Thats new

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                                CLINT'S POV
I woke up early this morning because Nat and I were supposed to train at 7. After grabbing a light breakfast I went to go knock on her door to see if she was ready to get her ass whooped. But to my surprise she wasn't in her room. That's a new one normally she's already up and waiting for me but she wasn't there. Maybe the new recruit would know Y/N. Knocking twice on her door and there was no answer either. It was starting to get frustrating how no one was ever were they were supposed to be lately. Y/N had caught everyone's attention and now they all were wrapped around her finger. She personally wasn't all that but I didn't hate her I just wasn't very found of her getting to close to Nat already. Normally Nat wouldn't find interest in anyone or anything that didn't involve work but this was different. You knew it was bad to be overly protective but you didn't want Nat to go through a heartbreak because it was already hard enough to open up to others. If Y/N ever broke her heart I don't think she'd ever be the same. At the same time you also worried for Y/N. Because of Nat not being as open she was hard to read and if something bothered her she wasn't going to say it. Or if you get too close she'll push you so far away that you eventually would want to give up. In all honesty you didn't know how this would go, either they'd be perfect for eachother or they'd be the death of one another. After a while you got tired of looking for Nat so you went to look for Tony and no luck there. Then I went to find Steve and it's just fantastic that you couldn't find him either. Bruce was in his lab and he had no idea where anyone was. This was just great all of a sudden everyone disappears. You stormed off to the training room and just decided to put tat anger into a workout. After about and hour someone entered. "Hey Clint have you seen Steve by any chance." Just my luck it was Y/N and she couldn't seem to find them either. "No I haven't seen him or Tony either. Or Nat but I'm pretty sure you had something to do with that." Adding a bit of hostility at the end because I was fed up at this point. "Yea sorry about that." She responded apologetically. I knew she meant no harm but it was hard to admit out loud. "You hurt her and I'll hurt you." Trying to sound threatening but to be honest I knew I didn't even stand a chance. "No worries Clint, Nat and I are just friends but I doubt you'll actually lay a hand on me." Firmness in her voice which kind of spooked me. "Thank you anyways enjoy the rest of your day." She continued while walking back to the elevator. I sighed unwrapping my hands from the bag and just though how this day just wasn't going to be good.
                                 YOUR POV
After giving up on the Steve search you found yourself outside of Natalia's door. You hesitated thinking that maybe she wouldn't want to spend the day with you. Normally you would've never hesitated or contemplated anything so this was new for you. Finally after 5 minutes of just standing at her door like a little bitch you finally knocked. And to your surprise the door opened immediately like she was expecting someone. "Hey Y/N what's up?" She questioned not really surprised to see you at her door. "Hey Nat I was wondering if you had any plans today?" Fidgeting with your finger while looking right into her green eyes. She seemed to pick up on this so you stopped and composed yourself and waited for her to respond. "No I don't, I was supposed to train with Clint but he should be done already so I'm all yours." Grinning while patting your shoulder trying to reassure you. Which helped but around her you just fall apart. "Great meet me in the living room in 5 minutes and also dress comfortably." You stated trying to make sure she didn't feel the need to dress up. "Wait where are we going...?" She grabbed my wrist gently before I got the chance to walk away. "We'll have you ever been bowling?" Questioning her trying not to ruin the amazing idea you had. "Well no why?" Questioning the look at had on my face. She was studying me and you didn't show any signs of excitement so she couldn't read you. "Great get ready I'll meet you in five minutes Natalia." Putting emphasize on her name before walking towards your room to change into some black jeans with a blue sweatshirt and white shoes. With 2 minutes to spare you made your way to the living room. And Nat seemed to have just got there so you hurry towards her and tapped on the counter to let her know you were there. "Ready to go m'lady?" Bowing as you said this knowing it would make her roll her eyes at you. And of course as on cue when you looked up she was already rolling her eyes. At times you wondered how someone could roll their eyes that much but you didn't question how she did it. "Come on you dork just show me what we're doing already." She shot back while playfully laughing at you. Her laugh was just everything to you and you could never get tired of hearing it. You reached your hand out for her to take and she seemed to hesitate but finally gave in. Her hands were soft, petite and they fit right into yours. As your hands touched you both immediately relaxed and you smiled at her than dragged her into your car. "Here you go." You said while opening her car door for her. She reluctantly got in them you shut the door and made your way to the drivers side. "Do you always do that with every women who gets in your car." Sounding a bit embarrassed as you just did a very old display of affection. "Nope." Popping the P at the end. "Only for you Natalia." Turning to look at her while starting the car and driving off.
