Catching up

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                                YOUR POV
We started off with therapy first because it was easier to just get it out of the way. In all honesty I didn't know why I never came here sooner. Doubt was probably the main reason, but as of right now I was desperate. Only I would think that if I fixed myself Natalia would change her mind and be with me but I was in denial. I called Wanda my second day in Wakanda to let her know that I wasn't going to be able to talk for a week because they were putting me in this Hypnosis state that helped enter my mind. It felt like a couple of hours when I was under and not a whole week had gone by. I immediately felt lighter and safe inside my own mind. The constant guilt that was always floating around in my mind seemed to disappear. "Y/n?" T'Challa voice entered my ears. I suddenly opened my eyes to see T'Challa and Shuri standing in front of me. "Woah." I murmured out. "How do you feel?" Shuri questioned. "Like I could rule Wakanda." I joked. They both gave me weird looks before we all busted out in laughter. "The treatment worked but you'll still need to be mentally evaluated everyday for at least 2 hours." Shuri informed me. "Sounds good to me." I deadpanned while stretching everything. "Great. You may rest now or do whatever you please just don't go and flirt with our mother." T'Challa warned me playfully. "Mmm I might have to go find her now." I stated making them annoyed already. "Go already! My lab has things to do." Shuri scoffed in annoyance. I quickly kissed the top of her head and hugged T'Challa before running off to my room to call Wanda. Surprisingly it was right around the time we usually chatted so there was no harm in calling. It rung once before she picked up, "Some one definitely missed me." I chuckled into the phone. "Of course I miss you. I miss you everyday." She confessed. "You have no idea how much I miss you too. But I got the help I needed, along with mental evaluations everyday now. But I feel great Wands." I exclaimed while plopping on my very expensive bed. "I'm glad to hear that Y/n. Does that mean you'll be coming back soon?" She pleaded. "Wanda you know I can't. At least not right now. I still need space and time." I sighed heavily while staring at the ceiling. "I know, I'm sorry. It's just everyone misses you... she misses you." She stated. My heart tugged at the mention of her but I didn't want to talk about it. "How is everyone? Is Tony doing alright? Is Maria still fine as hell?" I chuckled on the last part knowing that it was something that was joked about very often. "Tony official retired. Steve and Bucky seem to be fine just sad that their best friend is gone. Sam seems to keep trying to set Bucky up with random girls and Pietro is helping. Bruce left saying he would be back but no ones heard from him." I frowned at the thought of Bruce just leaving with no explanation but at the same time I had no room to judge. Tony's news didn't surprise me and neither did anyone else's. "Vision has been keeping me company and Thor of course is still off world. Clint has stopped by a few times to check on Nat. I told him about your situation and he understood." She finally finished while letting out a sigh of her own. "And how are you? Sexy witch." I questioned while trying to lighten the mood. "Don't call me that you perv." She shot back. "I was just boosting confidence... never did tell me if Maria was still fine..." I teased. "You have a terrible coping mechanism. I still don't understand how Nat let you off with suggestive comments about Maria." She groaned in annoyance. "It's because Nat also knows how attractive Maria is. And we may or may not have had a threesome before..." I trailed off at the end. It was supposed to be a secret but who cares if Wanda knows. "You what!? That makes more sense now that I think about it though." She mumbled into the phone. "I still wouldn't have let you make comments like that though." She huffed out. It caught you surprise that she cared some much about playfully teasing that never went any further without consent. "It sounds like some one is a little jealous..." I teased her while trying not laugh. "Am not. Just when something is mines it will only ever be mine." She defended herself. "Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I continued on messing with her. "There should be a package there for you." I switched topics remembering my surprise. "You mailed me something? Why?" She questioned concerned. "Why would I ever tell you the reason?" I scoffed while reaching for my coin that I fidget with. "Good point." She agreed. "I'm going to go look and see if I got it I'll call you back ok?" She said. "Deal. I'll be waiting." And with that I hung up and watched as the coin in my hand danced between my fingers.

