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Miranda waited until Ben went to work before she came to get her things. She started looking for apartments. She saw this luxury 3 bedroom fully furnished apartment that she was about to sign the lease for.

She didn’t realize she had so many clothes. She had boxes of things sitting at the bedroom door.

Miranda grabbed all of her shoes and heels throwing them into a box.
She then grabbed all of her essentials and things, boxing them up.

"Hey, John can you come help carry these boxes to my car?" Miranda questioned.

"I'm coming in." He said.

"Okay come up the stairs and make a right. It's the big double doors." Miranda instructed.

Miranda walked to the present hole in the wall by their bed and she frowned. Looking at the size and the angle she knew it was Ben's fist that made this. She rubbed her hand across it and leaned back to blink back tears. She wasn't going to lie and say she didn't miss him because she truly did. At night she wanted to be wrapped up in his bear hug or him to rub her feet. She wanted his kisses and sex, they would go at it all day long with breaks and naps in between. It's only been a week but she felt like she was going crazy without him. Love was such a crazy thing. Is this love? When you hurt like hell but misses the one that hurt you.

Sometimes it was a curse and other times it was a blessing but Miranda always felt everything so deeply even when she was a teenager. "Love was stupid." Miranda thought to herself.

"It's not love that hurts you. It’s the one I chose to love that hurt me." Miranda said out loud.

She was hurt, sad, angry, mad and disappointed but she knew that for her child she would put a smile on and move on, this shit was going to hurt like hell but she knew she would get passed this.

"Ma'am." John called out after five minutes bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Right here John." Miranda replied.

"Beautiful home on the inside." John complimented.

"Thanks." Miranda responded as she put almost the last of her things in a box.

"Can you take these boxes and put them in the trunk of the Mercedes." Miranda asked and John nodded grabbing a box.

Miranda thought about getting the baby clothes but then thought against it. She would just go shopping again for her new apartment. 

"Okay that's everything thank you so much."

"It's no problem Mrs. Warren." John responded.

"Hey, what ever day you are off. Would you mind helping me move into my apartment?" Miranda asked.
"Paid of course." She added

"That's totally fine with me, here is my cell. Just text me and I'll tell you my off day."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that." Miranda smiled before getting into her car.

Ben came home and he listened to the quiet house. He already noticed that Miranda's Mercedes was gone. He was so miserable. He wanted Miranda back so bad. She never answered her phone, it always went straight to voice-mail. So he was pretty sure he was blocked.

Ben walked up stairs not caring about dinner. He walked into his vacant bedroom and he looked at the closet door open and a dresser drawer opened.

Looking at Miranda’s side of the closet completely empty he frowned.

"She’s officially gone." Ben blew out a breath as he sat on the bed. He felt as if the wind was knocked out of him. Right now he hated his life and if he could go back in time, he would re do all of this and do everything right.

In a short amount of time. Miranda became his life and since then nothing has ever been the same. He knew for sure that he didn't think he could ever move on from this short crazy woman. It was like in time. She took his heart and put a chain around it along with a lock saying Miranda's and she was for sure the key.

Ben looked through his phone finding Callie's number. He put his phone to his ear and waited.

"Hello?" Callie answered.

"Uh Callie this is Ben I-

"Ben you are an ass whole and I am so disappointed.”

"I know all of that Callie. I really don't need the lecture I feel it in my body and soul everyday that she is gone and I can't talk to her, see her, feel her. Callie please I just need to speak with her, I messed up and I just...I need to talk to her.

"Miranda has her own place now, so she’s handling all of that, plus I know for sure that she doesn't want to talk to you."

Ben clicked his teeth and blew out a breath, he was slowly loosing his cool. "But here's what I can do. We graduate med school in two weeks. I can give you one of my tickets and you can come because sadly her parents said they would be out of town for her graduation.

"Are you serious?! They are not coming to see their daughter become a doctor?" Ben responded angrily.

"Exactly. So I know it will be nice for her to see one supporting face In the crowd. Maybe that might put you in good grace with her as well." Callie suggested.

"Thank you so much Callie." Ben replied smiling for the first time in a week.

Miranda looked at all of the boxes on the ground. "Thank you so much John. I really appreciate this." Miranda told him handing him money.

"Thank you Mrs. Warren."
"Miranda is fine." Miranda smiled walking him to the door. She shut the door behind her and she walked into the living room to sit down.

She looked up as her phone rung.
"Dominic hi." Miranda smiled into the phone.

"Dinner?" He questioned.

"Dom I'm pregnant with my husband's baby." Miranda responded.

"Miranda I am your friend. We have been good friends after our date almost a year ago. I didn't say date. I said dinner." Dominic laughed.

"Good because I'm not looking to date. And I still can't do dinner. I have all of these boxes to unpack and groceries."

"New place?"

'Yeah, my own." Miranda answered.

"Okay how about this. I come help you unpack everything and order us dinner."

Miranda thought against it but then looked down at her pregnant belly and the boxes on the floor. "Okay deal, I could really used the help."

Dominic came over and he lifted the boxes labeled clothes, taking them to her bed room, which where what majority of the boxes were.

"They are already still on the hangers so could you just put those in the closet and also this box right here?" Miranda asked.

Miranda took out her jeans and she put them in to the drawers along with her shirts and socks. She started putting her panties and bras into the drawers. Majority of them she hasn't wore in forever because of her pregnancy. She now mainly wear boxer type underwear and sports bras.

"Dam." Dominic said behind her.

"What?" Miranda questioned turning.

"That green would look good against your skin." He complimented looking at the green lace with the tie up bows on the side. Miranda smiled looking at it as a brief flash back of Ben untying them as she just tied them up when she got out of the shower.

