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Miranda was a kick ass surgeon and mother. It was hard trying to maintain both but Ben made it easier for her.


"Yes Chief." Miranda answered turning.

"Before you go home for your two days off. I want to show you a technique, meet me in the o.r at 7" Richard said walking away.

"Yes sir." Miranda said blowing out a breath.

"Hey Ben." Miranda said into the phone at the on call room.

"Hey Miranda." Ben said

"I'm sorry I'm going to be running late. The chief wants to show me a technique. He has a surgery at 7. So I should be out if here by 9 to get Bj." Miranda said blowing out a breath.

"I understand Miranda, learn all you can and why don't you just pick him up tomorrow morning or I can drop him off to you tomorrow before I go to work. That way you can get some rest."

"Thank youuuuu." Miranda whined. She didn't know what she would do with out Ben.

"How is he on milk?" Miranda questioned.

"I have 5 bottles. That will last us through the night and morning. " Ben answered.

"Okay great. I'm pumping as we speak." Miranda chuckled.

"So they work good?" Ben questioned.

"Yes they do. Thank you so much for buying these. I can literally walk around work and no one knows I'm pumping." Miranda chimed.

"That's good. When I saw it on the commercial I had to oder it."

"I really appreciate you looking out for me and accommodating me with everything." Miranda told him and Ben smiled.

"It's no problem Miranda. You are the mother of my child, I will always look out for you and make sure everything is smooth-" Ben started and paused hearing their son cry.

Miranda pouted, she honestly missed her baby all the time.

"aww give him a kiss for me and I will see you both tomorrow." Miranda said before hanging up the phone.

Miranda did very good with keeping her life private. Callie was the only one at this hospital to know that she had a husband and a son.

The next morning Miranda got up and she got into the shower. She heard the door bell ring just as soon as she stepped out.

Miranda tied a towel around her body and she walked to the front door.

"Good morning." Ben spoke softly looking Miranda up and down. He blew out a breath and tried to tear his eyes away from the water dripping down her neck, falling down the valley of her breast.

"Good morning." Miranda replied as Ben walked to her living room to set the car seat down.

Miranda bent down to the car seat. "Good morning to you mommy's little man." Miranda cooed unlocking the straps to lift him out of the seat.

"You got to tell daddy bye bye." Miranda cooed once more extending the baby to Ben.

Ben kissed him on the head.
"Oh my gosh he's smiling." Miranda awed.

"I love you son." Ben professed before backing up.

"I will see you later Miranda." Ben said and Miranda nodded her head

"Bye Ben."

6 months passed and Miranda and Ben were still co parenting. They did a great job with switching back and forth.

Miranda stopped breast feeding 4 months ago and it was good to get her body back. She worked out every other day. Getting her body back in shape and she was seeing Dominic for lunch and dinner dates.

He was a very sweet person. One thing Miranda wanted though was sex. It had been months, back when she was in a relationship with her husband they never went 3 days with out it.

Miranda sighed at the thought. Her and Dominic have been seeing each other for about 3 months and all they ever did was kiss, but light pecks. "Would it be appropriate to initiate that?" She thought to herself.

They had a date scheduled tonight. They were going dancing.

Miranda looked over at her son on the play mat as he rocked back and forth. Eventually he was start crawling. He was making the motions and scooting.

Miranda got down on the mat and she made sounds and played with Ben.

The knock at the door brought Miranda out of her playful state. Miranda lifted Ben up and put him on her hip as she went to go answer it.

"Ben hi." Miranda greeted.

Miranda looked down as Ben began to bounce excitedly, immediately reaching for Ben. "Dang it's like that son, just kick momma right to the curve when daddy shows up." Miranda laughed as Ben took Bj into his arms.
"I'm glad he finally got over his little cold." Miranda said and Ben nodded.

"Yeah I felt so useless that I couldn't help him." Ben said and Miranda chuckled because she was feeling the same way.

"Mee tooo."

"I just love his little life." Ben added and Miranda smiled.

"Exactly. Even though this is not what we planned. I'm grateful that we have him and he is apart of our life." Miranda told Ben seriously.

"Me too. I mean I would go back and do some things differently but I would still want him to be in the plan." Ben enlighten.

She knew what Ben was referring to but she chose to be silent and just nod her head.

"Okay. I will see you tomorrow afternoon, yes I will." Miranda cooed tickling bj and kissing him on the head. She watched as Ben put him into the car seat and Miranda went to go get the diaper bag.

Miranda got dressed for her date. She decided on a cheetah print dress with black heels.

"Hey!" Miranda greeted

"Hey, I bought you these." Dominic said smiling.

