Well now you know

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                                YOUR POV
"CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GET NICK FURY ON THE PHONE FOR ME!" I screamed as I stormed into the tower with Steve following behind me. "Woah what's all this about Y/N...?" Stark questions as he came out from around a corner. "Stark just get Nick on the phone and show me to a private room please." Pinching the bridge of your nose out of annoyance and frustration. "Yeah kid. It's the second door on the left and JARVIS will call him for you." The billionaire stated as you starting walking towards the private room. As soon as you entered you scanned the entire room for cameras or bugs and you were in the clear. "JARVIS please call Nick Fury for me." "Of course Miss Y/N." The AI responded as Nick Fury popped up. "Yes Stevens what is it?" Nick questioned as soon as he answered. "Nick we have a problem." You stated in a firm voice which caused him to sigh. "What exactly is the problem Y/N?" The sound confusion in his voice. "Well for starters Steve and I found our apartment... unfortunately on our way back someone tried to kill us by crashing the plane. Secondly they failed because Steve I are still walking, they were apart of hydra Nick... we are comprised." Groaning in defeat as now your job will be harder. "Shit. How quickly can you get down here?" The director questioned. "By tomorrow. Also we are keeping this between us, I'm not letting the team in on this." You instructed the director knowing this what we'd have to work with. "Of course Stevens, you'll be active immediately along with Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff. They won't be kept in the loop though." "Thank you director we will talk more tomorrow...And Nicholas stay cautious but most of all stay safe." Stating your concerns to you're old friend. "Of course Leo." Steve, Bucky and Nick where the only people who could actually call you that name without wanting to hurt them. And with that note you went back to the living room where everyone was watching you intently. "Rogers, Romanoff get your stuff we leave tomorrow to D.C. we're needed immediately." Ignoring the stares and grabbing a bottle of water. "So you're not going to give us any type of explanation about why you needed to speak to Fury?" Clint questioned while still eyeing you suspiciously. "No because I'm in charge and explain to no one." Sending a smirk his way before walking past them. "Oh and Bruce can you come to the lab? Thanks." Turning and walking away towards the elevator to where Nat jumped in with you which caused you to roll your eyes. "You have a holes in your shirt and it looks like you just got beat up. What happened?" Grabbing your face and looking right into your eyes. "As much as I would love to tell you everything I can't. All I know is someone tried to kill me and Steve. They crashed our plane on the way back." Explaining to her as much as you could without putting her in danger. "Why didn't you just say that to begin with?" She deadpanned and hit your arm which caused you to let a smile slip. "Natalia just promise me you will not question the wrong people and trust yourself always." Using firmness in your voice to let her know you weren't joking. "Of course Y/N." She hesitantly nodded before you got out and headed to the lab. About 5 minutes later Bruce shows up, "Can I get all my blood bags and a cooler to put them in?" Requesting from the scientist as he entered. "Yeah of course." He responded while grabbing everything you asked for. "Thank you Bruce." Patting him on the back before making your way to your room. As you entered the elevator you let out an annoyed groan of how things weren't supposed to go down hill this quickly. Well now you know, don't trust anyone and play the part.

I didn't know if Y/N had heard something I didn't but as soon as we got into the cab to get back to the Tower her whole demeanor changed. It caught me by surprise at how she acted, I've never seen her so angry. Once we got to the tower she ordered to talk to Fury which wasn't surprising it was more concerning than anything. After Stark told her where to go she was gone for 15 minutes and the whole team piled into the living room where all the commotion was. "Rogers what was that about?" The billionaire questioned as he seemed confused on what just happened. "We were looking for our apartment and on the way back the pilot said something and he started to crash the plane. Luckily I got out before we crashed but Y/N stayed and landed the plane away from people." I explained while receiving concerned looks. "Well who was the pilot??" Romanoff questioned but before I got the chance to answer Y/N came back. "Rogers and Romanoff pack your stuff we're needed in D.C. immediately. We leave tomorrow morning." Y/N ordered before grabbing a bottle of water while still receiving looks from the rest of the team. Before I got the chance to say anything Clint spoke up, "So we get no explanation of why you needed to talk to Fury?" Everyone else seemed to have this same question as well but I figured we would get briefed on it tomorrow. "No because I'm in charge and I owe no one explanations." Again her demeanor was definitely different from what it was 3 hours ago. It's like the fun goofball went right out the door and now a serious and closed off person took her place. After that whole fiasco in the living room I decided to finish packing my stuff. A lot of it was already packed but I wasn't expecting to leave tomorrow so there was still more to do. After I finished packing it was about 7pm and I decided to go see Nat and Y/N maybe I'd get more answers.

