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"Okay okay." Miranda laughed as Ben hit her with the small pillow.

Miranda then reached down and hit him as he turned his back.

"See." Ben laughed

"Okay for real, I surrender." Miranda laughed dropping the pillow on the floor.

Ben stalked over to her and backed her up until the back of her legs hit the bed. Ben eased her back until she was lying on the bed.

He leaned and kissed her full plump lips. "Mmmm Ben." Miranda moaned as she lifted her legs up slightly.

Ben looked down at her night gown as it bunched up around her waist.

"No panties." Ben breathed out licking his lips while staring.

"Yeah, I hate them around my pelvic. Your son is always sitting right there and it's so tight." Miranda replied with a sparkle in her eyes.

"I love it. You're so tight and I want to be in you." Ben groaned.

Miranda laughed and pulled him down close to her. "Come on then." She encouraged.

"Oh my god." Miranda called out as she orgasmed again.

"Dam." Ben groaned as he rolled the waves of his orgasm.

"If our baby comes early. I'm blaming you."

"Meee? " Ben chuckled.

"Yes, you keep trying to jump me every chance you get. Our baby probably has motion sickness. "

"Motion sickness." Ben laughed. Miranda was always so funny.

"Well If you would stop being so desirable. I just want you all the time. It's just you are so good. Our kid is use to it by now. "

"If they have a problem now. I hope they know that when this room door is closed. Mommy's legs is not."

Miranda laughed. "Ben warren you are crazy."

"I love you." Ben kissed her cheek chucking. "And I love you too."

"I'm going to the mall babe." Miranda called out as she walked out of the nursery.

Miranda loved the nursery. The walls were light blue with white clouds. Ben helped her hang up the white curtains and they placed the big white, blue and grey letters that read Benjamin across the wall where the crib was.

Ben and Miranda would be expecting their child around the second week of next month and  wanted to go to the baby store and get more outfits and things.

"Okay, call me when you come back and then I can come get the stuff out the car....oh Curt is coming into town. He should be here in 30 minutes. We are suppose to stop by my parents and attend a meeting." Ben said and Miranda nodded.

"Okay. I'll see you later."  Miranda said as Ben pecked her lips.

Miranda walked into the mall and she walked to the baby store. She picked up cute onesies, socks, bibs and everything else that she liked.

Miranda paid for all of her items, she had so many bags in her hand. She should have asked one of the guards to come with her.

"Oh excuse me." Miranda said when she bumped into a woman coming out of the store.

"Oh its no pr-

"Miranda." Erica said with wide eyes.

Miranda looked at the woman and she internally groaned.

"Erica." Miranda said simplistically.

"How is everything coming along and Oh my you look as if you are ready to pop. I'm glad everything is going according to plan. Ben was concerned at first that you would be angry but I told him that you would see the bright side and-

"What are you talking about?" Miranda asked genuinely confused.

"The plan to divorce...how to get out of the contract. " Erica said in a duh tone and Miranda raised her eye brow.

"Again. What the hell are you talking about."

A expression of surprise came over Erica's face. "Oh my God he didn't tell you. I'm so sorry."

Miranda just stared at the woman. She was getting on her nerves with not elaborating.

"I found a way out of the contract. I told Ben that if you all have a baby. It would be a heir that ties both companies together. He was very stand offish about the idea at first. He said that he knew you wouldn't go for it. So I told him to make you fall in love with him, I knew you would understand in the long run."

Miranda laughed. This woman was insane. "You have really lost your mind. My husband- " Miranda paused dropping her bags in her left hand and showing her ring with a huge smirk. "Would never do something crazy like that. You can't accept the fact that Benjamin Warren loves me, so here you come with this ridiculous story. " this is not the hand maids tale. This is real life you lunatic, I should get a restraining order against your wicked ass."

Erica looked at Miranda and she chuckled. " I have proof, I can show you our text messages." Erica replied pulling her phone out and strolling through her messages.

"Here see for yourself."
Miranda took the phone slowly and she swept her eyes through the messages.

Erica: how is the plan going with Miranda? Is she starting to like you."

Erica: uh Ben, I hate the fact that you have to sleep with her in order for this to work. Your my boyfriend and I love you.

Ben: E I have told you before to not text my phone. This plan will not work if she thanks we are still talking. So you can't call and text like this.

Miranda's eyes widen and she bit her lip she didn't want any tears to fall especially not in front of this woman. She read Erica other messages ignoring what Ben said and he never responded. She clicked on his name and swiped her eyes across his phone number to make sure it wasn't a hoax but sure enough those were his seven digits.

"I still don't believe you and don't ever talk to me or come up to me  again. Because I promise you. If that happens after me and Benjamin's son drop. I will beat blood from you." Miranda sneered picking her bags up but deep down she wanted to burst and she was falling apart at the seems.

Miranda drove home and she had to tell her self to calm down so she wouldn't have an accident because she was blinded by tears.

After getting to their house. She parked in the garage and she walked inside. Her eyes were red as the tears still fell.

She walked passed the living and she saw the big picture of them across the fire place. Miranda then was furious. She waddled off to the kitchen quickly and grabbed a kitchen knife. Along with a stool.

She carefully stood on it and she took the knife putting a slash through their picture.

Satisfied with the divide. She climbed down and then waddled up stairs.

Miranda grabbed her suit case out of the closet and she began to throw things in it. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and strolled to Callie's number.
"Hey B." Callie said into the phone.

"Can you come pick me up in like 45 minutes." Miranda asked apparent that she was crying.

"Miranda what's wrong ?" Callie  asked alert.