She shook her head and blushed. "Thank you." Miranda replied to him.

"No problem. I'm going to put your shoes and heels on the rack."

"Okay great." Miranda replied. She finished all of her drawers and now she just had to make her bed. Her comforter set was plush with pink cheetah print.

She walked to the room right across the hall and walked around trying to decide what theme to do in the nursery.

"Baby's room?" Dominic questioned.

"Yeah, the crib and things are coming In three days." Miranda answered.

"I can put it together for you." Dom offered.

"Yes that would be great." Miranda smiled as she turned to walk out.

"So now all we have to do is put your silverware, plates, cups and things up along with your seasonings and then we are finished.

"The food should be here in about 20 minutes."

Miranda sat with Dominic as they ate. She laughed with him for the first time in a week. He made her forget about Ben mostly. She didn't think anyone would ever make her not think about him altogether but this time where he didn't cross her mind she was grateful for.

"Are you excited about graduation?"

"Yes, I actually am. I'm excited to be an actual doctor." Miranda beamed.

"Dr. Warren." Dominic said testing it out Miranda rolled her eyes, she didn't want to be called that after this.

"I think I'm just going to get them  to call me by my first last name." Miranda said softly.

"I understand...what happened with your husband Miranda?"

"My husband." Miranda started but stopped because she already felt like crying.

"Uh I would rather not talk about it." Miranda said sadly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset."

"No it wasn't you. Everything that I'm still feeling has ever thing to do with him hurting me and it happened last week so it's a new scar in my heart that needs to heal." Miranda responded blinking back tears.

"Plus I'm very very pregnant so, therefore I'm very very emotional." Miranda added with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

Two weeks passed and Miranda was getting dressed for her graduation. She put on a white dress that stopped below her knee.

"You look good." Callie complimented.

"Thanks girl. Look at my stomach. My baby will definitely be here In a week and a half."

"Yeah your baby dropped." Callie smiled touching her stomach.

"I tell you what though. I'm tired of going to the bathroom all dam day. I don't even know if I can make it through the ceremony with out having to pee and these back pain and cramps got to go." Miranda huffed.

"Aww my poor baby. Auntie is going to love him so much when he shows up." Callie said still rubbing her stomach.

"You ready?" Callie asked.

"Yeah let me go pee first." Miranda smiled waddling off.

Miranda sat as the dean from the school called off names and the people walked across. She felt a discomfort in her back again. Probably from sitting so dam long.

"Miranda Bailey-Warren." The dean called and Miranda waddled over to the stairs as the man at the top of the stairs helped her like he did all the other women.

Miranda stood as the woman read her GPA and honors. Miranda squinted a little. Was that Ben? She thought to her self. She connected her eyes with his and her eyes widen. Ben gave her a smile and a silent clap. She began to blush and internally groaned because of the way he made her feel. He was the only "family." To come to her graduation and they weren't even together. The woman placed a stethoscope around her neck. "Ladies and gentlemen Dr. Miranda Bailey-Warren!"

Ben smiled at his wife. She was so beautiful. He also took plenty of pictures of her standing. He was so proud of her.

Miranda stood after graduation. She walked to the back to find Callie. "Congratulations Dr. Torres." Miranda cheered hugging her.

"Congratulations. Dr. Bailey." Callie Congratulated.

"Ohh damit son " Miranda hissed holding the bottom of her stomach.

"You okay?" 

"Yeah I'm just glad for all this sitting and standing to be over. "

"Hey, am I crazy or did I see Ben?" Callie asked playing it off.

"Yeah, I'm trying to figure out why he came." Miranda said thinking.

"Never mind why he came. It's just the fact that he did. I think it's sweet." Callie said and Miranda rolled her eyes.

"It is but it's not. We are not together." Miranda said blowing out a breath, just thinking about everything.

"Well he probably is waiting for you so you need to just go out there and be cordial and just think him for coming."

"Why do I have a feeling that you did this shit Callie." Miranda gritted.

"I don’t know what you are talking about." Callie said being coy

"Calliope Torres." Miranda blew out a breath.

"Come on. My parents are out there waiting." Callie said looping her arm with Miranda.
Ben waited by the front of the building.

When he saw her waddle out. He just stared. He didn't know what to say.

"Congratulations." Ben finally said as she stood in front of him.

Miranda didn't smile or anything she just nodded her head.

"Oh here, I brought you these." Ben said nervously holding the roses.

Miranda reached out and grabbed them.
A sharp pain course through Miranda causing her eyes to widen.


"Ahhh." Miranda whimpered stumbling back.

Ben step forward to steady her. Miranda reached out and hit him with the roses in her hand.

"Don't touch me." Miranda hissed out and then looked down clicking her teeth. "My water just broke."

Ben looked down at the floor and then back at her.
"Miranda come on let me help you." Ben said as he touched her hand again and Miranda hit him in the shoulder once more with the roses.

"Ahh." Ben and Miranda said simultaneously.

She stumbled back again. "My legs." Miranda whimpered and Ben came out behind her to hold her up.

"I got you." Ben assured her.

Ben put Miranda arm around his neck as he helped her walk. "Jesus why does this hurt like this " Miranda groaned as they walked outside. Walking across the street to his car in the parking garage.

"Ben I don't think I can make it. These contractions make my legs buckle." Miranda breathed out.

"Okay, I can carry you." Ben offered.

"no I barely want you touching me as much as you are now." Miranda snapped.

Ben looked at her hurt as they kept walking and her legs began shaking again.

"Okay okay you can carry me." Miranda relented.

Ben scooped her up and Miranda put her head in his neck. "I fucking hate you Ben."

"I know Miranda." Ben responded but was content she was in his arms.

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