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"Natalia come on! We're going to be late!" I shouted through the bathroom door. "I'm coming!" She shouted back. She literally gets ready before me and still doesn't finish till after I'm ready. I threw on a button up with a blazer to match it because we were supposed to look nice for dinner just not too nice. I was extremely nervous for tonight that I was panicking internally. I already put the ring in my jacket pocket on the left side since Nat was always on my right side. I took one last look in the mirror to make sure I looked okay and I noticed my hair was getting longer again. I just sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Are you done looking at yourself?" Nat snorted grabbing her purse. "Are you done in general?" I said with a smirk. She just rolled her eyes before walking towards me. "Yes I'm done." She wrapped her arms around my neck. I returned the gesture and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Are you going to take a jacket mi amor?" I questioned taking in her breath taking features. She had put her hair up in a bun that also had braid in it. Her hair had gotten long as well and she talked about dying it blonde but I told her she would have to keep it long if she did that. "Thanks for reminding me!" She exclaimed while moving away to grab her jacket. I couldn't help but laugh at how she was going to forget probably the most important thing. "Come on let's go." Opening the door for her. We walked hand and hand to the car and of course I opened her door for her. I never let her get in the car by herself or even leave the car by herself. At times I know she didn't really like all the attention I gave her about just getting in the car but I know she appreciated it. "The whole team is going to be there." I stated while driving off. "Yeah don't I get to meet Shuri?" She asked. "Yes! You're going to love her. She's just as sarcastic as you." I joked which got me a slap to the arm. "I am not sarcastic." She huffed out. "And I'm not gay." Sending her a cheeky grin. She just rolled her eyes at me but not before laughing. "Carols going to be there." I grumbled. Carol wasn't terrible it was just she liked to eye Natalia like a piece of meat and it bothered me. "Too bad I'm dating you." Natasha reassured me. "Yeah who would've thought?" Grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on top of it. "Did anyone find Bruce?" I blurted out. Nat and Bruce were good friends and I honestly missed him quite a bit. "No." She sighed. "Have you talked to Thor? I know you miss him a lot too." She questioned rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand. "I haven't. I might have to ask Shuri if her technology can go off world. Or Carol if she can look for him." Scoffing to myself. "It doesn't hurt to ask." Nat suggested. "Yes I know. Carol just needs to keep her eyes to herself." I mumbled hoping she wouldn't hear me. "You're so possessive it's cute." Making a pouting face. "Shut up." I groaned playfully. We didn't really talk the rest of the drive we just enjoyed each other's company but I would steal a glance at her every now and then. I didn't think she noticed but knowing her she knew I was looking at her but just didn't say anything. As we walked up to Tony's door I had started to get anxious and Natalia noticed immediately. "Are you alright?" Giving my hand a light squeeze. "I'm good Natalia." I reassured her giving her a genuine smile. We walked in and everyone was there. The first people to greet me was Lila and Cooper. "Munchkins!" I shouted kneeling down slightly so they could get better access to a hug. "Hi Y/n." They both said in unison. "How come she's always first?" Nat argued. "Auntie Nat you literally knew us first." Lila rolled her eyes at Natalia. I couldn't help but laugh at how sassy she was was now. "Now where are your parents?" I asked taking Natasha's hand in mines again. "They're in the living room with all the other adults." Cooper deadpanned. "Thanks Cooper trooper. Now go break some of Tony's things." I winked at them before walking away. "Don't tell them that." Natasha whispered to me. "I doubt they'll do anything." I whispered back before entering the living room. "The party has arrived!" I announced which made everyone's head turn. "Hey kid!" Tony was the first to greet me. "Hi sweetheart." Pepper was next. Clint and Laura came up together and hugged me and then Shuri and T'Challa. "Wait I want you both to meet someone." Grabbing Natasha away from Wanda and dragging her back to them. "This is Natasha Romanoff. My girlfriend I was telling you about." I said nervously. "King T'Challa its nice to see you again. And it's a pleasure to meet you Shuri. I've heard a lot about you." Nat greeted the young girl. "This is the girl you were crying about!?" Shuri blurted out. T'Challa beat me too it but he slapped her arm. This fucking dumbass. I couldn't help the blush that crept on my face from embarrassment. "It's nice to meet you Natasha." Shuri said while shaking Nat's hand. I'm definitely going to kill her later. I decided I needed a drink so after that interaction I went to find Tony. "Where do you keep the alcohol?" I asked while him and Pepper were making plates for everyone. "In the cellar down stairs. Mind grabbing a couple bottles of wine as well?" He asked. "Yeah of course." I nodded to him. "Y/n wait!" Peter called out. "Hey Pete." I greeted the kid. It was his first thanksgiving with us as an official Avenger. "Where are you going?" He asked slightly out of breath. Probably from messing around with Lila and Cooper, or playing with Nathaniel. "To get drinks. Wanna come with?" I gestured. "Sure." He responded. We walked in silence as we made our way to the cellar. I noticed Tony had good taste which was odd because he didn't have good taste in anything. I grabbed about 4 bottles of wine and handed them to Peter so I could grab the Liquor. "Do you think Mr. Stark will let me have some?" Peter asked hesitantly as we walked back to everyone. "Not a chance. But I'll give you a sip if you keep your mouth shut." I winked at him. He just nodded aggressively and I couldn't help but laugh at him. We walked back to everyone and they were just getting ready to eat so I took my seat next to Nat with Wanda on my left. "Are you nervous?" Wanda whispered to me. "I wasn't at the moment but now I am." I whispered back. "Sorry." She mumbled. "Hey what took you so long?" Nat chimed in. "Peter wanted to look at every fucking bottle." I snarked. Clint kicked me under the table and it hurt a lot more than I was expecting. "Watch your mouth." He snapped at me. "My apologies Mr. Barton." I sending him a fake smile. He silently flipped me off but Laura caught him which made me laugh. "Alright everyone settle down!" Tony clicked his drink at the head of the table. Everyone got quiet and let the man speak since he was our host. "I would just like to start off with a toast. I'm very thankful for all of you here and that I get to call most of you my family. And with that said let's eat!" He concluded. This is why he never gave speeches, he wasn't very good at them. Dinner was great and now we were all in the living room talking and playing games. It was getting late and I was getting more anxious. Tony knew and he was trying to reassure me the whole night but nothing was really working. "I need air. Want to take a walk with me?" I turned to Natasha who was sitting next to me. "Sure." She nodded. We both got up and Sam noticed we were leaving. "Where are you two going?" Catching everyone's attention. "Just for a walk. Promise you we'll be back." Knowing exactly what he'd probably be implying. "Don't go too far we still have dessert." Pepper stated. "We'll literally be right back." Nat scoffed playfully. She grabbed her jacket and started to walk out I took a quick glance behind me to see Wanda, Steve, Bucky and Tony all giving me a thumbs up. I got this, I told myself. I grabbed my jacket and started walking with Natalia.

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