Today was a good day

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                                 YOUR POV
Of course you were running late right now it was just your luck. You were supposed to be having brunch with Tony and he said he had important news and wanted to tell you first. But as of right now you're struggling to get your shoe on. "Damnit!" You shouted as you fell on the floor trying to get your right shoe on. "Hey everything okay in here?" Steve asked as he popped his head into my room. "Yeah I'm just late to meet Tony so I'm in a rush." I stated finally getting on my shoe confused on why that was so difficult. "Well if you slow down you won't fall anymore." He joked. "Oh shut up Gary the snail." I shot back while pulling my jacket on. "Who is Gary the snail?" He asked confusion written on his face. "You don't know?- You know what I don't have time for this I'm late." I scoffed in annoyance while grabbing my key. "I'll see you later Stevie." I patted his back before quickly rushing off to grab a blood bag to drink in on the way. "Hey slow down speedy where are you going in such a hurry?" Sam asked humorously. Most of the team was in the living room so it caught their attention as well. "I don't have time for this." I groaned in annoyance. "I'm in a hurry if you need me find someone else." I ordered before grabbing a blood bag and quickly running to my car. I was definitely speeding but now one really seemed to care as I wasn't pulled over and I made it to Tony's only 20 minutes late. "You're late." Was the first thing he said to me as I entered his home. "It's good to see you too tin can." I rolled my eyes at him before I gave him a hug. "I overslept." I stated as we walked to where ever we were eating. "Well at least you slept." He replied genuinely. He knew about your sleeping habits and he understood how hard it was to sleep at times. "Yeah, is pepper joining us too?" I asked curiously. "Sadly no, Ms. Potts is a very busy woman because she runs her own company." Well fuck that rules out a marriage announcement or a pregnancy. "Oh well tell pepper I miss her dearly." I sighed. "Yeah well I got you something to keep you busy." He said with a smirk. We walked into a room and there was a table waiting for us along with a kid no older than 17. He was definitely nervous and his heart was beating out of his chest but I'm guessing he's not normal by the look on his face when he saw me. "Hey kid I want you to meet Y/n Stevens. Y/n this is Peter Parker." He introduced us. "Hi Peter." I greeted him while reaching my hand out. "H-hi Ms. Stevens." Peter returned the gesture and had a very firm grip. "No need to be so formal with me. I'm glad you have manners but I'm just like you." I sent him a wink and he seemed to relax a bit. "Let's eat." Tony gestured for us to sit. We had Crepes along with fruit and mimosas. Or at least Tony and I did, he gave the kid apple juice in a juice box. "So Peter tell me about yourself." I spoke up slightly startling the boy. "Uhm- I'm from Queens. I'm 16 and I go to Midtown school of Science and Technology." He laughed nervously. "You picked a smart one. He's going to do great things." I said confidently while finishing my 4th mimosa. "Well the kids got talent and other things." Tony said suspiciously. "It would explain the strong grip." I smiled at the train wreck next to me. "I'm also spider-man Ms. Stevens." Peter confessed. "No fucking way... THATS YOU!?" I shouted excitedly. "You're so cool! I actually wanted to track you down myself." I said enthusiastically. "Watch your mouth Y/n." Tony sighed while throwing his head in his hands. "Sorry. I just think you're a really cool superhero." I confessed. "What!? You're even cooler! The Dark knight right!?? No one knows your identity still to this day!" He shouted even though he didn't need too. "Yes exactly. So this means it's our little secret." Sending him a wink and his heart rate picked up even more. "Oh look you guys are done gazing into each others eyes." Tony joked while sitting up. "Y/n I want you to introduce Peter to the rest of the team if that's ok with you." The billionaire asked nervously. He must've really liked the kid because normally he wouldn't go through all this trouble just for one person. "I'd be happy too." I smiled at him genuinely. "Great thanks kid." He stated patting my back. "I'm definitely not a kid and I'm guessing that's his name now." I pointed towards Parker. "You don't look that much older than me." Peter chimed in. "You didn't tell him?" I turned towards Tony. "I didn't want to freak him out." Tony threw his hands up in surrender. I couldn't help but laugh and roll my eyes at the man. "Tell me what?" Peter asked on edge. "Well Peter have you figured out why you can't hear my heart beat yet?" I said nonchalantly while bending down to his level. "H-how'd you know...?" Oh geez I'm freaking the kid out. "I can read minds. Because I'm a witch but I'm also a Vampire. It's why you can't hear my heart, it's there it just doesn't beat." I stated as gently as possible. He seemed to understand but was also confused as well as intrigued. "Wait so you're a Vampire like in Twilight??" That's the conclusion he came up with. "I'm better than the ones in Twilight." I scoffed at the comparison. "Can you show me!?" He was basically jumping up and down at this point. Tony gave me a look of 'No' but I decided to only do something small so I flashed my eyes golden. "Woah. That's incredible." He said in awe. "Thanks kid." Patting his head like a dog. "Glad you both are getting along but I have a meeting in 10 minutes so I have to get Peter back home." Tony informed us. "I don't want to