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"Miranda come here for a minute. Me and your mother have something important we need to discuss with you." William called out.

"Coming." Miranda yelled coming down the stairs.

She pushed her glasses up on her nose and walked into her father's big office.

Hey ma, hey daddy." Miranda greeted them cheerily.

"Sit down for a second honey." Elena said with sad eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Miranda inquired nervously, her voice filled with worry.

"So you know our biggest competitors..

"Yeah Medtronics and Warren Co. " Miranda answered. She was well aware of them. They were one of the largest medical device companies in the United States just like her father's company. They also owned hospitals as well.

"Well, Me and Christopher have decided to come to a business deal and merge our companies."

"That's dangerous right. How do you know that it’s real and he won't try anything funny?" Miranda questioned scrunching her nose.

"Mandy, I did not come to this decision lightly but we decided that our children would seal the deal. " William spoke softly.

"Like what ?" Miranda questioned fearing the worst.

"You and Benjamin Warren will marry. It's the perfect union to unite our businesses. Together with your help, Bailey's Stryker Co. Will be world wide and our two companies will dominate the world. " William spoke.

"What?!" Miranda shrieked in horror before tears pooled into her eyes.

"I'm not even 22 yet and what about love?" Miranda whispered.

"You won't marry until after the summer and I'm sure love will come he seems like a very nice young man.

"Seems." Miranda said loudly, she felt overwhelmed and she needed air.

" Excuse me." Miranda said getting up and rushing out of the room before she broke down.



She heard her parents call after her but she kept walking. Miranda walked up to her room and closed the door. She sat on her balcony and cried. She couldn't understand this. She wanted to marry someone because she loved them with all her heart and she couldn't see her self with out him.

But this, this was the craziest thing she has ever heard. She saw stuff like this on TV but never did she think that it would be her life. All she wanted to do was go to med school and become a surgeon. She wanted to run one of her families hospital and the foundation someday. She wanted a true loving husband and kids not a stranger.

"Miranda." Elena called out.

Miranda didn't respond as she sat on her balcony, tears still falling.

"I'm sorry Miranda." Elena said softly.

"Don't make it worst by saying things you don't mean. You made this decision and you're not sorry. You didn't think about me and my life, my future, my mental health. I'm a person. Your daughter. What about me? What about my wellbeing?" Miranda cried.


"I'm going to do it mother because it really seems I have no choice but I hope you and dad's conscious eats you alive. For this grave error you made." Miranda sneered angrily.


"I want to meet him. I'm not marrying someone I have never seen and I don't want a wedding. The court house is fine." Miranda huffed still baffled.

"Miranda you have to have a wedding. There will be press and media. This needs to be believable. Also an engagement shoot that will be published in a magazine." Elena started.

"Dam it." Miranda huffed out of frustration.

"You watch your mouth Miranda." Her mother scolded.

Two weeks passed and Miranda sat in the tub. She wanted to relax before this dinner party tonight. She couldn't believe this would be the first time she was meeting the man she would be marrying in less than four months.

As much as she hated this. She still wanted to look presentable. She didn't know anything about being a wife, let alone a girlfriend. She had never kissed anyone before and now she was legally biding herself  to someone.

With a sigh Miranda got out of the tub and she dried off and shaved her legs. She lotion down and put on her underclothes. Walking to her closet, Miranda stood trying to find something to wear.

She decided on a simple blue dress that showed off her figured. She put on light foundation, eye liner and mascara.

Miranda unwrapped her hair and she put a middle part in it. After applying lip gloss, she was satisfied with her look.

"Miranda." William yelled up the stairs signaling that their guest were here.

"Coming." Miranda called out opening her bedroom door.

Miranda slowly walked down the huge stairs case.

Miranda made her way to the formal living room and she saw her parents sitting across from a couple their age.

"Miranda come join us." Elena said with a light smile.

"Miranda this is Patricia and Christopher Warren." Elena said.

"Hi, I am Miranda Bailey." Miranda said showing them a smile as she extended her hand to them.

"It's nice meeting you." They both said.

"You as well." Miranda lied, she would be happy if she never ever met them.

"Sorry about that, I had to take a call with some investors." The young man said walking into the room sliding the phone into his khakis.

Miranda snapped her head towards him and she looked at his feet before traveling up to his body, then his face.

She gasped when her eyes met his. He was honestly beautiful. Miranda quickly averted his eye.

"Hello I'm Benjamin Warren and you must Miranda" Ben said politely walking over to the couch and extending his hand.

"Miranda Bailey." Miranda said nervously as they shook hands.

"Dinners ready." The cook called standing at the door.

Miranda let go of his hand as she stood. The people of six walked to the dining room.

Miranda walked to her chair and her mother elbowed her silently telling her to sit by Ben.

Miranda rolled her eyes and took the hint.

"So Miranda we hear that you are graduating as salutatorian." Patricia said as she cut her chicken breast.

"Yes ma'am I-
"Graduating?" Ben cut her off.

"Yeah Miranda is a senior in college at Wellesley, she turns 22 in July and-

"22?!" Ben yelled.

"You signed me up to marry a child." Ben bellowed.

Miranda's eyes widen before she pursed her lips.
"Well, I didn't ask to marry you either and I am not a child. I didn't asked for any of this." Miranda yelled and she could feel her tears pooling.

"Miranda language." Her dad barked.

"On a lighter subject. We have the same photographer who took Beyoncé's maternity photos will shoot your engagement and the wedding day photos." Elena said changing the topic.

Miranda could care less about the wedding or any photo's and Beyoncé.

