Bachelorette party

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                                YOUR POV
I'm getting married to the love of my life in three days. Right now I'm going over my vows again to make sure I say exactly what I want to say. Everyone is waiting on me to come down to celebrate but I honestly don't want to find strippers downstairs. Natasha and I haven't really had time to ourselves all week since we had rehearsals for the reception. Honestly it's taking everything in me to not go and see her right now and crash her party with the girls. We decided to have our party's three days before in case anyone got hung over they would have a day to recover. I decided to take a moment and collect myself before making my way downstairs in the suite I was in to find all the guys there just talking amongst themselves. "Y/n! Finally!" Bucky shouted. I couldn't help but laugh at how impatient he was. It was Steve, Clint and Bucky who were my groomsman. I thought they were the best choices to be right next to me on my wedding day. T'Challa, Sam, Tony and Pietro were here to celebrate with us. Sadly no one has been able to find Bruce and Carol still hasn't come back from looking for Thor. I couldn't help but frown a little thinking about how two of my closets friends weren't here to see my wedding. As fast as my frown came it disappeared even faster. "I wasn't upstairs that long." I rolled my eyes at the 101 year old. "Y/n it's fine, are you ready to go?" Tony chimed in. I nodded at him and he just smiled and gestured for me to walk ahead of them. "Let's go party!" Pietro shouted. It caused everyone to laugh at he was literally a party animal. "If there are strippers I'm going to have Nat kill you all." I warned as we made it down to a party van. "I wouldn't be here if there were going to be strippers." T'Challa stated. He had a good point and Steve also wouldn't be here because he is too old fashioned for that. "So where exactly are we going?" I asked curiously while sitting in the middle of the bus as everyone else filled in. "It's a surprise Y/n. None of us are going to tell you." Sam scoffed playfully. I wasn't big on surprises but I thought it was fine to let them do something for me for once. It was about a 30 minute drive and we all just laughed and sang whatever songs that came on inside the bus. It was funny to watch Steve and Bucky sing Britney Spears. Tony and I sung Queen together since we both loved them and it felt like he'd always be by my side for forever. When the bus stopped I realized we were in a bowling alley. "Now way we're going bowling!?" I shouted enthusiastically. "And putt putt golf along with an arcade." Clint informed me. I couldn't help but look at them in glee. "You're asses are going to get kicked." I smirked at all of them. "It's your bachelor party so I'll let you win." Bucky stated giving me a cheeky grin. "That's going to be your excuse when you lose badly old ass." I snorted. Sam and Clint Ooo'd at my comment and of course they were going to antagonize this but that's what I wanted. "How about we settle this by actually playing?" Steve suggested probably trying to calm down the situation before it escalated. Bucky and I just had a stare down before he finally broke eye contact and walked away. He's so going fucking down. We've played 3 games already and I'm up 2-1 in the game for being number 1. If I get a strike right now I can win it all in this 4 game series. I roll the bowling ball down the lane and it's my second strike in a row which means I beat Bucky. "Fuck yeah! Kiss my ass Barnes!" Flipping him off on both hands. Pietro, Sam and Clint were all cheering me on while Steve and T'Challa were trying to hold Bucky back which made it 100 times funnier. "I'm sorry for beating you Buckeroo." I came up behind him after he cooled down. "It's ok Y/n." He smiled at me. We both ordered another beer watching everyone else just enjoy the games we were all playing. "I'm proud of you." Bucky blurted out. "For what?" I questioned curiously. "For getting the girl of your dreams." He said softly. I couldn't help but smile at him, he was right. I got the girl of my dreams and it would be official in a couple of days. "Thanks James." I huffed out trying to hold back tears. "Of course. And don't get all sappy on me. You're Y/n Stevens after all, the biggest badass out there." He nudged me playfully. "Soon I'm going to be Y/n Romanoff. I'll be the ultimate Badass." I joked. I decided to take Natalia's name since it was the only thing she had that connected her to her family and I didn't want to take that away from her. "Definitely." He agreed with me. "Y/n come play air hockey with me!" Sam shouted to me. "I'm coming!" I shouted back. I quickly joined the rest of the guys as they watched our game go down. Of course you beat Sam's ass but you felt bad so the next game you let him win. It was definitely the worse decision ever because he ego just boosted extremely but everyone knew you let him win so they teased him about it. I saw a claw machine game and I decided to get a stuffed animal for Tasha. It took me 4 try's but I ended up getting this cute panda bear for her. "I think that's the cutest thing ever." Tony came up behind me. "Yeah. I'm giving it to Nat." I responded while admiring it. "I just wanted to let you know your house is ready." Tony stated while trying to win his own probably for Pepper. "Thanks Tony. MONDAY is fully functional now?" Knowing that the AI still had a few kinks fo work out. "Yup. And now she's all yours." He smirked at me. "Tony can I ask you something?" I asked nervously. "You can ask me anything kid." He responded genuinely. I hesitated for a moment before collecting my thoughts to ask my question. "Do you think of me as your daughter?" I said just enough for him to hear me. His heart rate quickened and I thought I overstepped and I was going to say something but he stopped me. "I do. I think of you as the first kid I've ever had a connection with. Even though you may be older than me and stronger than me I feel a need to watch over you and protect you at all costs." He confessed. I couldn't help but let my emotions over take me as I was overwhelmed and I started crying. "Don't cry Y/n." He wiped my tears from my eyes. "I promise it's because I'm happy." I laugh lightly. "I haven't had a dad in years. I barely got to experience what having parents was like. I hate how they can't be with me today or my siblings but I couldn't ask for a better family. Pepper is like a mother to me and you're like a dad to me. I just want you to know I'm so grateful to have met you Tony." I said from the bottom of my heart. "I love you Y/n." Tony said pulling me into a hug. "I love you too dad..." I hugged him back even tighter and I could feel his tears as well but I just let us savor this moment. Sadly our moment was cut short when my phone pinged. It was a text from Wanda, "It's almost time hurry up :)." I couldn't help but smile at my phone. "Is it time to wrap this up?" Tony asked with a smirk. "Yes. My fiancé is waiting for me even though she doesn't know." Giving the man a grin. "Well then let's go."

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