"Ohhh thank you." Miranda smiled back at him going to get a vase to put the roses in.

"You ready?"

"Yeah come on let's go" Miranda answered ushering him out of the door.

Miranda enjoyed their date, this truthfully was her first time going to a club.

"Miranda I had a good time with you tonight." Dominic confessed.

"I did too. I had fun. Thank you for allowing me to experience the night time club life."

"No problem. We can do that all the time. Any excuse for you to grind on me." Dominic said and Miranda laughed lightly with a smile.

Dominic walked closer to her and he brushed his lips against hers Miranda didn't need no other invitation. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck.

She desperately wanted a good lay.

Miranda began fumbling with his shirt pulling it up, trying to get it over his head, he pulled it up over his head and tossed it on the floor.

Miranda ran her hands across his abs before reaching down and unbuckling his pants. She pulled his pants down and watched as he stepped out of them.

Miranda slid the straps of her dress down and off her shoulder, letting it pool at her feet. She watched as he kicked his shoes off and she kicked out if her heels.

"Dam you look good." Dom said sweeping his eyes across her body.

Miranda blushed saying "Thank you."

"Condoms?" Miranda questioned hoping he brought them because they wouldn't be doing anything to night if he doesn't have any.

Dominic walked over to his discarded pants and he pulled out his wallet. Taking two condoms out.

"Great come on." Miranda said pulling him to her bed room as he dropped the wallet on the counter.

Miranda laid back on the bed and watched as he pulled his boxers down. She looked down at his penis and he had a very nice size making her more excited.

Dominic reached for her black lace panties and pulled them down off her thighs until he pulled them off her feet.

He began kissing the top of her thighs and in between Miranda moaned and spread her legs more. She reached back and grabbed her bra unsnapping it and pulled it off of her arms.

Miranda moaned when Dominic placed a kiss to her clit. He then dipped his tongue between her lips and licked around. If felt good but she wanted a little more pressure and suction. He was doing it almost as if he was scared.

Miranda reached out and grabbed his head to hold him where she wanted him as she grinded her self on his tongue. Getting annoyed with his soft licks. She pulled him up. She didn't want cat licks, she wanted to be devoured like it was his mission for her to cum on his tongue.

Dominic leaned down and kissed Miranda once more. He reached for the condom and opened the pack sliding it on.

Dominic caressed one of Miranda’s breast as he slid into her. Miranda moaned at the pleasure of being filled.

He began with large strokes and Miranda moaned at the feel. She felt him speed up and move quickly. He would hit her g spot lightly and just as fast as he was there he was gone and it would be along while before he hit that spot again.

Miranda blew out a breath and she grabbed his hands from her waist and moved them to the top of her breast for him to touch and caress.

Dominic’s strokes were sloppy and Un even. "Dam Miranda you feel so good." He moaned biting his lip over top of her.

Miranda was fed up she was getting no where with this. He was honestly lousy, which was sad, he had a nice piece of equipment but had no idea what to do with it. And now he she was under a man who was just humping away like a rabbit.

"Move like this." Miranda said softly as she lifted her leg up to wrap around him, pulling him deeper inside.

She moved on him, trying to show him how she wanted it and then after a while she stopped so he could start back up.

He seemed to get the hang of the strokes she was looking for but then he got off again and started doing his own thing. She knew he was nearing his peak because of the explicits he used and the jerking and sloppiness picked up.

Miranda reached down and touched her clit swiping her finger across her bundles of nerves. She added pressure as she moved. She pushed his hand off of her breast and began to touch her own breast and tease her nipples.

"Oh you are such a naughty woman. Touching your self. I am making you feel so good." Dominic moaned and Miranda rolled her eyes glad it was dark in her bedroom.

Miranda closed her eyes and bit her lip. God she hated to do this but she needed something that would get her to her climax and quickly and she knew what image would get her there immediately so she went with it.

Miranda kept her eyes closed as she pictured Ben on top of her. She had images of him sucking on her breast, kissing and eating her core and last but not least moving inside of her.

God's he was so good. He would stare into her eyes as he moved over top of her and her juices would still be in his bear from his feast on her vagina previously.

Sure enough her climax came full speed and with in a matter of minutes she was coming. Her core gripped his penis and she heard him orgasm and jerk over top of her.

"Dam Miranda that was good." Dominic said as he slid out of her.

Miranda was silent as she pulled the covers up over her body staring at the ceiling in the dark . "Your quiet, dam I wore you out." Dominic teased and Miranda rolled her eyes once again turning on her side.
This was one of the most disappointing things she had ever experienced.