go yet Mr. Stark." Peter whined at Tony. I was wondering if Tony would give into the kid because normally when he made up his mind he wouldn't change it. "No kid I'm sorry I told your Aunt I'd bring you back in 3 hours and it's been 2 and a half." Tony sighed deeply. "Let me take the kid home." I blurted out. "What!?" They both said in unison. "I'd like to still get to know him so why not let me take him home?" I suggested. "Please Mr. Stark?" Peter turned towards Tony again. "Pretty please Tony." I whined with the kid. He seemed surprised at my attempt but he definitely took it into consideration. "Ugh fine. Just make sure to bring him home in one piece." He groaned. "Thank you! Thank you! Mr.Stark!" Peter shouted while hugging Tony. Tony didn't really know what to do so he patted him on the back lightly which was hilarious. "Alright kid let's go so we both don't get yelled at." I broke up the sentimental moment. "Bye Mr. Stark!" Peter said before grabbing his backpack and making his was towards the door. "Bye kid!" Tony waved at him. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you like the kid." I joked nudging him. "Shut up. Drive home safely, and be aware of his extremely attractive aunt." He stated pulling me into a hug. "Oh geez now I have to deal with an attractive aunt." I scoffed playfully. "I'll see you later Tony." I waved to him before making my way to the Parker boy. "Come on Peter!" I threw my arm over his shoulder as we walked to my car. "Woah this is your car!?" He exclaimed while running his hand over it. "Yes it's a 1969 impala and it's my baby so don't ruin it." I warned him. "S-sorry." He responded sheepishly. "Parker I'm just teasing ease up. I'm not like the big scary adults because I'm way older than any of them combined." I stated while pulling out of Tony's driveway. "How old are you anyways? If you don't me asking?" He stated quickly. I turned to smile at him before I answered, "1,025 years old. But right now I'm 25." I stated hitting the gas to miss a couple cars. "That's so cool! Are you older than Thor??" He questioned. This kid was just full of questions and energy. "Nah he has about 500 years on me." I laughed while taking a sharp turn to get to his apartment. "Personally you and Mr. Stark are my favorites." He confessed. "I suspected, my favorites are Tony and Thor. Thor is great I hope you can meet him sometime soon." I sighed deeply before pulling up right to his apartment. "We're here I'll walk you in." I stated. "How'd you know where I lived?" He asked confused. "Because I'm all knowing." I joked while pointing to my head. He didn't seem to understand so I lied. "Tony told me." I said simply he nodded his head before we walked off. "May! I'm home!" He shouted as we entered his cozy house. "Hey Pete- Who's your friend?" The very attractive lady stated from her spot. "This is Y/n she's a friend of Mr. Stark. She gave me a ride home." He reassured her. "Hi I'm Y/n Stevens." I greeted his aunt. "May Parker." She shook my hand. "Thank you for bringing Peter home." She stated. "Oh it was no problem. I'll see you later Pete, it was nice to meet you Mrs. Parker." I said genuinely. "Bye Y/n see you later!" He waved to me. I left and went to run some errands but my smile never left my face at the thought of Peter and how kind he was and the fact that he had an effect on Tony was even better. This kid was definitely going to great things and hopefully everyone else would like him as well. He's a good kid and his innocence is definitely something the rest of us still wished we had. I parked my car in the compound and made my way inside still with a smile on my face because I missed the kids weird vibe already. I went immediately to the kitchen because it was late and I only had food about 8 hours ago as it's now 7pm. After I grabbed a blood bag I walked into the living and saw Nat and Wanda on the couch watching the bachelor. "Hey guys." I greeted before downing my blood bag. "Hey Y/n Wanda called back. "Hey." Was all Nat said. "What's with the look on your face?" Wanda asked suspiciously. "You don't like my face Maximoff?" I teased. She rolled her eyes at me before continuing, "I meant what's with the big smile on your face?" Nat's attention perked up as well. "I just had a good day and hung out with Tony and this really good kid." I informed her before laying on the couch next to her. "Glad you had a good day." She smiled at me softly. "Yeah how were y'all's day?" I asked getting comfortable on the couch resting my head on Wandas lap. "It was ok I finished up on some paperwork and just did whatever." Nat stated looking down and you and both of you locking eyes. "You wanna go for lunch tomorrow?" I blurted out. "You and me?" She asked confused. "No Casper and I. Yes you and me." I scoffed playfully. "Sure." She responded. "Great." I smiled at her before relaxing on the couch. "My day was good too thanks for asking." Wanda chimed in which made Nat and I laugh. "Glad we all had good days." I sighed in content. I abruptly got up and laid in the middle of them so my head was still on Wanda but my feet were on Nat. "What are you doing?" Nat asked curiously. "Laying on my two favorite people. Just shush and enjoy the moment." I mumbled closing my eyes. "No way if you're tired go to bed." Wanda complained. "But I like my foot rest and pillow." I whined. "Just let her be Wanda." Nat sighed knowing the couldn't move me even if they tried. I smiled still keeping my eyes closed before taking a nap on them.

I'm on a trip right now and the service out here isn't that great so I'll try to write and post when I can.

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