Barton Family Trip Pt.2

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                           NATASHAS POV
I woke up the sun shining in on my eyes and I groaned internally because I didn't want to get up. If I could I would sleep all day everyday but of course I probably wouldn't ever get a day like that. "Good Morning Y/N." I stated while trying to make sure we didn't start the day off bad. When I didn't get a response I got up and checked to see that her bed was empty. Maybe she wanted to make everyone breakfast? I doubt that but you never know Y/N was unpredictable and could be nice at times. It was 7:30am and I decided to shower before anyone else decided to wake up on this Tuesday morning in July. When I got out the shower I decided to check on the kids to see if they were awake and of course they were still sleeping. Making my way downstairs I found that no one was there and the front door was open. My assassin instincts kicked in and I pulled my gun from my shoe and scanned the whole down stairs to find nothing but Y/N sitting out side just staring out into who knows what. "Y/N what are you doing? You left the front door open." I stated while coming up behind her. I got no response from her which was odd because she talked a lot so I decided to sit down next to her to see her crying but I don't think it was intentional. "Y/N! Hey look at me what's wrong?" I stated in a panicky voice while wiping her tears away. At first she didn't move an inch but after a moment she turned to look at me and I saw how red her eyes were. She must've been crying for hours for them to look as bloodshot as they were. "Natalia... can you please get Clint for me...?" She stated with no emotion in her voice which always made me feel uneasy when she did this. Reluctantly I nodded and made my way to Clint's room. "Hey Clint are you up?" I shouted while trying not to panic. "Yeah Nat what's up?" He questioned while opening his door to show he was already dressed. "It's Y/N... she says she wants to see you. I have no clue what what's going on." I informed him while trying to keep myself together. This seemed to make him panic because he gave Laura a look before sprinting down to where Y/N was and I followed him. Y/N still hadn't moved from her spot which was still concerning. "Y/N what's wrong?" Clint asked while squatting down in-front of Y/N. "Can we go for a walk?" She asked to where Clint nodded his head and gave me a look before walking off with Y/N. Once they were a good distance away I walked back into the house and closed the door. Honestly Y/N scared me sometimes because she could flip a switch so quickly and go from this big hearted caring person to a no emotion robot. "Where'd they go?" Laura asked as she came downstairs to make breakfast I'm assuming. "They went for a walk but I don't know when they'll be back." I stated while helping to set the table so it'd be one less thing for her to do. "Well what happened?" She questioned while pulling the eggs out. "I have no idea. Y/N wasn't there when I woke up and when I came down here the door was wide open and she was sitting out on the porch just staring into nothing. When I got closer she was crying but it was like she couldn't stop the tears..." I told her while trying not to sound too worried. "Oh my. Hopefully they'll be back soon and it was something she can get over. Let's just give her space when she gets back though." Laura suggested while sending me a smile and I nodded my head in agreement. Besides I'm sure Y/N has been through worse so it'll probably be fine.