                          NATASHA'S POV
It had been and hour since me and Y/N had gotten back but I had already missed training with Clint so I'd just go make it up to him later. I had decided to clean up and put some things away like left over files that I'd been working on. But I heard someone stop at my door and for a moment I thought they were gonna knock but they started pacing back and forth for about five minutes. I had no idea who it was and was curious to see if they would actually knock or stand there like a dumbass. Hopefully it was Y/N, after last night I couldn't stop thinking about her and how magical last night was even though it wasn't a date. We were just friends and that's all I wanted right now but she made me feel different and this was all new to me. Finally the person outside my door got the courage to knock. Someone must've hear my silent prayer because it was Y/N the door. She seemed nervous which was still unusual but finally she seemed confident and asked me what she needed to ask. Did she just ask me on a date? No she just asked if you have ever been bowling which was a no because you never really went out much. Y/N said dressed comfortably so I decided to put some jeans on and a nice white shirt with my jean jacket and some sneakers. This took me about 3 minutes and I was down in the living room like Y/N instructed me to be. Not even 20 seconds later Y/N comes down and decides that chivalry isn't dead and makes me roll my eyes at her because she's literally such a child. What took me by surprise was when she reached her hand out for me to take, I hesitated a moment before giving in and as soon as our hands touched a immediately relaxed. I felt safe with her and her hands fit right into mine. Y/N dragged me to her car and opened the door for me, I'm guessing she's the romantic gesture type and I started to wonder if she had done this before with anyone else. "Do you do that for all the women that get in your car?" Trying not to sound jealous or insecure but only out of curiosity. "Only for you Natalia." She responded while driving away and turning the radio on. That phrase had become our thing now apparently and it honestly did a number on me. She was probably the only person who could call me Natalia and I wouldn't want to punch her in the face for it. We drove for about 20 minutes and it was a comfortable silence with an occasional humming coming from Y/N she had only done it for certain songs that played. "So are you going to tell me exactly what we're doing today or are you going to continue to be secretive." I questioned breaking the silence while turning to look at her. "Well I was trying to surprise you but I can tell that you don't really like those... so I decided to take you for the day and take you bowling and hopefully go play putt putt golf. Only if that's ok with you?" She asked in the most respectful way possible. You could tell she didn't want to push or over step. Honestly you hadn't really been on an actual date and if this wasn't a date it still felt nice to spend time with someone. "It seems like this is a date Y/N..." You questioned raising an eyebrow at her. Looking at her still you saw her tense up a little and you knew you might've just fucked everything up. Finally she spoke again, "It can be a date or it can be two people getting to know eachother while having a good time. Whatever you want it to be that's what it'll be." She said finally pulling up to the bowling alley. "How about this I'll make you a deal." I wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into and also she knew what she was getting into. "Go for it." She shot back while finding a parking spot. "Tonight we are just 2 friends getting to know eachother and IF tonight goes well then maybe next time it'll be a date." Hopefully this helped my chances of not making a huge mistake and pushing her away. "You got yourself a deal Ms. Romanoff." Winking at me then coming around the car to open my door for me. "Omg you know I hate when you're formal like that." I said taking her had as I got out the car. "Yes I do but what better to tease you with." She flashed her smile at me then we started to walk inside to get this party started.

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