Maybe too far

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                                YOUR POV
Steve and I had made our way back to the tower and we're on our way to the living room to grab some water when we saw Natasha waiting. To my surprise she said she was worried about us, not really sure why because you have a super soldier and a vampire who is also a witch but doesn't use their magic that often. Pretty sure no one would try and come for us and think they'd be alive to take us. Anyways what surprised me more was when Natasha asked me to train with her. I'm always down to get a workout in but Natasha isn't a super soldier so I was concerned about her safety. But I'm good at holding back enough after all I spent decades trying to blend in. Maybe this was a chance to get to know her better. There was only so much you could read in the files JARVIS gave me. "Sure let's go Natasha." I waved at Steve before getting in the elevator with her. "I heard you're Russian and I spent a couple years there, but correct me if I'm wrong but did you change your name to the English version?" You questioned trying to break the silence. "Y- yeah I did." She replied with a shocked face because I'm guessing no one has asked her that before. "Do you mind if I ask what your real name is then?" I tried to ask politely, not wanting to push her away as she already had walls built around her. You could see her hesitate and could also hear her heart pounding through her chest. "You don't have to answer that question if it makes you uncomfortable." You spoke again trying to calm her instead of making her nervous about everything. Before she got a chance to respond again the elevator opened showing the training room. You took that opportunity to get out and quickly hop into the ring. "Are you coming or do you need to stretch first?" You questioned playfully. "Everyone should stretch before they do anything that's common sense." The red head shot back with an eye roll. "Yeah yeah whatever I'll be at the punching bag while I wait for you to warm up." I said flailing my hands in the air just to be dramatic. "You know for some who has been alive for so long you are very impatient." Natasha said as she started to stretch. "Well it helps me try to be humane as possible as well as anxiety and fidgeting. People don't pay attention to me if I do these things, they see me as another human." You answered her but realized you killed the mood. "Oh. Do you ever get lonely?" The red head asked curiously. You laughed internally before going into depth. "Yes I have, all the time. I had went off the rails for years and killed innocent people because I couldn't control myself." I could hear her pause what she was doing without even looking at her after I said that. "But I haven't had a relapse in 50 years so there's nothing to worry about Ms. Romanoff." I continued playfully knowing that calling her that would agitate her. "How have you gone so long by yourself?" She asked nervously. "I wasn't always by myself. My siblings had helped me a lot and I helped them but sadly I couldn't save them." You responded with no emotion in you voice. "What h-happened to them?" She couldn't seem to get the words out of her question like she didn't want to push to far but was curious. "I killed them because they asked me too. They couldn't deal with their own sorrow and grief so they decided they rather be dead then face their own consequences." I replied coldly fidgeting with my hands to remind her that I'm not a killer anymore. She seemed to notice and dropped the subject as a whole. "Are you done Natasha I feel like I've been waiting an eternity for you." Groaning as you walked back to the ring. "Omg shut up I'm ready now." The adorable red head snapped as she stepped into the ring. You weren't really sure what to expect from her but obviously nothing less of an assassin because you've crossed paths with many. According to the files S.H.E.I.L.D. Has she is the best of the best. For about a minute all you guys did was circle eachother studying eachother seeing who would make a move first. Finally you decided to throw a right hook, she barely moved out of the way. You could see the shock on her face of how fast you were by barely trying. She threw a left hook and when you caught it she tried to sweep your legs but it would take a lot more for you to fall down. Without even looking in her head you could see her wheels turning trying to find a way to beat you without having to hurt herself. It pleasured you to find a smart opponent who not only knew they were going to lose but had the heart to keep going anyways.
                          NATASHA'S POV
Y/N had asked me about my name because it's Russian and I don't know what happened but I just froze. No one has ever asked me about my name before. I changed it to the English version so it was easier to change my cover's with. She seemed to notice me freeze and reassured me that I didn't have to answer her. Even though I wanted to answer her I couldn't. She was very open and kind and even though I wouldn't admit it out loud her sarcasm was absolutely hilarious. I wanted to be open with her but I was scared. I've never been this drawn to someone before and it scared the living daylights out of me. Y/N had let me warm up before we started just going at eachother and I decided to ask them about their past and everything. What surprised me was how quickly them became so emotionless. As they were talking about their family they seemed to lose all sense of emotion in their voice. It was creepy but intriguing at the same time. They had been completely open with me this whole time and I didn't want to push to far but I felt like I had to ask. Had they ever been in love before? But before I could even ask they completely dropped everything and asked if I was ready. "Omg shut up let's go." I said rolling my eyes annoyed about how impatient they were. For about a minute in the ring all we did was circle eachother studying, seeing what eachother could do. As on cue Y/N finally threw a right hook, I barely had time to move out of the way. I knew they were fast but I didn't know they were this fast without trying. There was no way in hell I was going to beat them but it didn't hurt to try and have fun with it. I threw a left hook knowing she would catch and then tried to sweep her legs but she didn't budge. By the shocked look on my face I could tell she was enjoying this. I could tell by her facial expressions that she was studying me as well as toying with me. Then only thing I could come up with was to distract her as a way to pin her down. We kept going at it she blocked almost everything I got her once but that was about it. She got about 5 good hits on me and after that she immediately stopped trying to attack and only was defensive. I took that as my opportunity to use my signature move and try and get my legs wrapped around her head. "Ow!" She cried out which caught me by surprise when her back hit the mat. Y/N that opportunity to flip me over now laying on my back and pin my hands above me head. "Well looks like I won." She said with a smile. But what we didn't know was how close we were to eachothers faces. Maybe I should lean in. But before I got the chance too someone cleared their throat bring us back to reality. Y/N quickly got off from on top of me and helped me up. "Good job Natasha I look forward to training again hopefully it'll be just as fun." I rolled me eyes at her when she winked and started to walk towards the elevator. Clint was standing there just watching me as I got out of the ring. When Y/N left that's when he finally spoke up. "Mhm kiss my ass Natasha." He scoffed walking towards me. "We were just training nothing more." I commented grabbing a towel to wipe off the sweat I had. "So you weren't just about to kiss her?" He said teasingly. "No. She won fair and square that's all." I shot back walking towards the elevator to go back to my room. "Bet you $10 that you'll fall in love with her in the next two months." Clint said reaching out his hand. I wasn't one for bets but I knew I had to prove Clint wrong. "But if I prove you wrong you have to get the groceries for the next month." I said shaking his hand. "Deal."

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