Clint and I had been walking for about 10 minutes now and we were a good distance from the house and he didn't speak and neither did I. "Clint..." I mumbled just enough for him to hear me. "Yes Y/N?" He questioned while trying to sound sincere. "I had a nightmare..." I stated while wiping my eyes again for the 200th time. "I killed you and Laura and the kids and Nat. It scared me because I love you guys so much and I would never hurt you. But I don't trust myself right now." I informed him as we continued to walk. "Y/N look at me." He stated which took me a moment but I finally did. "It was just a dream. You have never hurt any of us and you never will. You can let this go." He said sympathetically while pulling me into a hug that I relaxed into. "I need you to promise me something." I stated while still hugging him. "Well what is it?" He questioned still not letting me go. "I need you to promise before I tell you because then you can't break it." I ordered while using my monotone voice again which caused him to understand. "Fine. I promise." He stated while letting me go to look at me. "White oak is what can kill me. I have the last of it. If I ever turn my emotions completely off I need you to kill me with it. I'll give it to you when we go back." I stated while looking down at my hands trying not to cry anymore. "Y/n you know I can't promise that... I can't kill you." He stated while backing away and trying to not cry himself. "I can't give it to anyone else. It shouldn't be you but it is, I just need you to promise me you will not save me if the time comes." At this point both of you are crying and we're just standing in silence. "I promise... let's just hope it never has to come down to that." He laughed which made you laugh because this was so awkward that it was funny. "Thank you Clint. For everything... I am so great full to have you." I said while pulling him into another hug. "Yeah because I'm the greatest." He said with sarcasm which made you both laugh. "Can we keep this between us? If anyone asks it was just a dumb nightmare." I said while turning to walk back to the house. "Of course. If you want space for today I'll let the kids know you don't feel too good." He suggested while walking next to you. "No it's ok. They bring me joy so I'll just shower and keep occupied." Patting him on the back to where he nodded and you both made your way back to the house. When you and Clint both walked in everyone was in the living room and just stared at you and you didn't want to explain anything so you gave a smile and ran up to the room to shower. After your shower you walked out into the room to grab your clothes and Nat walked into the room and you were half naked. "Jesus Nat!" I shouted while trying to put my clothes on. "OMG sorry!" She laughed while closing her eyes. Quickly you put pants on and a shirt, "You can open your eyes now even though you were already peaking." I joked causing her to blush slightly. "Sorry... I was just grabbing a bathing suit because we're going to the lake." She stated while trying not to stare at me which made me internally want to rip my eyes out so I wouldn't notice. "Oh ok. Well let me go eat so you can do that. Bye Nat." I stated while rushing out of the room because it was awkward. When I walked into the kitchen I grabbed a blood bag because the kids weren't around and I quickly drank it the saw Laura had left a plate for me. It had eggs bacon and pancakes, this woman was like a mom to me and I admired her greatly. "Y/N COME ON!" Clint shouted as you were making your way down stairs so we could go to the lake. "Oh shut up old man." I joked while punching him in the arm. "Let's just go already." Nat said while trying not to laugh. When you got to the lake Lila, Coop, and you all ran and jumped in. "Can we get on your back Y/n??" Cooper asked while grabbing his sister. "Yeah come on." I said while grabbing them both and putting them on my back while we swam around. "Y/N bring the kids so we can have lunch." Laura stated to which you sawn back to shore and set them both down and all of you were soaked but it felt good because it was 80 degrees outside. You caught Nat staring at you because your abs were out and you could literally see how toned you were from your legs to your arms. You even caught Laura looking which made you laugh to yourself. "Nat come swim with me." You stated while backing up to walk back to the lake. "Fine." She mumbled while getting up to catch up with you. As soon as you both got in you went under and decided to scare her. You could hear her calling your name because it had been 2 minutes since you came up for air so you decided to go up behind her. "Y/N Stevens you are such a fuc-" but before she could finish you picked her up and threw her back into the water which caused you to die of laughter. "I hate you..." Nat stated while swimming back to shore. Clint and Laura couldn't help but laugh which made it 10 times funnier. All of you spent the whole day at the lake it was starting to get dark when you made it back to the house. "You can shower first Nat." I stated trying to be generous as we made it back to our room. "Or we could shower together." She shot back which caused you to look at her with shock and she seemed to be shocked at what she just said as well. "You know what I'll just go." Nat said scurrying off into bathroom cursing to herself which made you laugh but still stunned by her boldness. I decided to go grab a blood bag and drink in the room because you barely ate today. When I got back to the room Nat still wasn't out so I decided to lay on her bed and just stare of into space. I must've been so deep in thought that I didn't hear Nat get out until I got a pillow to the head. "The fuck." I stated while sitting up. "I've been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes. You can shower now." She chuckled while still drying her hair. You weren't in the mood for a hot shower so you hopped in and washed up in cold water and sat there for a while. About 45 minutes later you got out and got dressed and went to go lay down surprisingly Nat was still awake. "I thought you fell asleep in the shower." She joked to which you ignored. "Is everything alright Y/N?" She questioned not letting up. "Yeah Goodnight Natalia." I stated while getting in bed on the other side of her because the floor wasn't what you wanted at the moment. "If the ground was a problem you should've said so." She stated and you didn't respond again so she sighed and rolled over. "Goodnight Y/N." You heard her mumble before you closed your eyes.

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