"Can we talk about it when you come. I need to pack some clothes."  Miranda said.

"Okay. 45 minutes." Callie confirmed hanging up.

Miranda sat down for a minute. She needed to take a break for a second. She was beginning to feel over whelmed. She hated that she couldn't get control over her emotions at all.

"Hey baby I'm back. Meeting was canceled." Ben called out shutting the front door.

Miranda hopped up at his voice and she started to grab things all over again.

Ben walked passed the living room on the way to the kitchen and the picture above the fire place caught his eye. He loved to look at it all the time.
"What the hell. Randa " Ben said shocked and confused.

"Honey are you here?" Ben said fearing that maybe Erica was getting revenge on him and was in their house.

Ben jogged up the stairs and he pushed their bedroom door opened.

"Randa the picture." Ben said blowing out a breath. He looked at her state and the fact that she was packing a bag.


"My name is Miranda." Miranda snapped at his nick name.

"You never mind before."

"That was before I found out about you."

"What'cha you doing Miranda. Why are you packing?" Ben questioned fearing the worst was coming true. She was the one who ruined their portrait. 

"So, you used me to carry your seed, just so we could get a divorce." Miranda sneered, it finally bursting out.

"Miranda no-

"No Benjamin that's exactly what it is. She's not lying. I saw the text message about her needing to work according to the plan."

"Miranda please listen. Yes, initially that was the plan but I fell in love with you Miranda. I broke up with her way before we slept together and did any type of sex, remember I was so adamant about us using contraceptives, I-

"I don't believe you, you are a liar and a con artist. If you just wanted out. You could have just told me, why would you make me fall in love with you and play these games. You are the most cruel individual I have ever met.” Miranda cried she wanted to smack him so bad but she would never put her hands on him. She respected him and sadly loved him.

Ben walked close to her to try and hold her hand. He needed her to hear him and understand.
"No, get your fucking hands off of me, don't ever touch me again!" Miranda yelled pushing him as hard as she could.

"Ouch. Shit." Miranda hissed clutching her stomach.

Ben's eyes widen and he walked forward but Miranda put her hand up to stop him.

"I am fine. It's just been a hell of a day and I'm stressed the fuck out. Ben we are done and there is nothing else to discuss and even if you were telling truth which I refuse to believe. You should have told me up front and let me make the decision. I probably would have been mad for a couple of days but I wouldn't wait until a bitch bumrush me in the fucking mall to share everything you kept from me. I deserve respect you ass whole. "

"Please don't do this Miranda." Ben sadly replied.

"No you did this Benjamin. All this shit is on you. I didn't sign up for mind games, lies and deceit. You made up in your mind with that bitch that you were going to get me pregnant... mission accomplished. So let's just keep it for what It was. I'm having your baby and then the divorce like you wanted."

"Miranda please. It was a mistake. I wasn’t thinking. I love you so much Miranda and I don't want to get a divorce, I don't want to sleep in our bed with out you, or be in this house with out you. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and you're not there. I messed up but please don't do this. Don't take your love away from me. " Ben begged tears sliding down his face.

Miranda looked at him and then looked away as she continued taking clothes from the dresser drawer and putting them into a suit case.

"I'll be back for the rest of my things at a later date." Miranda said zipping her suit case up. She could barely hold it as she walked.

"Miranda." Ben called dragging her name out but Miranda kept walking.

Miranda walked down the stairs and she put her hand on the door knob. She looked back at their house as tears formed in her eyes once more. She heard Ben's footsteps coming to the top of the stairs and she pushed passed her feelings walking out of the door slamming it behind her.

"Thanks for coming." Miranda cried as Callie popped the trunk.

"What happened. Why did you two fight?" Callie asked as Miranda got into the car.

"He used me Callie."

"He used you... how?" Callie asked looking over before backing out of the driveway.

"Him and his girlfriend came up with a plan to get out of the contract and our marriage. If I fall in love with him and get pregnant. Our heir will tie the two companies. He was playing with me and got me pregnant so we could get a divorce." Miranda cried more.

"Oh my God you got to be joking." Callie gasped.

"He said that was the plan at first but then he fell in love with me and he called off the plan." Miranda added in.

"Dam so now what."

"Me and Ben are through. Who would do something like that. If you wanted out just say that and we could have kept everything business but why would you play with my heart and my mind like that."

"I'm sorry Miranda that was very insane. Do you think he was telling the truth, does he really love you now?"

"I don't care if he do or not anyone that could make up a plan. To trick someone into loving them and sleeping with them. Is a monster." Miranda huffed and she reached down again hissing at her stomach pain.

"Miranda are you okay?" Callie asked concerned.

"Yeah uh, it's the stressed. He just kicked the hell out of my ribs." Miranda huffed. "He just wants mommy to calm down. I really just want something to eat and a relaxing bath so I can fall to sleep." Miranda said rubbing her stomach.

Callie grabbed Miranda's bag and she walked with her into her apartment.

Ben grabbed his phone and he strolled to Erica's number.

"Erica." Ben gritted.

"Hey baby."

"Don't baby me, why in the hell would you do that. I love Miranda and you messed it up.

"How can you sit here on the phone with me and tell me you love another woman."

Ben blew out a breath of frustration. "Because E, we are over and have been over. I meant that. I will forever mean that. I love Miranda so much it hurts and she is the mother of my child."

"So that's it. We are really through.?"

"Yes are you crazy. You are a lawyer. I know you are good at comprehending. We are done. Don’t ever come near me, my wife or my child." Ben yelled hanging the phone up.

"Damn it." Ben yelled punching the wall leaving a hole.

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