" sif asked putting her hand on my arm then jane came up to me and slapped me

"That was for calling my daughter a spoiled brat" jane said crossing her arms

"Ya brother if anything my daughter is not a brat" thor said clenching his hammer tightly i could tell thor wanted to hit me with it

"Loki you dont look so good" my mom said grabbing my face

"That's because im tired" i said

"Sif please take loki to bed he looks like hes just gonna fall over any second" my mom said to sif giving her a wink

"Sure thing" sif took me to my room and laid me on my bed

"I could've done it myself" i say chuckling

"I know but queens odors" sif says laughing it was silent in the room but not a awkward silence more of a comfortable silence I broke it by kissing her I couldn't stop myself

But to my surprise sif kissed back it then turned into a make out session i grabbed her hips and put her on my lap sifs hands went down to my shirt she put her hands under my shirt and went over my abs in chuckled into the kiss by now sifs legs are on both sides of me

Ima stop here just incase the clean beans dont wanna read that but for yall dirty beans i got yall next chapter

Word count:1188

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