New day

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                                YOUR POV
It's about 4:50 in the morning so you decided to put on some shorts a sports bra and a grey shirt to get ready for your run with Steve. You were looking forward to beating Steve's ass because you doubt anyone actually beats him and you need to lower his ego. You went down to the lab to grab a blood bag out of one of the refrigerators that Bruce had told you about. After breakfast I made my down to Steve's floor with two minutes to spare. *Knock Knock* "I'm coming, I'm coming." He said as he swung the door open. "You ready to get your ass beat?" I chuckled with a sneaky smile. "Oh you're on! Let's go." He said shoving me out of the way. Once we got to the park we set up some rules and loser has to buy actual breakfast. "Whoever can run the most laps around the lake in 30 minutes wins. Loser buys breakfast. Got that slow poke?" I stated as we got ready to start. "Yup." He replied popping the "p" at the end. I laughed to myself knowing that he doesn't even stand a chance. "Ready? On your mark... Get set... Go!" We both took off running but I didn't run full speed I only ran Steve's speed trying to keep it fair. But then he started to get big headed. "Who's the slow poke now?" Rogers taunted as he started to pull forward. "Still you!" I yelled passing him in a matter of seconds. I ended up actually running for a good five minutes so I lapped him about 15 times. "On your right!" I laughed as a passed him for the 16th time now. "Oh come on! How is this fair?" He screamed making sure I heard him but it did no use I was already laughing as he spoke. The 30 minutes had passed and I found Steve sitting next to a tree. "How many laps did you run?" I asked no where near out of breath as he was. "Only 20. How bout you?" He asked trying to get some air in. "Only 60." I shot back kinda disappointed with only doing so little. "Mhm ok. I'm never running with you again." Steve rolled his eyes trying to get up off the ground as he said this. "Well if you weren't so old maybe you would've kept up." I said helping him off the ground. "Shut up." He replied as he pushed me. We got into another pushing match which seemed to be an everyday thing now. "If it makes you feel any better I was planning on buying breakfast anyways." You commented after finishing your childish game as Natasha would call it. "Mhm sure you were." He said with a sarcastic tone. "Shut up before I make you pay and walk home." I shot back pushing him again. We walked to this café near by and of course I payed like I said I would. I keep my word for the most part, unless someone truly doesn't deserve my honesty then I see no reason to lie to them. "I could get used to this." Steve commented breaking the comfortable silence we were in while we ate. "Me too buddy." You replied patting his shoulder. "Are you ready to go back to the tower now?" I asked after we both finished eating. "Sure let's go." He said throwing his trash away as we walked.

I stayed up all night last night trying to finish some paper work for S.H.E.I.L.D. I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to a knock at my door. "Hi Nat sorry to disturb you." Y/N said nervously. "If this is important then spit it out but if it's not then go away." I said harshly as I didn't want this to keep going. "Oh my apologies, sorry for disturbing you. Goodnight Natasha." Y/N said apologetically walking away towards her room. "Oh ok goodnight Y/N." I mumbled as I shut my door. I was slightly disappointed that she didn't need anything but at the same time I was exhausted. So I cleaned off my bed and put all the files away and drifted back to sleep. When I woke up it was 6am and it was time to get up. I showered and went to the living room to eat breakfast. Once I finished eating I decided to go see if Y/N was awake and I wanted to train with her. I knocked on her door and waited for her to reply but I got no answer so I tired again. She didn't answer either time so I got a little worried and open her door luckily it was unlocked so I peeked my head in to see no one there with nicely made sheets as if no one even slept in the bed. Panic had started to rise inside of me but instead of going ballistic I decided to ask JARVIS if he knew. "Hey JARVIS, where did Y/N go?" I questioned the AI knowing it had literally every answer. "They left an hour ago with Captain Rogers. They seem to be making their way back inside the building Ms. Romanoff." The AI reassured me. "Thank you JARVIS." I called back before closing Y/N's door before making my way back to the living to wait for them. *Ding* The elevator opened and to no surprise it was Steve and Y/N laughing up a storm. "And to think I was worried about you two." I said sipping my glass of water watching them. "Oh hey Nat sorry we didn't tell anyone that we were leaving." Rogers replied nervously. "Yeah we just went for a run. Or at least I did I don't know what Steve was doing." Y/N said playfully nudging him. Steve just rolled his eyes and started walking towards the fridge to drink his daily smoothie that he made last night. "Since when does Steve Rogers lose in a running match?" I said with a wink. "When you run against a 1,000 year old vampire." He said unamused. "Oh shut up Rogers I only ran 40 more laps than you." Y/N said trying not to sound cocky. It didn't work though, all I could do was laugh at these two and how they challenge eachother. "Well Y/N I was going to go train would you like to join me?" I asked before heading towards the elevator. "Um Nat I don't think you want to train with her..." Steve said sympathetically. "No it's ok Steve I won't go 100% I'll go 25%. I wouldn't want to hurt her." Y/N replied back generously. "Don't doubt my skills Y/N." I shot back at her. "Of course not I would never... I'm just worried about your safety that's all." She said rubbing her fingers together nervously. It's cute how she is concerned about me but I doubt she'd actually hurt me on purpose. I am the Black Widow after all.

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