The next morning Miranda sat up and she looked over. Dominic was still sleep.

"Hey Dom you gotta get up. My son will be here with his father in about 2 hours." Miranda shook him looking at the time.

Dominic sat up and stretched, “so no shower sex?”

Miranda looked at him like he was insane. In his wildest dreams, she was sure there were male virgins out here that could do better than him.

"I'm going to go take a shower by myself. You can let your self out." Miranda said softly trying to be nice.

"Okay, I'll call you later. Maybe we can do dinner or something."

"Yeah give me a call. Bye Dom." Miranda said from the bathroom.

Miranda washed up real good. She stood in the mirror and fixed her hair. Miranda then lotioned down.

She looked at the time as the doorbell rung.

"Who the hell is that?" Miranda questioned but then figured it was Dom forgetting something.

Miranda tied her robe on and walked to the door pulling it open.

"Ben!" Miranda said surprised, she mentally curse in her head as she opened the door up.

"Hey, sorry I'm early but I got called in for a surgery." Ben said walking in.

Miranda’s eyes traveled where Ben's went. He looked at the roses on her counter and then his eyes traveled to her heels and dress on the floor. He then looked back at the counter once more.

Miranda mentally cursed again as she saw Dominic's wallet on the counter opened.

Ben stared and then looked back over at her. His eyes traveling from her feet all the way to her face. He took in that she was naked under the skimpy robe.

"Is he still here?" Ben cleared his throat. Miranda could look in his eyes and tell that he was pissed and doing his best to remain calm.

Miranda shook her head no. Ben just stared at her before he walked passed her setting their son down in the living room.

Miranda walked over to the car seat and she smiled down at their happy baby.

"Hey Ben when-

Miranda started but then stopped because she heard her front door slam close.

Miranda's mouth gaped out of shock. she felt bad and knew that it hurt his feeling but shit he hurt her first and they are not together anyway.

Miranda’s cellphone ringing brought her out of her thoughts. Miranda placed Ben on her hip and answered her phone.

"Bailey." Callie greeted

"Hey." Miranda said dryly.

"What's the matter?" Callie asked concerned.

"I had sex with Dominic." Miranda answered dryly again.

"Oh you did!-

"Yeah I did."

"You don't sound too happy about it. Aww man was he small?" Callie questioned.

"No, good size." Miranda answered setting her son down on the mat. Even though he was so young she still felt it was inappropriate to have a sex talk while holding him.

"What’s wrong then. 3 minute guy?" Callie asked.

"Ha I wished. It would have saved me the dam time and trouble...he just sucked and was so lousy." Miranda muttered.

"Well Miranda maybe he has to learn your body. Practice makes perfect." Callie suggested.

"Callie I know people have to learn your body but oh my gosh it was horrible. It was a hit and miss the whole night." Miranda groaned.

"I had to reach down and rub my clit just to get off. I have never had to do that before, infact Ben would smack my hand away if I even reached down" Miranda huffed.

"You can't compare everyone to Ben. Dominic needs time. I'm sure when you first slept with Ben he needed to figure you out."

"Its honestly nothing to compare. Ben gave me an orgasm just from his mouth and then I had another orgasm just from rubbing my self against him for our first time being sexual together and that's way before penetration."

"He wasn't good eating?" Callie asked shocked.

"I don't know what he called him self doing. He was just playing around for me. I got frustrated and just pulled him up and I only got one. ONE orgasm." Miranda ranted causing Callie to laugh hysterically.

"Ha-ha friend go on and laugh." Miranda mumbled not amused.

"You need a toy Miranda because I don't know at this point."

"Wow I hope that does the trick because I have never used one before."

"Never ?"

"No never. I never needed it. Ben was always ready, he didn't play games and I never had to worry about doing anything myself. Ben showed up and showed out like the Champ is here every time."

"Dam where can I find me a Ben?" Callie said amazed.

"Apparently I need one too." Miranda whined. "And my real Ben found out I had sex with Dominic and then stormed off." Miranda grumbled frustrated.

"Oh my gosh, how?" Callie questioned.

"He came to drop bj off and my dress and heels were at the front door randomly and Dom left his dam wallet.”

"Miranda you are not feeling bad because you left him remember. You don't get to feel bad about this." Callie stated and Miranda nodded but it didn't make her feel any better about the situation.

"Yeah I hear you but I'm about to get off this phone and give my baby all of my attention. He need some tlc from his momma." Miranda smiled looking at him as he shook the rattle in front of him.

"Alright. I'll see you at work girl." Callie said hanging up.

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