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"Hey baby." Ben called as Miranda opened the door to their house.

"Hey." Miranda said softly.

"I made lasagna and a salad for dinner." Ben told her and Miranda smiled lightly as she walked into their dining room.

Miranda ate and was silent during dinner.
"Miranda what's wrong? What's on your mind? You have barely spoken. Did I do something wrong? Did someone upset you?" Ben asked reaching for her hand.

"No you didn't. No body did. Ben I uh- I'm pregnant" Miranda said softly.

"You're what?" Ben questioned shocked.

"Pregnant doctor said about 3 weeks."

"But I thought you were on birth control." Ben said swallowing hard.

"I was. I don't understand how it is even possible." Miranda huffed.

"I even got an ultrasound done and sure enough it's a oval like circle sitting right in my uterus." Miranda said still staring at Ben wanting to see what his response was.

"I'm sorry Miranda." Ben said looking up at her.

"Sorry? Do you not want children or just children not with me. Why are you sorry?"

"No of course I do. I want children with you Miranda. I'm sorry that we are pregnant now. I know you have so much school left and this wasn't the plan." Ben stated firmly.

"It may not have been apart of the plan but he or she is now apart of our plan. "

"Miranda I am so extremely happy that you are carrying my child right now. I'm glad they are on board along for this ride in our life. It just gave me an unspeakable joy don't take it the wrong way when I say that it wasn't apart of our plan. I know this came as a surprise for both of us but I am overjoyed and glad to have an addition to our family. "

"So you are happy." Miranda said with a light smile.

"Of course I am, Miranda. I just didn't know where you stood mentally and I didn't want you to think that I sabotaged you or something."

"I was just worried because I know you were so strong about condoms and birth control but I'm actually pretty excited." Miranda cheesed.

Ben scooted back in his chair as he smiled. "I'm going to be a dad."

"I guess that's one thing that won't change." Miranda said standing and coming around the table. She straddled his lap and put her arms around his neck.

"And what's that?"

"Hearing daddy." Miranda said biting her lip.

"Mmmm" Ben said kissing her lips.

A month passed and Miranda placed her last gift under the Christmas tree as she back up smiling. The tree was huge and so beautifully decorated. Miranda needed a very tall ladder just to decorate the top.

"Everything looks beautiful. Including you." Ben said walking in with a plate of cookies.

"Thank you and you did a good job too."

Miranda laid on the couch and put her legs up. She smiled as Ben laid in between her legs. His head was on her pelvic close by her stomach. Miranda put her hand on top of his head and rubbed her fingers back and forth. "You're have 4 more months before my baby won't let you do that." Miranda chuckled.

"What are hoping for?" Ben asked looking at the TV.

"I want a boy. Mommy's little man." Miranda smiled

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