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"Stop growling at me, you demon!!"

Ink screams at Ocean as he runs around the couch trying to escape Ocean's attack.

"Error call her off!" Ink screams out.

"She's also your dog, you should be able to control her also." Error calls from the kitchen.

"This is a great bonding moment!"

More screams were heard as the clock ticked.

"Error please! I've got Au's to check on!" Ink was now jumping over the couch, running into the kitchen.

As expected Ocean was right behind him growling, she was trying to bite Ink.

"Ocean!" Error's voice boomed aloud.
Ocean had immediately stops chasing Ink in a matter of seconds.

Wagging her tail, Ocean joins Error besides the table.

"Can't the Au's wait?" Error asks seemingly upset.

Ink let's out a sigh, walking over to her, giving her as kiss, though he does his best to avoid Ocean's glare.

Error was in her echo body, showing off her baby bump, which had became quiet large. She was officially 32 weeks pregnant.

"Sorry sweetheart, I haven't checked on them in a while I'll be back really soon, I promise!"

Ink gives Error that cocky smile he aways gives her, "You better be back soon."

And Ink was off, he had ran upstairs, probably to grab his giant paintbrush.

When Error was sure he left she made her way to the counter. She Unsummoned her echo body, hiding her bump.

The only trace of her carrying a baby was the small soul that has now moved over and attached itself onto Error's soul.

Ocean wined, "Oh hush, I'll be back soon." She tells Ocean as she walks into her own room.

Error knew she wasn't aloud to use her magic but she just had to get outside.

She missed the stars of Outertale, so that's where she planned to visit.

Error knew it would be very draining, especially when she is 32 weeks pregnant, that's probably about eight months pregnant.

"When I get there all I'll do it relax, so I can use my magic easier getting home."
She promises to Ocean.

"I'll make it quick!"
And with she had opened a portal and had jumped through it.

Ocean went ballistic.

Error fell to he floor moments after jumping through the portal already exhausted.

"Oh I really just hate everything right now." She wines as she stands in walking to her favorite ledge.

After about fifteen minutes four sanses and one Papyrus hid behind a giant rock.

Error was a good distance away from the ledge so she wouldn't fall in, it made it easier from the five of them to jump at her.

Sci was the first one to make a move, he had placed a balloon filled with dust inside onto Fells right hand and motioned for Fell to throw it.

The rest of the crew watched.
(Classic, Outer, and Stretch.)

Fell grumbled as put a small amount of chloroform on a small towel, having Outer take the small towel, they waited for Fell to through the ballroom.

Error let out a sigh, practically daydreaming about her unborn child,
until it happened.

She didn't understand what was happening, moments ago she had heard a "pop" and the next thing she knew thick white powder had covered the air.

It had thrown Error in a coughing fit, she couldn't see anything, but she could feel her surroundings.

Using on off her arms to cover her face, she used her other arm to open a portal.

Error was about to enter when she heard a yell and was tackled to the floor.

Error let out agonizing shrieks and piercing screams.

Shaking her head back and forth aggressively trying to keep the thing that was being pushed into her face away.

"Get of of me!" Error shrieks.
You could hear the pain her voice as she was smothered by people that she could not identify.

They forced her into her stomach and had pulled her arms behind her tying them off with what felt like a rope.

The dust was starting to clear, but she couldn't get a good look before the ragged towel was shoved in her face.

Letting out muffled ear-splitting cries of agony and fear. Kicking her legs every which way until darkness came upon her, all movement stoped.

She was out.

"Is he(she) awake or.."
Classic asks nervously.

"Take the towel away from his(her) face, we don't want to dust her!"
Sci says seriously.

"Yea we do." Fell retorts.

Sci rolls his eyes, "I'll keep him(her) at my place, so we can take stress of Ink, a surprise!"

It's true Ink had been very stressed lately, but not for the reason they think.


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