Y/N said her and Steve should be back before lunch and it was already 2pm and they weren't back. I started to worry if something had happened to them but brushed it off because I'm pretty sure a Vampire and a Super Soldier could take care of themselves. But as more time passed the more concerned you got. Finally Y/N and Steve came back but something was wrong. Y/N immediately went to call Fury and Steve looked shaken up. Before we got a full explanation about what happened Y/N came back and said for me and Steve to pack our things, we were needed in D.C. immediately. Her whole demeanor seemed off and Steve noticed it too. She seemed on edge and was shutting off anyone who tried to ask. When I jumped into the elevator with her she seemed to relax a little but not enough. "What happened? You look like you got hit by a bus...?" I questioned still trying to find out what was wrong. Y/N gave me a shitty answer which meant she was holding information back. I didn't want to push so I dropped it and let her continue on what she doing and went back to my room to pack the little things that I had. It was about 6:50 when I finished packing and I was bored out of my mind so I decided to triple check things, since I already double checked. About 10 minutes later there was a knock on my door and to my surprise it was Steve. "Can I come in?" He said sheepishly. "Yes of course." I gestured him in a little surprised to see him here. But before he could get to what he wanted to talk about there was another knock at my door. "Come in!" I stated so I didn't have to get up and here was Y/N at my door looking at us. "Great you're both here. Makes it easier for me..." She trailed off at the end which caught my attention. By her body language she seemed nervous but didn't do any of the habits she had to calm herself. "Y/N is this about the plane crash?" Steve broke the silence after Y/N came in. For a moment she seemed unsure of what to say which was odd because she talked a lot. "Yes and no. Right now it's about us being needed in D.C. Fury will brief us when we get there." She lied again which caused me to raise an eyebrow at her. "Are you going to tell us the truth or stick with that story?" I blurted out while rolling my eyes which she seemed to pick up on. "I told you the truth of what I was told. Stop asking. I am going to give you this warning once... Trust no one but yourselves and don't go asking questions." Her voice was laced with such hostility that it shook me and Steve. He had shifted in his spot uncomfortably before speaking again, "Y/N I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you." He got up and walked out which seemed to make my room very tense. "Are you going-" "Natalia drop it." She growled at me. Cutting me off, which caused me to scoot back. "Why can't you tell me?" I pushed hoping I would get through to her. "Natalia Romanova. I need you to drop it. I want to be open with you but I can't." She stated looking down at her hands while fidgeting with her fingers. "I don't want to start a relationship off with lies..." I stated while getting up to walk to the bathroom trying to hide how hurt I was. "Natalia... I want this... But I can't tell you." Coming up behind me and putting her arms around my waist. In any other situation I would've folded right then and there but I had to put up this wall because I had been so open and she wasn't giving me the same in return. "I've been so open with you and that's the hardest thing I've had to do. Now that you won't do the same doesn't sit right with me... Either you tell me what is going on or we won't be together." My heart shattered and I could tell hers did too. I turned around to face her and I could see tears start to form in her eyes and my eyes had already begun to water. After a moment of just looking at eachother with hurt she finally spoke, "I'm sorry Natalia... I promise I will tell you everything when this is all done." She pulled me into a tight hug which I hugged back before she turned and left with my heart as well. From that moment on I decided to not let anyone in again. Now I know that love really is for children.

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