"Oh really that's great." Ben said blowing out a breath.

"I'm thinking a nice big church wedding." Ben thought out loud.

"Nope." Miranda immediately spurred out.

"I don’t want a big wedding. Not a lot of guest. The less the better for me. Who wants to witness this monstrosity of a sham wedding." Miranda mumbled.

Ben looked at this short girl. He did not want to marry her either and he was trying to make the best of the situation considering, but she was just sour.

"The wedding can be in the back yard by the fountain and garden." Miranda said pushing her glasses up.

"Fine." Ben relented.

"So what do you want to do for a career Miranda?" Christopher asked.

"I'm going to study biomedical science and then I'm going to med school. I want to be a surgeon." Miranda said confidently and Ben looked down at her impressed. He was going to be an Anesthesiologist, after his two years residency, although he didn't need the money or the career but he felt like he wanted to be somewhat regular despite his wealth.

"There are 3 homes that you and Ben can choose from close by Medtronics head quarters.

"Wait we have to live together." Miranda asked shocked.

"Well that one was simple." Ben mumbled, she should have known that.

"Isn't Medtronic headquarters in Seattle?" Miranda questioned.

"Yes" William said and Miranda eyes widen once again.

"You want me to marry, live with and move across the country with a stranger." Miranda hissed as she stood up wiping her eyes.

"I have lost my appetite, it was nice meeting you all." Miranda barely got the words out as she choked up on her tears.

"Miranda." Elena whined but Miranda was already gone.

Ben honestly felt bad for her and them, he was very much angry when he got the news as well.

"Ben, honey can you come over when you get off of work?" His mother said into the phone.

"Okay I will be there." Ben said tiredly, he had classes in the morning and then he worked at the company until late at night.

He walked into his parents mansion and he walked to the living room to find them.

"Hello parents." Ben said kindly.

"Ben you look so tired.

"I told you, you didn't have to go to school and just take over the company." Christopher said

"Dad, I want something for my own. I've always wanted to be an Anesthesiologist after Danny and nothing has changed. That's what I'm going to do." Ben retorted.

"You're going to work yourself to death before you turn 40." Patricia said concerned.

"Mom I'm young and I'm doing a great job at juggling both, now what is it that you called me for. Erica is waiting for me at home. I barely see her as it is." Ben rushed.

"Well Benjamin, you know very well like I do that our competitors are just as wealthy and good as we are.

"Bailey's Stryker Co." Ben said, they owned a hospital in almost every major city across the US along with manufacturing medical supplies.

"Right so, we found a way to merge with their company to make these two companies the greatest and most dominant companies across the US and now global."

"Really!?" Ben said shocked.

"You Benjamin and his daughter Miranda will marry." Christopher said.

"We will what?" Ben yelled. "I will do no such thing." Ben yelled again.

"You will son its already done. I signed the contract and now our company is on the line if you don't go through with this."

"Dad, this was the stupidest thing you have ever done. I have Erica. She's been my girlfriend for four years now." Ben argued.

"She couldn't be that much of a girlfriend if you haven't proposed to her yet." Patricia said.

"That's where you’re wrong mother. I just bought an engagement ring last week. I was waiting for the semester to be over to plan out a nice proposal." Ben bellowed, he honestly wanted to hit something.

"Benjamin think about our company." Christopher pleaded.

"Your company. I would have been happy becoming a doctor and living on my own."

"I'm sorry son but it's done." Patricia said and Ben blew out a breath.

"Now how am I going to explain to my girlfriend that I have a fiancé. " Ben said rubbing his face.

"Goodnight you both." Ben replied getting up. He didn't even wait for their response. He was honestly over them.

Ben road to his condo and he saw his phone light up signaling he had a text message.

Ma: we will meet with the family and your bride to be in two weeks.

Ben looked at the text message and he closed his phone out. A simple hardworking day was turning out to be the worst day of his life.

Ben put the key In to his house and he walked inside. He sat his laptop bag on the table and keys in the dish bowl.

"Baby your home." Erica called out excitedly as she came down the stairs.

"Is this what you wear to greet me." Ben replied looking at her beige bra and panties set.

"I've missed you." She said walking over to him.

"Me too baby." Ben said pulling her into a hug.

"I wish you could just be a regular college student like me and not have to work at the company. That's not even your dream Ben." Erica said sadly.

Ben was lost in thought. He didn't know how to tell this woman, the one that he loved that it was over.

"But all we have is 2 more years and you can cut ties like you talked about after you become an Anesthesiologist." Erica said hopeful

"Rica there is something that I have to tell you." Ben said seriously.

"What's the matter honey?"

"My parents arranged a marriage for me." Ben said softly.

"They did what?!" She yelled.

"They arranged a marriage with the competing companie’s daughter. " Ben answered.

"No no, we were supposed to get married. Have a family." Erica told him now crying.

"I know baby I'm sorry and there's nothing I can do to get out of it or my dad will loose his company."

"Fuck his company and that other company. They can't just ruin our lives." Erica said as more tears pooled.

" I wish it was that simple." Ben said softly.

"Let me see the contract when you get it. I will find a away out of it." She said confidently. Ben smiled at her. He loved his girlfriend and he was honestly confident that she would find a loop whole. She was studying to be lawyer and she goes to take her bar exam in two months.
"So you are not going to leave me." Ben asked hopeful.

"No honey of course not, this is not your fault. " Erica said pulling his hand and leading him up the stairs.

"I still want to show you how much I missed you." She chimed and Ben smiled.

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