lets just get through this

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Ayo um this way original going to be called euphoria  which would talk about a good and bad news but now theirs more oh boy let's start

So I cut my hair in the back it's unnoticeable but makes me happy it reminded me of the time I was in elementary school I would pull out my hair cause of my grandparents stress and some other stuff  I also accidentally miss Gendered someone that day it was a heat in the moment thing but that doesn't excuse my behavior luckily I feel they didn't hear me (that's normal at this point not for them but by the world ) and still that isn't an excuse um I had to take a break from writing this and I was gonna say I haven't hurt myself but I have couple of scratches down my face nothing big

I wanna try to write down some of my bad memories seeing as I remember them

Hey brain can I have good memories

Hmh I don't know how about the time in a car ride you hit your head on the car seat next to you and your cusion told you to shut up and stop crying from what you remember or-


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