Time to go

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                                 YOUR POV
"I did it!" Shuri shouted startling you because you were sleeping in the lab. "Did what?" I mumbled still half asleep. "Well I finished your suit and it's 100% ready to go." She informed me. Honestly I would've been happy if I was fully awake but I hadn't slept all week because of anxiety. "Yay!" I said unenthusiastic. "Y/n wake up!" Shuri shouted right in my ear making me fall out of the comfy chair. "You're such a bitch." I groaned while standing up. "Shut up and put it on already." She scoffed at me. I put on the Kimoyo beads on each wrist and lightly tap them together and my suit disperses around my whole body. "It works!" I exclaimed excitedly. "That's what I've been saying!" She shot back. "Well I was half asleep dumbass." I rolled my eyes at her.
How the suit looks:

"Definitely going brag about this

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"Definitely going brag about this." I stated admiring the whole thing. "So you are leaving?" She questioned. I turned to face her before speaking, "I think it's time to stop leaving people." I chuckled nervously. "Doesn't mean I won't come back to visit. Besides I'm pretty sure the world will get to see this soon." I stated with a smirk. "Well as soon to be king you are correct." T chimed in while walking towards us. "Come back soon." He sighed while pulling me into a hug. "I haven't even left yet!" I shouted while throwing my hands up. "Well I want you out of my hair because with you here I won't have any left." Shuri deadpanned. "Says the one who is constantly asking for my presence." I rolled my eyes at her. "Just take the suit off and go pack. You have a flight to catch in about 3 hours." T said. "3 hours!? You guys are just trying to get rid of me." I pouted while crossing my arms. "Now why would anyone want to get rid of you?" Shuri said sarcastically. "Oh fuck off I'm going." I said before retracting the suit. It took be about 20 minutes to pack everything including my handy dandy Trident in my bag. I honestly didn't bring much but I decided to throw on my favorite pair of glasses. (Obviously the ones Maria gave me.)  I changed into something more comfortable like a sweatshirt and jeans and whatever sneakers I thought would match. "Why exactly did I have 3 hours when I could've been gone in 30 minutes?" I questioned T'Challa as I followed him around the castle. "So that you can say bye to everyone doofus." He shot back. "Can we start with Okoye?" I pleaded. "Of course. She honestly is your biggest fan." He nudged me playfully. "I doubt that. She's a total badass and I'm immature for my age." I said nonchalantly. "Well why don't you ask her?" He smirked while opening one of the room doors. "Hey Y/n!" Nakia shouted. Both her and Okoye seemed to be waiting for me. "Hey guys." I waved to them. "Y/n has something to ask you Okoye." T blurted out. I sent him the dirtiest glare before turning back to them. "T'Challa thinks your my biggest fan which is obviously not true because you're a total badass." I stated while hitting the back of his head. Okoye seemed surprised to hear me say that about her that it took her a minute to respond. "I just think your fighting style is unique that's all." She responded. "Oh. Thanks!" I said with a smile. "I'm going to miss you both." I sighed. "You're leaving?" Nakia questioned anxiously. "Yeah I got home sick. And besides I got what I needed anyways." I replied. "When do you leave?" Okoye pressured. "In about 2 hours maybe." I stated looking at my non existent watch that I was wearing. "You're such an idiot sometimes." Nakia scoffed playfully. "Well who else would would fix me." Flashing a fake smile. She just rolled her eyes at me before saying our goodbyes. Next was obviously the Queen. "Ahh your Majesty." I bowed playfully in front of her. "What is it now Y/n?" She sighed deeply. "I was just coming to say my goodbyes, that's all." I put my hands up in surrender. "Yet you continue to flatter me even though I am married." She shot back. "In my defense, I've never been married. Close to it but never done it." I replied. "Just promise to look after your self? We can't have one of the greatest champions dying on us." She pleaded. "Of course Ma'am. I will come back and visit." I reassured. "Oh please not any time soon." She groaned. "Hey! Your children like me a lot." I defended myself. "Oh I know they do. But they also don't need another sibling." She rolled her eyes playfully. "Good point. I will be leaving now." I gestured towards the door and walked away with T right behind me. "Let's go find your sister." I mumbled just enough for him to hear me. He was laughing behind me but I decided to let it slide for this one time.