                            WANDAS POV
After I hung up the phone and put it in the drawer next to my bed hoping no one would find it, I quickly ran down to the lounge. "Have we received any mail recently?" I said more eagerly than intended. Everyone who was in the room heads shot up. "Um no, I don't think so?" Steve stated unsure. "Do we even really get mail?" The realization dawned on me. "No, it's mostly Tony who does but you never know. Is there anything specific you're looking for?" Steve questioned. "It should just be something that has my name on it. I'm not entirely sure what it is." I chuckled nervously. "Why would you be expecting something if you don't know what it is?" Nat chimed in suspiciously. "Good point. I was told it was a surprise." I reassured her. "From who?" She continued. I didn't want to lie but at the same time Tony was the only one who knew I had contact with Y/n. "Just and old friend Nat. Nothing to worry about." I replied calmly. Steve and Nat both shared a look but decided to leave it alone. Suddenly Vision appeared with a small box in his hand. "Hey Vis is that for me?" I questioned anxiously while walking towards him. "Well I'm assuming so because it reads, 'To Sexy witch.'" He announced. I was going to kill Y/n as soon as I got my hands on her. I quickly grabbed the box before running back to my room but not before shouting a thank you. I quickly scrambled to grab my phone and it rang twice before Y/n picked up. "Are you kidding me!? Sexy Witch really??" I yelled over the phone. "I thought it was funny. I guess not..." She grumbled through the phone. I couldn't help but laugh at how embarrassing that was. "Now half the team just heard that name." I informed her. "I have names for everyone so don't take it personally. Just open it already." She pleaded. "Calm down I'm opening it." I shot back. I quickly opened the box to reveal a smaller box that seemed to be a jewelry box. Even though Y/n couldn't see the confusion on my face I'm pretty sure she could imagine it. "Y/n what the fuck did you get me?" Slightly raising my voice because she got me a gift that was unnecessary. "Open it and find out dumb bitch." She said playfully. I rolled my eyes and did exactly what she said and found a golden necklace that had a golden plate with writing on it. 'Scarlet Witch.' "Y/n who's the Scarlet Witch?" I spoke out while admiring the necklace. "I don't think anyone has officially found a superhero name for you so I took it upon myself to do so. And I think the 'Scarlet Witch' is very fitting." She said enthusiastically. "Do you like it?" Slight anxiousness in her tone. "I fucking love it." I shouted in excitement. "Thank god. Sorry I'm not there to put it on for you but I can only imagine how beautiful it looks on you." Y/n always was a one with words. Even though she couldn't see it I was a blushing mess. "Thank you Y/n. Hopefully the next time you give me a gift it will be you coming home." I said unknowingly out loud. "Promise it will be the next gift." She stated genuinely. "I have to go now but I will call you tomorrow. Bye Y/n." I stated sadly. "Bye Sexy witch." She teased again. "I love you." I blurted out. I mentally smacked myself for sounding like it was desperate. "I love you too Maximoff. Now go be a loser." She replied before hanging up. I mentally wanted to choke myself at how much I was letting certain feelings slip. I couldn't help it though, Y/n made me feel safe. Natasha was right, maybe I just didn't want to admit it out loud. Hopefully I can let those feelings go because after all I still like Vision. Suddenly a knock at my door brought be back to reality. "Come in!" I shouted not getting up from my bed. "Hello Wanda." Vision greeted. "Hey Vision what's up?" Confused on his visit. "I was just curious about what happened down stairs? If you don't mind me asking." He replied. "It was just Y/n being Y/n that's all." I reassured him. He seemed to be conflicted with my answer. "Is everything alright Vis?" I asked genuinely. He decided to take a seat next to me before he spoke. "As much as I miss Y/N's presence, at the same time I do not." He admitted. "What does that mean?" I questioned curiously. "It means that I do like to have her around but when she's around she takes your attention. When's she not around I seem to take your attention." He confessed. He wasn't wrong but I didn't want to hurt his feelings in anyway. "It's because we're very good friends. At times it may seem like we're more than friends but I assure you that it's nothing more." I stated genuinely for the most part. I like Vision a lot but I also have the rare feeling towards Y/n. Maybe if I try things with Vision my feelings for Y/n will be gone. "Thank you for the explanation Wanda. I like you. In a more than friendly manner." He said while placing his hand on top of mine. It honestly gave me butterflies that I hadn't felt from Y/n. "I like you too. Can we take things slowly? I don't want to rush into anything." I asked nervously. "We can go whatever pace is comfortable with you Wanda." He reassured. "Thank you Vis. Would you like to stay and watch a movie with me?" I offered. "I would be delighted." He responded enthusiastically.

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