"Shuri! Come here." T'Challa called out from the other side of the lab. "Do you have to be so loud?" I questioned. "No but I figured she wouldn't be able to hear me." He shrugged. I just rolled my eyes at how dumb that sounded. "What is it brother?" She groaned out of frustration. "Are you going to tell your favorite person of all time goodbye?" I opened my arms for a hug. "Definitely not." She shot back. "Well then miss sassy pants can you direct me in the direction of a hair stylist? I got the sudden urge to cut and dye my hair." I said nonchalantly. "Wait really??" She shot up in excitement. "Yeah I just realized I'm in need of a change." I shrugged. "How much time do we have?" She asked. "Still have a little over 2 hours." T'Challa chimed in. "Just enough time to get this done. Cmon let's go!" She stated grabbing my hand. "I'll see you later at the Jet T!" I shouted before getting pulled away. "So what exactly are you looking for?" She questioned as we came to this salon. "How about a buzz cut and going blonde?" I suggested. "Wait omg that would look so good on you!" She exclaimed. "I know right!" I replied. *Two long hours later* "You look fantastic." Shuri complimented while turning me to face the mirror. "Thanks! You guys sure know how to do hair." I laughed to myself. "Now I have to go or T is going to chew my ass out. Let's go!" I urged. It took us about 20 minutes to get to the Jet. "You're late! But you look good." T'Challa stated while standing next to the Jet. "Well your sister likes to take forever. Anyways thanks T." I smiled at him. "Everything is already on there so you should be on your way." He reassured me. "I'm going to miss this." I sighed taking everything in all over again. "I know you are. But you always can come back. Just wait a while." He mumbled that last part. "I have advanced hearing shithead." I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh I know. Just get on the Jet already." He pushed me playfully. "I'm going geez, so pushy. Goodbye future king." I saluted to him. "Goodbye ancient one." He saluted back. I went to the pilots seat and put in coordinates for New York. "Hey FRIDAY?" I spoke to the Quinjet. "Yes Ms. Stevens?" The AI answered back. "Can you call Mr. Stark?" I asked. "Yes one moment." It stated while I took off. Finally after about 2 minutes Happy answered. "Hello?" He said. "Hey Happy it's Y/n." I stated. "Oh my. Hey Y/n!" He stated shocked. "Can you let Tony know that I'm on my way back. Also don't tell anyone else that I'm coming." I ordered while making my way out of Wakanda. "Of course. How soon will you be here?" He questioned. "In a couple hours. Hopefully before tonight." I said. "Great! I'll let Tony know. Glad to hear from you Y/n." He stated softly. "It's good to hear from you too Happy." I responded. He hung up and I was left with the humming of the Jet. After awhile I put the Jet on autopilot and grabbed the coin that I found amusing. Before I knew it the Jet was landing in the backyard of Tony's mansion. It was already dark and the moon was shining over everything. I opened the ramp and walked down to meet a smiling Tony and pepper. "Hey kid." He stated while pulling me into a hug. "Hey Tony." I whispered softly. "It's so good to see you." He whispered back while finally letting me go. "You're such a sap Stark." I nudged him playfully. "Oh shut up." He rolled his eyes at me. "Hey pepper." I greeted her. "Hey Y/n." She replied while giving me a short hug. "I love the hair." She complimented. "Thanks. I did it before I left." I rubbed my head nervously. "How about we go inside? You can go to the compound tomorrow." Tony stated while pulling me towards the house. "That was the plan. Still nervous about being home. It's taking everything to not hop on the Jet and leave again." I confessed. "You have nothing to worry about. Rest up tonight and we'll see everyone tomorrow." He reassured me. "You're the best Tony." I sobbed while pulling him into another hug. "Oh stop it! Cmon let's get you to bed." He patted my back. He showed me to my room and I immediately showered and fell asleep.

"Do you think she'll be alright tomorrow?" Pepper questioned while laying down next to me. "I hope so. I don't blame her for leaving, Nat was her everything. She talked about her nonstop even though all of us lived together." I sighed. "She looks happy though. Like she's found peace with something." Pepper commented. "She definitely does. The hair of definitely a good look." I laughed to myself. "Honestly if Nat saw her like that she'd come running back." Pepper joked. I laughed lightly before sighing heavily. "What's wrong?" Pepper asked while looking up at me. "I just hope they both can figure things out. Y/n has lived a long time and she told me she's never asked someone to marry her before. I'm pretty sure she's completely stuck on Natasha. No way she's ever letting her go." I stated. "You're right. But love is a tricky thing. Sometimes the people you love don't love you back. But we all know Natasha doesn't open up to anyone." Pepper concurred. "Did you just agree with me?" I shot up. "I take back ever agreeing with you. It was all apart of your imagination." She joked. "No take backs. Deal. It's done. Final." I continued. "Where did the accent come from?" Pepper ignored me. "She's always had one just never uses it. It's honestly one I've never heard before." I informed her. "Just go to bed Tony. You most likely have a big day tomorrow with Y/n." She stated giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Yeah. Goodnight Pep." I said. "Goodnight." She whispered softly.

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